What does an Autistic person look like?

More Relatable Autistic Content
3 min readFeb 18, 2022


By: Rachel Bushman

This is a common thing expressed once people find out someone is Autistic. “You don’t look Autistic.” There seems to be a lot of confusion on this matter. The physical differences in me, you cannot see by looking at me. I am Autistic. You cannot see all the blood vessels or segments in my brain that are different than a Neurotypical brain. Autistic people do not have defining facial features like a person with vascular EDS or Down Syndrome.

So, what DO Autistic people look like? They look like anyone and could be anywhere! I did not create inspiration pron piece. I promise! I am highlighting how common Autistic people appear, by utilizing images that were easy to obtain of high profile individuals. And even not so high profile individuals! I even include me!

We are you neighbors, Aunts, cousins, coworker, friend, or teacher. We are your hair dresser, doctor, lawyer, janitor, and mechanic. We come from every walk of life. You will likely have nicknames for us related to how quirky or intelligent or obstinate we are. We might not tell you we are Autistic, because there are still so many misconceptions about us.

I hope, one day, these misconceptions can die out and there will be no more stigmas around being Autistic or otherwise Neurodivergent!

TOP ROW: Me, Daryl Hannah, Armani Williams

SCEOND ROW: Hannah Gadsby, Dr. Vernon Smith, Nikola Tesla

THIRD ROW: Breanna Clark, Dan Aykroyd, Clay Marzo

FOURTH ROW: Tony Deblois, Satoshi Tajiri, Susan Boyle

FIFTH ROW: Josh Thomas and Wentworth Miller

SIXTH ROW: Temple Grandin and Anthony Hopkins

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More Relatable Autistic Content

Autistic / Mom of Many / Writer / Homeschooler / Know It All / Formerly Gifted Child / Chatterbox