From one writer to another, I introduce you to CateredContent. Rewarding your talent

4 min readMay 22, 2019



If you are a person with writing facilities and you want to win prizes along the way, keep reading this article.


Historically writing has been a fundamental column for communication between people, and a bulwark in the development of modern civilizations. With the incorporation of personal computers passing through typewriters, and the invention of the printing press. Writing has given humanity the possibility to massify their thinking in written expressions that can reach the ends of the earth regardless of race, belief or social position.

The ideas written when leaving the thought of its author, there is no way to determine how many people will be able to read said writing, in what place they will be and at what moment they will be read.

The written word is wonderful in its essence, I am sure that if the practice of reading and writing is developed and encouraged, the world will accelerate its steps towards full development.

However, many great writers have had to keep their pen and paper, close their computers, have to go to work more than 8 hours in an office, and fulfill the dreams of other people. Then when they get home they can not open the tool that gives them free rein to their imagination and creativity because they must rest and continue in the circle of generating a salary and survive together with their loved ones.

But all is not lost, a light at the end of the tunnel, or rather, some letters at the end of the cloud come to fill us with hope and to awaken the desire to continue writing. A platform called CateredContent.

CateredContent is the great opportunity

CateredContent, although they do not describe the personnel that work in this organization, they are sure to be people who like good reading, and to exploit the potential of a wonderful writing.

The friends of CateredContent are a platform on the web that encourages writers from around the world to participate in their “events”.

The events


The events are open writing contests on a certain topic, after giving some basic guidelines, the writer gives free rein to their creativity. To then publish his masterpiece in the best-known social networks.

After sharing your publication in social networks, register or notify in “the event” of CateredContent the link of your publication and just wait.



When finalizing a qualifying jury judges the different publications of all the authors and awards according to its criterion. This award is made in known cryptocurrencies easy to exchange in the market.

The incentive is not only economic but also educational and social, because the author will not only receive the cryptocurrency, but the learning generated by participating and putting his writing into practice, as well as sharing his work with other great writers from around the world.


To participate in the CateredContent community it is very easy and intuitive, you just have to register here, and then edit your profile here. And you can immediately participate in the active events of the platform, or take a look at past events.

As I mention now thanks to CateredContent writers have the possibility to develop their creativity and win prizes in cryptocurrencies that somehow compensate the effort and talent reflected in their works.

You’re invited

If you want more information you can check the following links.
CateredContent Web
CateredContent Instructions
CateredContent Event

And specifically you can review the publications made by my other colleagues writers who also made excellent articles talking about this wonderful platform. Click Here

So do not wait any longer, sign up, and allow us to read your wonderful works at upcoming events.

