Physical Therapy Exercises For Plantar Fasciitis


Plantar fasciitis refers to the condition that is responsible for causing heel pain. It can affect people of all abilities and ages. However, it is more common among people who spend most of their time on their feet and in runners. As per research, both stretching and strengthening exercise programs can improve your walking and reduce heel pain.

With Austin physical therapy, you can get relief from heel pain from plantar fasciitis.

Physical therapy exercises for plantar fasciitis

1. Seated foot stretch

With the help of physical therapy exercises like seated foot stretch, you can relieve the tightness of your muscles in the plantar fascia with a seated foot stretch. You can do this exercise by sitting on a chair and crossing the injured heel on the opposite leg. In addition, you can pull your toes towards the shin to create tension in the arch of your foot.

Then place your hand on your feet’s bottom to feel the tension from your plantar fasciitis. Hold it for ten seconds and repeat it two to three times.

2. Towel curls

You can curl a washcloth or hand towel with your toes so as to stretch your calf muscles and your foot. People will find it useful to practice these stretches before completing other tasks in the morning and walking. For this exercise, you have to sit on the chair with both of your feet flat and place a small towel in front of your feet.

You have to grasp the towel’s center with your toes. Then you have to curl the towel towards your heels. After that, you have to repeat and relax and do this exercise at least five times.

3. Rolling stretch

You have to place a round object under your foot and roll it forward and back to loosen your foot muscles. People can make use of a specialized rolling pin, foam roller, and golf ball for exercise. Many online retailers and sports stores sell foam foot rollers. Another option you can choose a frozen water bottle for the arch rolls. This technique can be particularly useful as the cold bottle surface can help in reducing inflammation.

In this exercise, you need to sit on a tall chair, then place a rollable object, such as a ball, beneath the feet and roll it back and forth for around two minutes.

4. Gastrocnemius Stretch

This is the best stretch for plantar fasciitis, known as the gastrocnemius stretch. It is quite simple, and you can do it anytime with the help of a wall to support yourself. In the first step, you have to stand facing any wall, place your hands on it, and stretch back your affected leg. You must plant your feet on the ground while facing the wall. Then you have to bend the unaffected leg at the knee.

You have to lean towards the wall to feel the stretch in the calf muscle of the back leg. And you have to hold this pose for thirty seconds and relax and repeat it six times.

Plantar fasciitis can cause you to have heel pain. is a website that can help you get physical therapy at an affordable price. Austin physical therapy will help you to manage your heel pain in the best possible way.

Towel curls, gastrocnemius stretch, and other exercises will enable you to deal with your affected leg pain and make it better in no time. So, do not delay any longer and book an appointment with a therapist to heal your feet quickly and start walking without any pain in a few weeks.



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