Facing Rejection

Tara Ahmed
2 min readMay 11, 2015


Everyone goes through it. Whether you’ve been rejected from a job, audition, or a date, we all know the feeling.

It’s like opening a can of milk, and forgetting to read the expiration date. We expect to drink a good, refreshing glass, but when the sour taste pours down our tongues, poisoning our insides…all we can do is frown, and go through the process all over again.

But not everyone can go through the process over again. Some quit, some swear revenge, and others move to a remote farm, becoming a recluse.

Okay that last one is just silly.

However, through all these rejection, there is one particular group of people that keep going. This group has been rejected so many times, they’ve become immune to the pain. In fact, this group strongly feels that they will continue to get rejected, and one day, maybe in a million years, they’ll get that golden ticket! And believe me, they will wait.

They are the writers.

As a writer myself, I’ve been rejected so many times I’ve lost count. There has been times I was supremely close to snagging that awesome agent who had requested my full novel…but ultimately…it was a “no”.

So what did I do?

I felt my heart break, but before it could crumble to pieces, I picked myself up and moved on. So what if that agent said no? It just wasn’t his/her cup of tea…but to keep going, that’s what’s important. Only the greatest of writers have gone through multiple rejections, and if they could continue writing and succeeding, then so can we.

Originally published at taraahmed.me on November 1, 2014.



Tara Ahmed

Author. New Yorker. Married. Lover of Life. My latest release is called The Marriage Contract.