The Terrifying Reign of A Serial-Killing Tree Trimmer

Chip Mahoney
5 min readJun 1, 2023


In the quiet town of Oroville, nestled in the scenic landscapes of Butte County, California, a chilling series of crimes unfolded that shook the community to its core. This is the haunting story of Ryan Scott Blinston, a tree trimmer turned serial killer, whose gruesome acts forever scarred the tranquil streets of Oroville. As we delve into the details of this harrowing case, we’ll explore the dark secrets that unfolded within the unsuspecting community and shed light on the lives lost in the wake of Blinston’s violence.

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Oroville, with its idyllic charm and breathtaking natural beauty, served as the backdrop for a series of crimes that would tarnish its serene image. Situated in Butte County, California, the town is surrounded by lush forests, rolling hills, and the majestic Feather River. With its close-knit community and quiet streets, Oroville was a place where neighbors knew each other by name, and a sense of safety prevailed. However, the arrival of Ryan Blinston would shatter this tranquility.

Ryan Scott Blinston, a former tree trimmer, emerged as a sinister figure who hid his malevolence beneath a veneer of normalcy. Behind closed doors, Blinston’s true nature was revealed, as he embarked on a spree of violence, leaving devastation in his wake. His victims, unsuspecting and defenseless, became pawns in his twisted game of power and control.

Within the confines of Oroville and its surroundings, including Tehama County, Blinston’s reign of terror unfolded. Armed with hatchets and knives, he launched brutal attacks on his victims, slashing their throats with chilling precision. The streets that were once filled with laughter and warmth became tainted with fear and sorrow as the community grappled with the shocking realization that a serial killer was lurking among them.

In the wake of Blinston’s horrifying crimes, it is crucial to remember the lives lost and honor their memory. Each victim, with their unique dreams, aspirations, and loved ones, deserves to be recognized beyond the narrative of their tragic end. Their names serve as a reminder of the human toll inflicted by Blinston’s heinous acts.

1. Loreen Severs: Loreen Severs, 88, was found dead in her home in rural Tehama County, California, in May 2020.

2. Sandra George: Sandra George, 82, was also found dead in her home in the same Tehama County area in May 2020.

3. Vicky Cline: Vicky Cline, 57, was Blinston’s coworker. She was found dead at her home in Butte County, California, in June 2020.

These are the reported victims in the case involving Ryan Scott Blinston. But are there any more we don’t know about? Like another madman with a knife who was eventually caught — The Hollywood Ripper — I think Blinston has more victims to be discovered from his dark past.

In a shocking turn of events, the trail of blood and DNA led authorities straight to the door of Oroville’s notorious tree trimmer, who gained the trust of his victims before he attacked them. The search for him finally came to an end on June 14, 2020, when the Butte County SWAT team discovered his hideout — a motorhome nestled within the secluded woods of Brush Creek, California. The encounter that unfolded would forever etch a horrifying tale into the annals of true crime history.

As the SWAT team closed in on the motorhome, they were met with a bone-chilling sight. Blinston, armed with a hatchet, was relentlessly attempting to break into the home. His intent was clear: violence and destruction. But fate had other plans. Before Blinston could succeed in his sinister mission, the owner of the motorhome, a 50-year-old man, awoke to the sounds of chaos and found himself face-to-face with the embodiment of evil.

A life-or-death struggle ensued as Blinston brandished a knife, mercilessly attacking his victim. Miraculously, despite sustaining a stab wound to the throat, the man summoned the strength to fight back, warding off Blinston’s relentless assault. Desperate to survive, he managed to lock Blinston out of the motorhome, momentarily securing his safety.

But the nightmare was far from over. Blinston, driven by an insatiable bloodlust, vanished into the darkness, only to return armed with a hatchet, determined to finish what he had started. In a chilling display of persistence, he resumed his violent siege, attempting to breach the fortified walls of the motorhome. The courageous homeowner, though grievously injured, refused to succumb to the depths of terror. He held on, defying the odds stacked against him.

The aftermath of this harrowing encounter would forever leave scars — both physical and emotional. The resilient survivor emerged from the ordeal, forever marked by the indelible imprint of Blinston’s heinous acts. In a twist of fate, he was one of the fortunate ones who lived to tell the tale — a testament to the unyielding spirit of the human soul.

The shocking events that unfolded in the peaceful town of Oroville sent shockwaves through the community and beyond. The scars of this ordeal would take time to heal, as residents grappled with the unimaginable truth that evil can lurk within their midst. The story of Ryan Blinston serves as a chilling reminder that darkness can reside in the most unexpected places, leaving shattered lives and shattered illusions in its wake.

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Ryan Blinston, tree trimmer, throat slashings, convicted, Northern California, Vicky Cline, Butte County, SWAT team, motorhome, Brush Creek, manhunt, standoff, knife attack, hatchet, survivor, law enforcement, victims, community, darkness, justice, resilience, closure, tragedy, support, healing, violence, unity, safety, hope.

