
5 min readMar 30, 2022


“Basically, it’s like a fresh ROI Dapp launch every 2 weeks! The first of its kind, impressive!”


The First Sustainable ROI Dapp.


On behalf of Every Single Degenerate who has fallen victim to one of the hundreds of these forked ROI DApps.. It’s painful to see how many people take losses, and how very few win. The only Real winners are the project owners themselves and a handful of investors who were able to get into a position on the second of launch. This is not viable, nor okay. For me, anyways. With every single fork or copy of these ROI projects, there’s been one major, recognized, obvious flaw. And to my surprise, no one has taken the time, nor efforts, to remedy this major flaw. Sustainability. Until now, each ROI project that’s launched has just been one big race to get in on day 1. If you miss that launch day, the probability of making your money back drastically drops to an unfavorable level. Why has no one found a solution?

Well, here it is.. Avalanche Staker. An AvaxStaker revision. The first Real Sustainable ROI DApp.

After many hours of writing, editing, and testing code, we’ve finally constructed a smart contract that’s truly special in regards of comparison to every other ROI fork and DApp that’s popped up in the last month. They’re all the same. Here’s what sets this project into a whole different conversation..

This is an on-chain investment program, of which is very secure. This smart contract has been studied and verified to be 100% safe. Audited by Haze Crypto. There is No method in the contract to withdraw the funds in the pool. Rest assured that even the developers are not able to RUG this project. With the alterations and feature adjustments included, this project will be able to sustain itself for a long time.

Key Improvements

  • 14 day cycles! The APY of all plans will RESET to base (Day 1) APY every 14 days! This means the APY will not continually increase forever, ultimately ending the project. It won’t matter if you don’t invest early!
  • We’ve reduced the timespan of all plans by nearly half.
  • Daily APY increase of .5% on the locked plans.
  • Lowered the base APY of all plans down to between 5% to 7%.


  • There is a 10% withdrawal fee which is re-invested into the contract to sustain it.
  • Basic interest rate (only for new deposits): +0.5% every 24 hours
  • Total income (based on your tariff plan): from 5% to 7% daily + Basic interest rate (grows daily and resets every 14 days)
  • Minimal deposit: 0.05 AVAX and no max limit
  • 12% imposed on every investment and 2% will form LP with $HIVE token
  • With Unlocked plans, you may withdraw any time. If you use capitalization of interest (locked plans) you can only withdraw after end of your Investment Plans time period.

We have 2 types of plans with different lock-periods and percentages of APY.

Plan Type No.1 — Unlocked Plans

  1. SAVINGS — 7 Days — 7% per day
  2. CLASSIC — 10 Days — 6% per day
  3. PREMIUM — 14 Days — 5% per day


The initial reward percent increases every day by 0.5% For example: on SAVINGS plan on day 6 of any given cycle, the reward percent will already be equal to 10% per day (6 * 0.5 + 7).

The reward percent will remain fixed at the start of your investment. For example: on the 12th day of your plan, the reward percentage will remain the same until the end of that plan investment.

Plan Type No.2 — Locked Plans

  1. SILVER — 7 Days — 7% per day
  2. GOLD — 10 Days — 6% per day
  3. PLATINUM — 14 Days — 5% per day


The reward APY percent increases by 0.3% every day.

This plan type uses 'Capitalization of Interest' (daily compounding) to calculate the percentage of profit. example: On day one you get +7% for the amount of 1 AVAX = 1.07 AVAX. On the second day, you will already receive 7.5%(.5% from Daily Increase) on the amount from the previous day 1.07 * 7.5%. The next day, 8% on the amount of that day, and so on.


Every 14 days, all plans will reset back to their initial, day 1, base APY percentages. Resetting and restarting into the following cycle. This is the Key function that we believe ALL ROI DApp needs, yet no one has implemented. This will be Huge in regards to sustainability and keeping a balanced flow coming in and out of the contracts rewards pool. By keeping the daily APY increase, this will also incentivize later investments.

Referral System

Earn additional AVAX by referring people via your own personal referral link. This is a 3-layer referral system.

You will receive:
5% from each level 1 referral deposits
2% from each level 2 referral deposits
1% from each level 3 referral deposits

You need to have at least 1 minimum deposit (0.05 AVAX) to activate your referral link to start earning rewards.

Once someone makes a deposit through your referral link, they are bound as your referee indefinitely. There is no changing affiliation once a deposit activation has been made.

Your reward is credited to a separate place in the smart contract and can be withdrawn at any time by pressing the “WITHDRAW” button.


Contract Address:
Audit Report : In Progress by HAZE Cryoto

This project is deployed on the Avalanche Network, fast and secure with low transactions fees.

The code was tested with compatible compilers and simulate manually reviewed for all commonly known and specific vulnerabilities.


This HIVE token will be used for airdrops and to create an entirely new DAO. The DeFi BeeHive. ALL Investors that deposit at least 1.0 AVAX WILL be airdropped HIVE token!

This will be either a Rebate Token such as a Titano fork or a Node Project. Voted on by the community.

More details and Roadmap coming soon. Join our Discord and Follow us on Twitter for more upcoming details.


MetaMask can be downloaded on Chrome and Firefox, or on iOS and Android if you’re a mobile user here: https://metamask.io/download.html

Next, follow along with the setup below.

Network Name: Avalanche Network
Network New RPC URL: https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rp
ChainID: 43114
Symbol: AVAX

Follow this video for step by step guide on connection Metamask to the Avalanche Network —


Once you set the network and return to the main view, select Avalanche Network and connect to Avalanche Staker!

There will possibly be upcoming projects similar for other networks such as BSC, Polygon, Fantom, and Cosmos! They will be linked to one another via the main page of each project. Stay tuned!

