How to increase sales on depop

Autodpop - Depop Bot
6 min readAug 15, 2020


increase sales on depop

Our guide to increasing your sales on depop

Increasing sales on depop can be hard to understand especially for new and experienced depop sellers. We are writing this post to help you sell more on you Depop Shop. You can Increase sales on depop through several of the methods outlined. Feel free to do all or just some, we always try to give sellers as much information that helps them succeed and make more sales on depop.

Engage more on Depop! Don’t be a ghost

Depop is not just a reselling app it is pretty social as well, engagement breeds engagement! By interacting with people on depop you know they will receive a notification which will draw their attention to your shop. Just think about it, if you where to follow 0 people and are followed by 0 people you are basically stuck in a world on 1 person. The only way to increase those numbers are to engage! Follow people, Like products and comment on other depop products to grow your depop business!

Targeted Engagement

If you want to increase sales on depop, understand that engagement alone on depop won’t be enough. Not all engagement is made equal on depop! You need to put some thought into targeting specific categories of people on depop for your engagment. Logically the people that make the most sense to target are

  1. People that follow you ! — whenever you have a new item or a deal it helps to message some of your depop followers to let them know about it. A message will draw their attention to your shop ! In most cases your followers should already be interested in what you’ve got to offer.
  2. People who have liked products — you can increase sales on depop by targeting people who have either liked any of your products or any other products listed on depop. The key here is to find one’s that are of similar styles or even better find people who have liked products on depop that compliment the product you are selling!
  3. People who have bought something from you previously — it’s a lot easier to get someone you already know likes your stuff to buy again than to find someone for the very first time. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people that have already bought stuff from you on depop.

These are just some ideas, you can get as creative as possible with your targeting on Depop.

Refresh Your Listings on Depop!

increase sales on depop bot refresh listings

Refreshing listings is a method implemented by Depop that allows users to bump their products to the top of depop search for what ever search term you have. We wrote about this in-depth in this article. The gist is that refreshing your listings is the golden rule of increasing sales on depop! It quite literally bumps your products to the top of search and puts it in front of prospective buyers ! As a result this is one of depop’s strongest features available for increasing your sales.

Post more products on depop

This specific piece of advice is all about increasing your odds to make more sales on depop. You have to post more products, by casting your net wide you increase the chances of people stumbling across your profile and looking further into what else you are selling. This does not mean that you should post products you don’t intend on selling. Also, it does not mean you should post products on depop that are subpar. The best way to increase your inventory on depop on the low is to go thrifting. Looking for hidden treasures in thrift shops is a quick way to get more high quality and fashionable items to sell on depop.

Customize your Bio

Many sellers often ignore a simple way to increase your sales on depop. Your depop bio should be incredibly clear and welcoming to potential buyers! Are you willing to negotiate ? Where do you ship to ? these are only some of the thoughts running through a potential buyers mind on depop ! If you want to increase your sales on depop you NEED to have a clear bio as many people only do a quick scan before deciding whether to click onto someone else or not!

Take GOOD Pictures

increase depop sales take good pictures

Your depop store may be getting RUINED by ugly pictures. An ugly picture is poorly lit, poorly framed and does not complement to clothing. What do you want your buyer to feel when they where your product ? vintage ? flowery ? Now ask yourself ! do your images convey this aesthetic ? if not you need to take better photos. Take photos in good light, with the best possible camera you can. Even the lowest end phone cameras can work if you have decent light. A picture is worth a thousand words, this is so true on depop. As we mentioned previously, most people will only quickly scan your depop shop, you have a few seconds to stand out, MAKE IT COUNT in order to make more sales on depop !

Get on Instagram !

Depop targets young people, many of which have instagram accounts. Using relevant hashtags on instagram and curating your instagram theme to match the aesthetic of your depop shop will help you increase sales on depop. An instagram account is an amazing way to drive traffic to your depop shop. Posting beautiful photos on instagram can lead to people asking more questions about where you got your clothes!

Side note: the depop social team is active on instagram as well so there is definitely a chance of you being featured

Increase sales on depop by getting/encouraging Reviews!

Reviews are super important!! This is the best form of social proof on depop, not your following but how you treated people who bought from you on depop. Customer service is really important ! you need to make sure that you are interacting with people fairly and respectfully. Ship on time and ship the right items ! Giving people good service will encourage them to leave you positive reviews on depop

Bonus Tip: Use a Depop Bot to automate some of the work! (Like Depop Bot — Autodepop)

depop bot autodepop

Depop bots like Autodepop are the secret sauce to hyper growth for many stores on depop. We wrote an entire article on depop bots but long story short almost all of the things we just mentioned can be automated with the press of a button by using a depop bot ! they automate all the repetitive actions needed to quicken all the things we mentioned previously. Depop bots automate actions like refreshing your depop items, following users, messaging likers and bulk messaging your followers.

Virtual assistants are another avenue but they are humans and are far more expensive than any depop bot would ever be monthly! A depop bot is one of the best investments to grow your depop shop and save time!

Originally published at on August 15, 2020.

