There’s More Than One Path — A Message on Results Day

S. R. Crawford
3 min readAug 16, 2019


I wanted to share my thoughts with the people who have received their results this month from their GCSEs, A-Levels, university, BTEC and all the rest.

There’s more than one path…

No matter what your grades were when you opened up that dreaded results letter, you are still worthy. As long as you did the best you could, there’s nothing more to be done.

Never forget that everyone is different. Some people don’t test well. Some people have skills outside of academic studies. This letter and those grades, do not mean you have failed or will forever fail.

Here are some things to consider…

My story

I was a very studious young student. I’d try really hard — cue cards and practise tests, the whole shebang. Yet, I was always “average“. I got mostly Bs, some As, few Cs. Nothing exceptional, especially compared to my very intelligent friends at the time.

But the thing is, it didn’t matter.

Doing well in tests didn’t mean they were set up for a good, easy life. Being “average” did not mean I was destined for average in life after school, either.

I went to university in 2013 and dropped out after a week due to a breakdown. I went back the following year and completed a year of study before dropping out again, this time due to not feeling like it was right for me.

4.5 years later, and I’m looking to study again. This time a different course and this time with the Open University (distance learning).

Other stories

I have many friends who have similar stories to mine. A friend who decided to take a year out before studying a completely different course to the one she originally thought she would.

A friend who did, I think, a third of her time at uni before dropping out. She worked full-time for a year or so and then reapplied to university for a very different course. She has now graduated with high grades from the reputable University of Birmingham.

A friend who I worked with at Argos was unsure of himself and his future after his A-Level results were poor. He was very intelligent and I told him that his destiny was not for Argos. He has now completed two years at university after taking an alternate route to get in.

There’s more than one path

These friends of mine either have their degrees or are close to achieving them now, despite their rocky starts (which are now long forgotten). My mom got her degree after 9 years of study at the age of 52. Friends from school have their degrees and a Masters after failing in A-Levels at first, or having a child and having to suspend their studies.

But they found another way to achieving what they wanted.

Not going to Uni

And it is 100% okay to not go to university at all, for whatever reason. I do personally suggest that everyone gives it a think or a try, but it’s definitely not for everyone. It wasn’t for me in the way I thought it would be, and that’s okay.

My sister hasn’t gone to uni. Instead, she did apprenticeships and has been a qualified and happy Swim Teacher, Gym Instructor and Lifeguard. She has travelled around the world alone and gained unparalleled independence and life experience along the way.

Your path is your own. It may look weird to some people. Some may judge and criticise at times (I’ve had my fair share). But as long as you do what makes you happy, and you try your very best, there is nothing you can’t have or achieve in time, and in your own way.

Today, no matter what your results were, it is not the be-all and end-all.

There is more than one path in life.

Take it from an ex-academic and recovering perfectionist: nothing is worth losing your mental health over.

Grades do not define your worth or your future.

Good luck with everything and take a breath. You’re going to be just fine, no matter what you do.

Your story has just begun…



S. R. Crawford

Author, Blogger, and Reader. Mental Health and Lifestyle Inspiration-focused posts https://srcrawford