What is NIOX Staking?

Autonio Foundation
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2020

Autonio Foundation’s reboot as a DAO, powered by NIOX, has been off to a great start. One of the most exciting aspects of this reboot is NIOX staking and governance.

NIOX Staking makes the holder a part of the NIOX DAO, allowing them to get involved integrally with the project, interact with the team and other DAO members and make decisions on the development & strategy of the project. Furthermore, active stakers are eligible for annual staking rewards.

Why should I stake my NIOX?

With the reboot of the project we stand at an early and nascent stage of this DAO. Get involved with a project and its organization at the very core at such a formative stage.

This is your chance to become a core member and part of this young organization. Lets prosper together as we grow into a formidable facilitator in the DeFi ecosystem. Secure your seat in the NIOX DAO!

How does it work?

Holders with more than 300,000 NIOX tokens log-in to our NIOX Staking Dapp and interact with the NIOX Staking Contract

Everything you need to know about NIOX Staking:

  • Minimum staking period, 6 months, as per the DAO vote.
  • Rewards only for active stakers at the time of the rewards distribution.
  • Any withdrawal resets the minimum 6 months staking period to 0.
  • Withdrawal period 21 days.
  • Staking reward calculation R= (MS*100/Tss)*15M
    Where R = Yearly Staking Reward, MS=DAO Member Staked amount, TSS= Total DAO Staked Supply.

Autonio Foundation.
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Contact: contact@autonio.foundation


