IAC In a Few Words

7 min readMar 14, 2018


Anastasia Hranilova

Head of Corporate University

For a company, successful growth is only possible if its employees learn constantly and upgrade their skills — I know this since I am a teacher by vocation and by trade. It is good that our leadership is of the same mind regarding this.

In my opinion, our project is original and well thought-out — this provides a healthy environment for professional growth for our employees. My job is to create educational content designed to help our users in picking the most suitable direction for themselves, gain a deep understanding of it and be able to use the platform more efficiently in order to profit.

I know a lot about the inner workings of the project and that is what makes me certain that IAC will continue to be successful. Year after year I was able to observe the growth of our userbase in Russia. People are becoming more interested in the business model we are offering. An undeniable proof that we have picked the right strategy and that our goals (no matter how ambitious) will be met is the fact that foreign partners are actively joining us.

Sergei Zaitsev

Head of the Discount System Development Department

I am a firm believer that there’s always a way to use a family’s budget more efficiently. This is why I believe that my most important task, as well as the main task of my Department is to teach users spend wisely: purchase on special offers, get cashback and invest in lucrative projects. The IAC platform is an indispensable tool for those who would like to better manage their funds.

My rich experience in sales suggests, that there are two equally important goals that need to be pursued: satisfactory prices for the customer and satisfactory profit for the businesses. These are one of the most important goals for the Development Department as we work on the IAC cashback platform.

The main difference of IAC’s discount system from others is that with IAC it is possible to create your own loyal network of referrals trough the free mobile app AutoBonus. We give free access to the app to businesses once they start working with us.

In our system, every buyer participates in the marketing of products presented on the platform. Our users value the project for the unique possibilities it grants them, they value us for our honesty and our responsibility. “Good” is not good enough for us, we aim for perfection and we are capable of achieving it.

Yuri Kolpakov

Head of the IAC Academy of Health and Beauty

A business’ success depends not only on its finances, but also on something simple on first glance — the health and well-being of its partners. By keeping our partners fit and healthy, we ensure our mutual prosperity. For this purpose, we have created our Academy of Health and Beauty. I am a psychophysiologist. I have always liked helping others. Our Academy, maintained by a team of professionals, helps our members and users stay fit, active, energetic and beautiful.

To us, entering the international market and implementing a new payment system means, that even more people will have access to our exclusive products and services and will be able to better take care of their relatives and friends while managing their family budgets.

Artyom Nikitin

SMM specialist

Representing IAC in social networks means we constantly have to communicate with people online. We give them information about our partners, our project and us. Active communication with the audience is important for any project, especially for ones like IAC that grow and develop at a quick pace.

On the internet, we talk about everything that is happening to the corporation while trying to acquaint as many people as possible with all of the possibilities that our project can provide, possibilities that can help users with their self-actualization.

My job is not to make a pitch for the company; I am here to tell you about the people behind IAC, the people who believe in our ideas and share our values.

IAC is a locomotive that is picking up speed. Even though the company is a leading Russian firm at the moment, there is much more to accomplish in the future. Our project is very different from other similar projects, which makes it so attractive to the online community. People are already talking about us — and this is only the beginning. We have big plans and we are happy that at last they are coming to fruition.

Maxim Levashov

Internet marketing expert, certified Yandex and Google specialist

I joined the International Auto Club team very early in the development of the company as its first internet marketing specialist. I had to work on a large spectrum of related tasks. My team was doing nearly everything: from developing our web pages design to internet marketing. In only a couple of years, the project grew and became one of the leading projects in the cashback and discount system market in Russia with a large web of affiliates, companies and consumers. Of course, the project’s team grew with it, including the marketing department.

Nowadays we have several awesome teams working on International Auto Club: traffic managers, SMM specialists, designers and copywriters. It is great to be a part of a big, commercially successful company, to grow and evolve together with the awesome people working in it. I am certain that the transition to blockchain and the entry into the global market will let IAC become one of the world’s leading companies in the cashback sector.

Nikita Nikitin

Vice chairman of the executive board of IAC

I have always dreamed of our company working on a global level, I wanted to take part in global projects and help them come to fruition. I have been a part of this company since its inception. First, I created and was head of IAC’s customer support service. At that time our company’s (and my own) biggest accomplishment was the successful creation of a 24/7 customer support group. In the first months, I answered customer calls myself. Later the staff grew thanks to the constant influx of new clients. Instructions, scripts, streams of new information, briefings, courses, interviews — it was a stressful yet productive time, we grew as professionals alongside our company which also grew quickly.

After 4 years at IAC, I do not doubt that I have made the right choice. I learn and evolve alongside my company and this motivates me to go on and support this awesome project. Currently I am vice chairman of the executive board and in this position, I am able to do even more for the company and for the people than ever before. IAC unites people of all social classes. They all come to the Club to try to solve their issues: saving money, studying, becoming healthier, communicate, develop, and get access to new possibilities. The Club consists of people who are trying to make their lives better. They want to feel united, be in the stream of constant improvement, be up to date with the new tendencies and learn something new every day (for example, about blockchain and cryptocurrencies) — all of this has become a lifestyle for me, too. The Company is going in the right direction, and so am I.

Pavel Eliseev

Marketing specialist of the IAC’s Academy of Health and Beauty

My job is to find original solutions to standard issues. Whether we are designing a new pack for a product or reworking loyalty programs, my job is a real creativity challenge. I am glad that the company is implementing all of these innovative technologies, it is amazing to be on the verge of something new and exciting. I have no doubts that we are going to succeed in this endeavor. IAC’s team is composed of true professionals, not just marketers dreaming of selling more products. We strive to help people, make their lives better. We could not have wished for a better job that this one — providing not only income but being useful to society.

Maxim Nazin

Development Director at International Auto Club

I believe that our idea to take the corporation to a whole new technological level is great. I have been development director at IAC for two years and I am glad that I am part of it now, when we are conquering new markets. We strive to respond swiftly to shifts in the market and in the demands of our clients. We are used to building projects quickly and with maximum effectiveness — thanks to this know-how we are a leading force on the Russian market, and this will surely help us conquer markets in other countries.

Our team is experienced in creating unique projects. We already offer cashback in digital form not only from purchases made in online stores, but also from offline businesses. Money can be deposited into your account in a number of ways, and goods and services can be purchased on the platform, without visiting any other websites. All transactions will be done in cryptocurrency after we have successfully implemented the blockchain technology. However, this is only the beginning: we are working on a complex solution that will make the platform available to anyone all over the world!

How are we different from other companies that are offering goods and services for cryptocurrency? First of all, we are not starting this project from scratch. We have a well established business that has been around for four years and that is still showing astonishing growth. Secondly, all members of our team are professionals who have had their skills tested hundreds of times in the Russian business environment. In addition, we do not have a soft cap for our ICO since the project is going to be developed whether we acquire enough funds during the initial coin offering or not. Our creed is “innovations and technology for the people”, and we are primed for victory. To put a popular meme in other words: while others intend to go to the moon, IAC is aiming for Alpha Centauri.

