Author Haroon Rashid
5 min readNov 28, 2020


Who is a Real Man?
What constitutes being a man? Who are the real men? What do they look like?
Real man or men don’t molest nor they torture women either physically or mentally, instead they stand for the good cause. We have a lot of examples of real men if we really look around.
It mostly depends on how we nurture those seeds to produce the next great men and all the males and females whom society seeks inspiration from and follows their path.
Safe Society is just like a Garden…., A roaming, out of control bull never help in making garden….”
It is the fearful ones who are molesting and doing these shameful acts, only because they don’t have enough courage to be a man. What we as a society need to do is to boycott them, criticise them and advocate for stricter lawful punishments. If our governance is weak, the society needs to come together, raise the collective voice for the betterment and safety of both the men and women. (man and females…..)
cowards are bad for everyone… bad for females of our society …bad for the image of man…”
The question I pose here: How can we help?
For a start, stop making absurd and disrespectful comments on women. Even if the topic of conversation is a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, the dignity and respect for a woman should stay intact, in the same way we respect and love our mothers and sisters, or for that matter, the dignity and respect we seek for ourselves. Even though we all enjoy a carefree, and sometimes ignorant lifestyle of the accidents happening around us, our mind wanders in worry when women of family or friend circles, or women we really love and admire, step out of their houses. We worry for their safety. It is a fact that a female has to go through such situations like molestation & all in a lot of places …. sameways our female members also go through these kind of situations but they will not let us know …. we deep inside know this … Harrasment, molestation, eve-teasing, are just some of the incidents women face every day. The saddest thing is they don’t report it to their closed ones due to various reasons, one being shame. Why? They are not at fault? Then why the hesitation? Are we teaching our women the wrong things? Where are we going wrong?
Another question here is: What should you do when your loved ones face such situations? And, stop, before you imagine such a situation and your blood boils, think about this for a female who is a stranger to you in the same situation. Now what will you do? If your answer is “nothing”, question yourself again!
There are lot of professions but the noblest are soldiers who really are giving their lives for the safety of country which is the best thing …. but their wives are not safe in this society …. most of the time when we see in news …it is like soldier’s wife is… hmmm….. is this for what a soldier is serving…. NO…
Even though, it doesn’t happen with everyone, but only the women who face it know what it feels like. Now some might say that army also rapes… there are examples of that too…..then this is also not justified . We don’t expect the protectors of our motherland to act in such a way. These people are not fit to be called soldiers.
And its not just the soldiers, its men of any profession. Is education doing enough to change the perspectives of our men look at our women?
We shouldn’t be needed to learn the value of women, it should be our innate attitude: that is what humanity is, isn’t it? How we view our women needs to change NOW. Teach your boys to behave better and not your girls. Society can grow only if every life is equally respected.
Some might not be holding a position in society right now….but one day you all will…. I dont think for giving respect to females we really need any post or position in life…. respect is from heart…. we all respect females of our family… its time to respect females of other families….
To conclude, whatever be our profession or position, respecting women is not a part of that. Respecting women is a part of being a human. When we can respect and fight for our female loved ones, then why not, for every other woman on the planet? A collective voice needs to be raised for our women.
In my humble opinion, a real man is neither in favour of patriarchy nor against feminism!
{ Dear readers …. we read a lot of things regarding safety of women, but just reading doesn’t serve the purpose. if we all will start following it through implementation process….our society will become beautiful as well as developed nation….. We need collective action for it. For a start, we need to instill this message in your youth. We need to understand the concept of ‘male-privilege’ and if we belong to an upper-class society, we need to shout out for those who are less fortunate. }
To be a real man means to be courageous, and that courage is not physical, that courage is to stand for what is right, even if goes against the majority’s beliefs. To be a man is to set the right example for the society, by respecting each and every individual equally, especially women!
-Author Haroon Rashid

Insta: @authorharoonrashid

Author Haroon Rashid

Golden Eagle Award for Literary Excellence🏆 Globally Renowned 🌐 Loved Worldwide. "We Fell Asleep In One World and Woke Up In Another" 🌍