Alaska’s Sinister Secrets: The Tale of James Dale Ritchie and the Haunting Legacy of Serial Killers

Chip Mahoney
4 min readMay 19, 2023


In the rugged wilderness of Alaska, a chilling chapter of true crime unfolds. Among its vast landscapes and isolated communities, the presence of serial killers has left an indelible mark on the state’s history. One such notorious figure is James Dale Ritchie, whose reign of terror sent shockwaves through Alaska’s communities. In this article, we delve into Ritchie’s sinister story, exploring his crimes and the eerie backdrop of other serial killers known to roam Alaska’s unforgiving terrain.

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We begin by delving into the chilling details of James Dale Ritchie’s crimes. From his early life to the development of his dark urges, we examine the timeline of his sinister acts, shedding light on the victims whose lives were tragically cut short by his hands. Through careful research and analysis, we uncover the patterns, methods, and haunting signature that defined Ritchie’s killing spree.

James Dale Ritchie, a native of Texas, found himself anchored down in Anchorage, Alaska, where his violent tendencies took a sinister turn. Known for his transient lifestyle, Ritchie targeted vulnerable individuals, preying on the unsuspecting residents of the city.

James Dale Ritchie’s victims included:

1. Treyveon kindell Thompson: A 20-year-old man who was shot and killed on February 15, 2016, near the Chester Creek Trail in Anchorage, Alaska. Thompson’s murder was the catalyst that led to the unraveling of Ritchie’s crimes.

2. Bryant “Brie” De Husson: A 20-year-old transgender woman who was found dead on March 2, 2016, near the Seward Highway in Anchorage. De Husson’s body showed signs of trauma, and her death was initially classified as a suspicious death.

3. Jason Netter: A 41-year-old man who was shot and killed on June 15, 2016, in the Fairview neighborhood of Anchorage. Netter’s murder was linked to Ritchie through ballistics evidence, connecting the cases of the other victims.

4. Treyveon kindell Thompson’s girlfriend (name withheld): A woman who was shot and wounded by Ritchie during the same incident that claimed Thompson’s life. She survived the attack and played a crucial role in identifying Ritchie as the perpetrator.

It’s important to note that Ritchie is believed to have been responsible for additional crimes, including robberies and assaults. However, due to the lack of definitive evidence, these cases have not been officially linked to him.

The victims’ families and the community at large were devastated by Ritchie’s violent acts, and their lives will forever be impacted by the loss and trauma caused by his crimes.

The Hunt Begins: Law Enforcement’s Pursuit of a Serial Killer

As the body count rose and fear gripped Alaska’s communities, law enforcement agencies launched an intensive investigation to bring James Dale Ritchie to justice.

To fully grasp the chilling context of James Dale Ritchie’s crimes, we must understand Alaska’s dark legacy of serial killers. From Robert Hansen, the Butcher Baker, to Israel Keyes, the methodical predator, we paint a comprehensive picture of the eerie history that intertwines with Ritchie’s own tale. The sun doesn’t go down during certain times of the year. Could something like that mess with people who already have evil tendencies?

Killed In a Shootout With Police. His Gun Matched With Crime Scenes

During the investigation into James Dale Ritchie, a shootout ensued and he was killed. Subsequently, law enforcement was able to link his gun to multiple crime scenes. By examining ballistic evidence and conducting forensic analysis, investigators were able to establish a connection between Ritchie’s firearm and the bullets or casings recovered from the scenes of his crimes.

Ballistic comparisons involve examining the unique characteristics of a firearm, such as rifling marks and firing pin impressions, and comparing them to the recovered evidence. This process helps determine whether a particular firearm was used in multiple incidents.

In the case of James Dale Ritchie, the ballistics analysis played a crucial role in linking him to the various crimes he committed. By matching his gun to the bullets or casings found at the crime scenes, investigators were able to establish his involvement and strengthen the case against him. Ultimately, justice was served from the barrel of a gun. Live by the sword, die by the sword, they say…

The story of James Dale Ritchie intertwines with the haunting legacy of other serial killers who have left their mark on Alaska. From the chilling crimes to the relentless pursuit of justice, the tales of these individuals reveal a dark underbelly of the Last Frontier. As we examine the case of Ritchie and explore the backdrop of other serial killers, we are left to ponder the resilience of Alaska’s communities in the face of such heinous acts and the eternal quest for justice.

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James Dale Ritchie, Serial Killer, Alaska, Anchorage, Crime Spree, Criminal History, Victims, Modus Operandi, Serial Murder, Investigation, Capture, True Crime, Manhunt, Cold Case, Psychopath, Criminal Profiling, FBI Involvement, Crime Scenes, Forensic Evidence, Criminal Justice System, Law Enforcement, Media Coverage, Serial Killer Profile, Community Safety, Impact on Victims’ Families, Criminal Psychology, Crime Prevention, Infamous Cases

