Why Would Your Car Need a Wheel Alignment?

By Victor Ivan Coll

Victor Ivan Coll (Victor Coll)
4 min readFeb 20, 2018

Updated April 24th, 2023

Drivers in northern climates understand that, with the approach of Spring, so comes the emergence of a monster: the pothole. Drivers everywhere can relate to the damage caused by these beasts — some of which seem to have hit potholes as though they could devour entire vehicles. Whether it is because of damage from driving through potholes, or some other source, your car, truck, or SUV may be in need of a wheel alignment. But what is a wheel alignment? And how do you know when you need one?

What is a wheel alignment?

A wheel alignment is the measurement and adjustment of the steering and suspension systems on a vehicle to make sure that all the wheels and tires are positioned at the correct angles to the steering wheel, to the road, and to each other. If the tires are out of alignment because of problems with the steering or suspension, vehicle performance and handling may suffer, ride comfort may decrease, premature tire wear will result, and vehicle safety may suffer.

Although a wheel alignment is sometimes referred to as a “tire alignment,” it is neither an adjustment of the wheels nor of the tires. It is different from a tire rotation or tire balancing. A wheel alignment is also not a procedure that can be done at home. A wheel alignment requires a special lift called an “alignment rack”, as well as special sensors that send measurement data to a central computer for analysis. This is done by a technician at a trusted repair shop.

How do I know if my car needs an alignment?

A wheel alignment is a diagnostic tool used to determine if any damage has happened to the steering or suspension of a vehicle. It is also a way to reset steering and suspension components to their proper positions as determined by the manufacturer. Your car might need a wheel alignment for one or more reasons. Consider these tell-tale signs:

  • The steering wheel is crooked. The steering wheel should always remain centered when you are driving straight down the road.
  • Your car pulls to the right or left while driving. If you let go of the steering wheel and the car lurches one way or the other, the road could be severely crowned — or your suspension could be out of alignment.
  • The steering wheel does not return to center after a turn. If the steering wheel does not easily return to center after a turn, an improper alignment could be at fault.
  • You feel vibrations from the tires or suspension. Vibrations can be caused by many things: worn tires, worn shocks or struts, poor alignment. In any case, an inspection is necessary to learn what is cause and what is effect.
  • The tires are worn on the inside or outside edges. When in proper alignment and with routine tire rotation, your tires should wear evenly. If they do not, you probably need new parts and/or an alignment.
  • You recently hit a pothole or had a brush with a curb. Impact to the suspension can move or damage suspension and steering components. Damaged components prevent proper alignment.
  • Your vehicle was involved in a crash. As with a pothole or curb, a collision can lead to a misaligned suspension, especially if the wheel took a direct impact or the frame was bent.
  • Steering or suspension components were recently replaced. It is usually necessary to have the suspension realigned after suspension parts are replaced, especially after damage has occurred. Sometimes an alignment will signal that damage has occurred.
  • Steering or suspension components are worn. Worn parts can cause the suspension to be out of alignment. A wheel alignment may help locate worn parts and may be required after new parts have been installed.

Note: Some of these signs can appear because of other problems besides a poor alignment. A bad brake caliper can cause the car to pull to one side. A warped brake rotor can cause vibration, as can a tire that needs a wheel balance. Still, a wheel alignment may aid in proper diagnosis.

So, whether your tire just got gobbled up by a monster pothole or you simply noticed the tread on your tires looks funny, head to [repair shop] for an inspection to determine if a wheel alignment is right for your car.

Victor Ivan Coll | Victor Coll | Author: Victor Ivan Coll | Copyright 2023

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Victor Ivan Coll (Victor Coll)

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