Blockchain is strict: finance, real estate

Availcom Official
3 min readOct 4, 2018


The recoil is failing.

The process of property rent consists of many stages, and each event can be put in the block. It is not the only record kept on the front burner, but lots of transactions that all should be confirmed.

Currently, the property rent market operates poorly. The longer it exists, the more difficulties platforms should deal with, and unfortunately, they get out of date and can’t cope with modern problems. Price on the rent grows significantly, and as the result investments in property rent are supposed to be profitable for sponsors. However, in very deed everything is not so easy at all. The tenant can be faced into an unreasonably high price, misinformation about the object or just the lack of knowledge. The owner can also be put on disadvantage if his proposal on the rent appears to be inferior to the market ones.
Nowadays smartcontracts writing and development of the system that can work with real estate is tested in retail markets of Vancouver, Los Angeles, New York and Tokio. The property rent is a clear business process with the specific sequence. Smartcontract will not allow to break them, because the code is a law.
Due to blockchain it is possible to create a platform that will satisfy all sides on the property rent market. In USA mediators are successfully replaced by blockchain technologies. The house owner posts all information as well as photos, all the offers and counteroffers are controlled. The contract is signed — the blockchain registers that. The system helps to make a choice, to check the house itself, to prove the safety of the deal.
AvailCom platform will work for the purposes of real estate transactions. It is based on blockchain technologies, so all the expenses will be reduced and the rent will be enforced more effectively. Ethereum smartcontracts that are already used extenstively on other platforms and give a good account of themselves are to be used on AvailCom platform as well.

Involuntary trust.

On the finance side the appliance of blockchain technologies also has the direct meaning: with the help of smartcontracts you can easily set up and execute multilateral agreements, where the participants of the process are connected with difficult relations and the contracts themselves have a spider-web structure.
The single financial document flow usually complicates all the working processes significantly, especially when it comes to the accounting.
Blockchain will create so-called space of involuntary trust, where the systems of each participants put the specified information, and each participant has the register copy. Then smartcontracts operate this information automatically.

It should be kept in mind that holding organizations comply with different corporate processes. As between filial and parental organizations blockchain can also help to line up interaction rules — they are put inside smartcontracts.
Even if there are only two participants, but they don’t depend of each other and don’t trust each other, blockchain puts them on the same level, establishing the trusting relations in a distributed environment.
There will be no more necessity in agents on AvailCom platform, because all the operations will be recorded in blockchain. That will not only keep costs down, but also protect from possible fraud. AvailCom project offers not only web, but also mobile application that will simplify the usage of platform and make it more convenient.
The opportunities of keyless rent will be open to everybody. Thanks to smartcontracts everybody will be able to make fast and secure transactions. The payment on the platform can be both in Ethereum and other cryptocurrency, including AVL tokens. Due to AVL tokens you can complete various operations on the platform.

