Ava Turner
1 min readMar 11, 2018


What a mess of an article and campaign. I’m almost a little shocked at how gross it is to associate this bizarre, sex-negative, contradictory attack on casual consensual sex with the #MeToo movement. Sure, there are reasonable bits in here--like taking down the patriarchal attitude of slut-shaming--but mostly it’s head-scratching, strange, and gross.

Do I want to be treated with basic respect and share some friendly moments with a connection of any kind? Of course. That doesn’t mean I’m always looking for a “deep spiritual connection” or want potential partners shamed for not looking for such. I am so busy and so poor and so anxious, real dating is not an option right now. Casual, occasional intimacy would go a long way in making me feel a bit happier, but as a gay-ish trans woman who struggles to find partners of any kind, that’s made more difficult by reckless, scattershot thinkpieces contributing to an already high-strung, sex-negative culture. Consent is paramount--but it has little to do with how casual a sexual connection is.

