Hi there, my dear friend!

Here you will find my reflections on what it has taken - and still takes - for me to become myself. I write about the constant work of learning, unlearning, and learning again.

It took me crossing an ocean and shedding relationships and parts of myself that I was so sure were "my essence" to be here today. Today I know I don't fit into a box of this or that - there are parts of me that are so opposite to each other that I feel like there's complete chaos inside me. And that's ok - getting to know my authentic chaos is what my life is all about.

I let the wisdom from the inside guide me, I take the time to learn how it communicates with me, and I listen to it as it expresses itself in all sorts of ways. I like to call this inner wisdom my Wild Woman. She is me at my most unconditioned state. This page is about giving her room to express herself freely. My writing honours her and nothing else.

If you're into examining your own biases, thinking with criticality, and if you've been developing your own inner vision that is independent from what others expect of you, I'm sure you'll have a good time here. If you're not, you might be a little uncomfortable at first, but I invite you to sit with your discomfort and give yourself a chance to get to know your own authentic chaos.

I hope you'll join me on this adventure!



Hello my friend, and welcome in! I write about the chaotic process of learning, unlearning, and learning again in order to become my most authentic self.