Watch your words!

4 min readFeb 28, 2021


Be careful with the words you use to greet people when you see them, it can be more damaging and destructive than you think!”

It might seem unbelievable to even think that your words can damage a person, his mind, his health, or any of that for that matter. But it’s more destructive than anyone pays attention to, or should we say, very few are aware of it’s damaging aspects on a person.

The Question Arises Now That:

When we say watch your words! Why do we give that warning?

What merely words, just harmless letters coming together in a sentence, can possibly sound like to damage or hurt anyone?

How by just saying something to someone, talking to him just like we normally do with everyone, or with whom we just met, can be damaging his health, mental peace or anything that can effect him generally?

The answers to these questions will make you a humble and kind person, if you understand the value of words.

Words can dig deeper than a knife.

That is why many leaders have said that


That means WORDS have more power to win, destroy or even conquer the world.

But when we talk, let those powerful tools come out from our mouth, do we think about

How are they going to effect a person?

What impact are they going to make on someone’s life?

Will they be hurting somebody’s feelings?

Some general thoughts, one must keep in mind before talking to anybody, regardless of who they are.

If we talk about, the effects of words on a person’s life, it is hard to understand. But if I say, remember anything, someone important or special had ever :

told you,

advised you,

or anything you remembered on your own, that has helped you or comforted you in any way, on any hectic day which was hard to get by.

Would you be able to remember those words? Undoubtedly YES!

Why? Because when someone important or special utter words which are for us or either referring to us, we never forget such words and they get embedded deep in our mind, for as long as we shall live.

Same goes for the harsh/mean/cruel words, which are said by someone important specifically or anyone at all, generally.

If they are said by someone SPECIAL they hurt even more than any words can ever define.

But even if they are said by someone we just regularly know or don’t know at all, can be just as damaging as a double-edged-knife.

So if you are thinking what possibly could be the effect of merely said words to someone?

Get ready, because you are about to get an idea.

The words we are talking about are those which seems normal but actually AREN’T!

What are those words?

Here are some of them:

About Physical Appearances :

God! You look fat.

Goshhhhh! What happened to you? Why have you gotten soooo thin??

What happened to your face? How did you got all those pimples?

Ewwwww! Where did you get that? What are you wearing?

Are you sick again? Do you ever feel alright?

About General Demoralizations :

You won’t be good enough if you didn’t get as good grades as your brother.

You won’t be getting any gifts this birthday, if you didn’t get straight A++

All you can do is waste my time and money, nothing else.

You’re a useless piece of crap! Who can never do anything in life.

If you want to do something? Don’t expect anything from me!

Don’t you have a brain? Can’t you see what you did? How

Job-Related Demoralizations:

You?? Naah…! You can never do that job, not even in your dreams.

Don’t even think of doing that, it’s out of your league.

You cant possibly achieve that, it’s a professional level work. And you? You’re a beginner with a zero know how of the industry with a nada years of experience.

That job? That is applicable for those who can go out there and get the job done. Not you, who can just sit there depending on others and wait to get their things done.

Don’t even think of pursuing your dreams, writing few papers won’t get you anywhere. It won’t pay the bills neither will you be able to write that much or according to their high-class requirements.

Just some different general categories for you to have a slightest idea about, what words and in what way they are put/said to someone who is already going through stuff (you might not know about) or dealing with issues which might be related to internal problems, can be hurtful, damaging or destructive for them.

Hopefully the next time you talk to a person, you will be more thoughtful by using a different (KIND) approach to greet them with! ❤




I am a passionate writer who is looking for a place to put my unsaid words into. Love sharing thoughts as anyone and everyone can relate to it.