A Random List of Funny Sounding Words + Pronunciations and Meanings.

Some dumb low-brow variety, veering far from my normal subjects.

I hope your inner child enjoys these stupid words as much as I do.

Have fun.

Gubernatorial / Goober-naytor-ee-uhl — of, or relating to the governor or the governor’s duties.

Floofers / Flu-ferz — a furry animal, most commonly, dogs

Pelvic Splanchnic Ganglion / Pel-vick Shplan-ch-nic Gang-Leon — a bundle of nerves in the pelvis.

Shpilkes / Sh-pill-kiss — “Ants in the pants”, Yiddish

Genektegezoint / Genn-echt-egge-zoint — unknown, a word invented by Mike Myers as Linda Richmond on SNL. Used after Shpilkes.

Flibbertigibbet / Flib-ber-tee-gibb-it — a person who will not shut up. Talkative.

Boobyhatch / Boo Bie Haaa-ch — Insane asylum, Mental Hospital.

Schmegma / Shhh-meg-muh — Crotch Cheese.

Globule / Glob-yule — A blob of any substance. Possibly crotch cheese.

Persnickety / Purs-nik-kitty — focused too much on minor details, obsessive over trivialities.

Herple / Her-puhl — A singular Herpe. (not really…. it means to walk with a limp)

