Stop Expecting Happiness and Do This Instead

Akash Majumder
6 min readDec 16, 2019


Yesterday, I was talking to my cousin on the phone.” the conversation started off well and suddenly we jumped on money and happiness.

Imagine Akash, “how good it would feel if we are able to wear expensive clothes and watches” — he said. Just think about earning a million dollars a year, I would be happy like anything.

“Aren't you happy now” — I asked. I don’t think so, I have a good job and all but I want something else, he said in a regretful tone.

This is today’s scenario. We all want to be happy and successful in their our life, yet most of us choose the wrong way of fulfilling our crave.

  • Money
  • House
  • Cars
  • Expensive Clothes

These things might be aspired by many of us, well there is nothing wrong with that, but a big truth is ignored while pursuing what we want.

The true meaning of happiness in our society lacks and it greatly affecting our youth as when a “child grows up and realizes that happiness is not what he has learned all his life ”, but it is actually something more simple and clear then that same child can’t able to bear his emotions and expectation.

Let me explain this to you through this article

What is happiness in simple words?

happiness is nothing but allowing yourself to look within and ask, what truly makes you happy in the long term. Our inspiration in life truly comes from a few most important things, rest all are distractions.if you can find those few most important things, you will be happy irrespective of success or failure in life.

Do you get distressed easily when things go wrong? , are you expecting too much from life without putting in the sacrifice.

This can be explained with the sine wave of human emotions, as described below

Sine waves of Human emotions

the sine waves’ magnitude changes continuously instead of being detached from emotions of success or failure. People expect too much, they expect success, prosperity, money to buy things that they love but never intends to put in the work or bear the failure or even enjoy the process of the quest of life.

Without sacrifices and without learning we expect only results.

The sine wave describes that for most of us when we are successful and happy, your emotions stuck to the highest level but as soon as we faced setback our emotions start declining to its lowest.

Why is there an exponential Gap between success and failure? between happiness and distress?

A short answer would be that we only Expect Happiness without actually understanding that we can be happy anytime regardless of any outside factor.

A man who is not overwhelmed by success nor is distressed by his failure wins it all. He is away from all the illusionary happiness and will be free from the illicit acts.

What defines happiness?

Suppose I love continental food. I feel happy for a while, but a number of things can, and will, go wrong if my happiness depends upon it.

I may get fed up with it, and search in vain for something else that will give me the same pleasure. Or I may spoil my health by overeating. Or else, I may move to a place where it’s simply not available. What happened to happiness? , It was temporary and was soon replaced by discontentment.

therefore, seek permanent happiness.

Happiness should be based on values not but emotions.

Once this art is mastered, then a man can walk in the world of free from likes or dislikes. When the mind is free from constant jostling and pushing and pulling, it will be peaceful. This is the actual happiness in life.

What are the keys to finding happiness?

your true happiness comes from a few things, in other words, 80% of your happiness will be dependent on 20% of the things. It is surprising yet astonishingly correct. Therefore don’t waste time finding happiness on things, first look within, and understand what you want.

happiness life quotes

Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your weakness will give you the idea of which things to avoid or delegate to other people. Knowing your strengths will help you to focus on only those things that you are good at and can improve effectively.

following things will help you to look to your happiness more clearly

  1. Turn your hobbies into your passion
  2. try your top 10 hobbies and find what drives you
  3. choose what makes you happy
  4. Combine the passion with skill
  5. Use that skill+passion to add values in the world.

The world seems to be showered with noise and obsession for things. Some want to be famous celebrities others want to buy things to increase their status quo.

But, it is only a matter of fact and these types of happiness vanish soon. People are obsessed with getting the attention without being finding what they are good at and should preserve for the long term.

there is nothing wrong to be a celebrity and famous, but don’t just do it for the results and without knowing why you want it.

Life has a purpose hidden in distractions

How important is happiness?

have you seen someone who hates his job, but still grinds 9 A.M to 5:00 P.M hoping that his life will improve soon.

He wants to quit his job, but he cannot, he is afraid to fail. He is afraid that might get end up in some trouble if he doesn’t earn well.

What do think he reason for not quitting can be? Comment below

Fear of failure and wasting your time on something that you don’t enjoy in the long term only brings distress in your life.

you always have the will wether to be happy or not. If you don’t like the job that you are doing, quit immediately. Something that you don’t believe in the long term you should quit. Being happy is important as it gives you peace of mind and a sense of freedom.

Is happiness a choice?

just imagine, there are 2 neighbors Greg and brad. Due to some unintentional mishappening, Greg starts to dislike brad.

every morning, Brad goes out for jogging and while he jogs, he passes by Greg’s house. But whenever Greg sees him, he shut his door and starts to make faces like his tire just got punched.

he is so obsessed with Brad, that just by jogging beside his house is making him so angry.

Greg’s emotions are getting controlled by Brad. Brad is just a happy man who likes to jog every morning.

who his controlling, Greg’s happiness?

Photo by Chander R on Unsplash

Most people do this, they allow others to control their happiness. Every time you get angry at someone you allow that negative emotion to ruin your life and day.

Happiness is, of course, a choice, every time you get distressed by someone you are allowing him/her to control your happiness. Every time you are overwhelmed or distressed by success or failures, you are allowing emotions and outside events to control your happiness.

learn to let go.

Happiness, then, is the state of being independent of the need for pleasure

Do we control our own happiness?

We control our own happiness when we don’t allow any other people’s opinions to decide what we will be in our life. Happiness is when we stop expecting from others and try to give more to the world detecting emotions like anger, hatred, and jealously.

You can control your happiness by liberating your mind, learn to restrict your happiness to yourself only. Permit your mind to be open, by never letting yourself be emotion-driven you thus allowing the mind to be peaceful. Never keep expectations and do what you love and be committed.

Do your expectation leads to distressed? should we keep expectations from others?

love to hear your feedback

