Don’t Be Irrational

Aparajitha Vijayaraghavan
2 min readApr 27, 2023


Disclaimer: I just want to call out that as I am writing this I have been interrupted and shown multiple toys about 35 times per minute, while no other humans were harmed or disturbed in their natural habitat in the making of this blogpost

Picking up writing after a long gap now. And this topic is something that is so universal it’s not even funny (or new). It crosses all ages and I guess all national boundaries. Have you ever had this conversation with your own mom or someone around you has? ‘Stop it, you are overreacting’, ‘You’re being irrational’, ‘Why are you making a big deal out of nothing’. I have. And I still do — though probably not as vehemently as before.

Is there something you like to do that is probably not good for you? Maybe you enjoy a drink, a smoke, too much coffee or cold drinks… And you have tried to rationally tell yourself to maybe not do it as much. Did it work as well as you thought? Then once you find out you are going to have a baby, suddenly you are the most health conscious freak on the planet. It takes a little bit of crazy to put someone’s needs always above your own. It is not rational to change everything about you from your diet to your clothes to your sleep schedule to your workout routine for someone you HAVEN’T EVEN MET. It’s borderline insane.

And then you meet the baby, over the years many more things change — your career, your sleep schedule, your social circle, your hope that you can take 2 minutes to go to the bathroom in peace! First off, it’s overwhelming for anyone. But for someone who is borderline insane it’s actually something they are doing willingly and happily.

It’s a tough journey, physically and more importantly mentally. So when someone is overwhelmed and asking for help in a straightforward manner or are not able to express their needs clearly, try to be supportive. Yes things that are important to you might not be important to someone else. But asking someone to calm down or calling them irrational has never helped. And remember this for the next time you are upset about a person (whom you have never met) didn’t do well at a sport (that you probably don’t play) for a country you are not even in.

We are all irrational in our own weird ways, so let’s support each other through it!



Aparajitha Vijayaraghavan

I write a series called TIL inspired by what I learn from my kiddo. And a little bit about other stuff