Marketing Christianity

Author J. Cafesin
4 min readMar 24, 2024

Do you believe in God?


Likely because your mother taught you to — marketing to you throughout your formative years the benefits of belief:

  • Community
  • Solace
  • Salvation

Your beliefs were marketed to you through holiday celebrations, and maybe Sunday school and prayer. Even if mom, and/or your dad, didn’t directly push their beliefs onto you, they likely sold your religion to you via example: crossing themselves when hopeful; saying (and believing) “thank god,” instead of giving the credit to the person or people who brought about whatever they were thankful for.

Religion is a PRODUCT. Always has been — a way for the few in power to control the masses. Christians, Jews, Muslims, and all major religions have become successful, thriving businesses through MARKETING.

For most, your entire belief system is based on what has been advertised, marketed, and sold to you through your family first, then media, and likely your social circle — Christians hang out with other Christ believers, Jews with Jews, Muslims…etc., associate with their own “kind.”

Christianity is by far the largest held religious construct with 2.5 BILLION believers, almost a third of the global population.

By far, Christianity produces more marketing than any other religion. Like fake news, Christianity not only sells you on believing in the ethereal but also sells…



Author J. Cafesin

Jeri Cafesin is a creative director, a Stanford marketing educator, an essayist, and novelist of taut, edgy, modern fiction.