Introduction to concept «‎Avocado Research NFT collection»

Avocado Research
3 min readJan 21, 2022



Spending a lot of time collecting and calculating statistics, seeing successful and not very successful projects, and considering all the experience we gained, the idea of creation an NFT collection appeared. After thinking about different options, it was decided to do something unusual that no one had done before. That’s how the concept of an holder oriented NFT collection appeared. I hope that you will like it!

The idea

The essence of the idea is this: all 100% of the money raised from the sale of the NFT collection doesn’t go to the creator, but send to an 8-year neuron without dissolving. Then rewards from staking are distributed as follows:

1. 25% is reinvested back into the neuron. So we will have a constant source of funding, which is not only unaffected by inflation, but will increase over time.

2. 25% is sent to permanent buybacks of our NFTs from the exchange to increase their value. NFTs will be repurchased from the bottom of the market in order to constantly raise the floor price.

The NFTs purchased in this way we put on sale immediately at a price of x2 of the purchase. ICP received from the resale of NFTs will be sent to the neuron. Any redeemed NFTs that are not resold will be burned the day before the neuron is dissolved.

3. 25% goes to weekly ICP giveaways for our holders. For example, for a week accumulated 25 ICP (the more ICP will be in our neuron, the higher rewards will be), we randomly choose 50 numbers from the collection and who hold those numbers get 0.5 ICP each (terms can be changed by collective decision, depending on ICP/USD rate). Each NFT is a separate raffle ticket for the weekly drawing. You simply hold and don’t list an NFT and you are automatically entered into the weekly drawing. You don’t have to fill out any forms or text anyone. Information of the holders stored in the canister. If your number wins, you will automatically get ICP into your wallet.

4. 25% for the team and project development.

In this way, raised money doesn’t spent anywhere, but will be constantly working for us, creating more and more value for our holders. Naturally, all holders will get whitelists and discounts for all future projects. We’ll try to create maximum value for our holders, we’re here for a long time #8YearGang:)

We plan that we will execute our plan for about 12 years (4 years locked + 8 years dissolving). During that time we will be able to burn a lot of NFTs, reinvest a lot of ICP, and pay out a lot of ICP through lotteries. After the neuron dissolves, ICP will be divided proportionally among the holders using a simple formula: your number of NFTs * number of ICPs in neuron / (number of NFTs in circulation — buyback wallet balance).

Plan execution can be monitored in Discord

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