Avalant RPG — Game mechanics

3 min readFeb 5, 2022


Last week we introduced our Avalant concept, along with a core gameplay overview and our roadmap. Before jumping into game mechanics 🎮 we recommend you read our first Medium story.

It’s important to mention that Avalant doesn’t provide utility. We think this word should’nt apply to Play and Earn games, as GameFi is nothing but gamified DeFi.

🐜 Avalant NFTs

Avalant NFTs are 10,000 algorithmically generated hard-workers living on the anthill. Their lifelong devotion to the QUEEN 👑 is rewarded with $ANTG (AntGold), which is the only way to produce it.

There are 6 rarity tiers of Avalants, based on their 7 traits. Scarity doesn’t affect $ANTG rewards. However, it will provide in-game advantages in future updates.

[Various Ants NFTs and the mighty Elant Musk (1/10 UNIQUES).]

👷 Work for the QUEEN

As an Ant, you will be able to work for the colony simply by staking your NFT. Ants gets a salary 💰 for their work, based on how deep they are in the anthill and paid in $ANTG, which then can be staked or traded for $SUGA (Sugar).

[“ANTployee of the month” — the QUEEN.]

⛏️ Expand the anthill

Ants does not grow, they DIG. The anthill is made of stages and starts on the ground — stage zero — where unminted Ants wait for a holder. Digging requires energy ⚡ provided by $SUGA.

The deeper you get, the harder is the soil and the more energy it takes to dig. Ants will need some rest after digging, based on the energy they spent.

[Game sneek-peek — Ants digging for $ANTG]

👾 Fight against bosses

The soil is not always peaceful, and you will have to defend the QUEEN against bosses using energy ⚡ provided by $SUGA. Taking down a boss will require at least a battalion of Ants and tons of $SUGA.

Bosses will spawn at some stages, and prevent Ants from digging further as long as they’re alive. Top contributors will sometimes drop rewards like Avalanche NFTs.. How many Ants to defeat a Chikn 🐔?

[This one may drop something ANTeresting..]

🏃‍♂️ TL;DR

  • Ants work for $ANTG salary scaling on their depth.
  • $ANTG can be traded or staked for $SUGA.
  • $SUGA provides energy ⚡for Ants.
  • Energy enable Ants to DIG and fight bosses.
  • Bosses prevent Ants from digging further, and may drop rewards.

🚀 Join the colony now

Avalant RPG is playable by anyone and incentivizes players to work as a community. You can now group up with other Ants and establish strategies.

Our next Medium story will detail tokenomics, quickly followed by our Antpaper. Meantime, join our discord to get whitelisted and play earlier.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Avalant_NFT
Discord: https://discord.gg/avalant
Medium: https://medium.com/@avalant
Whitepaper: [Coming soon]




The first RPG Play to earn on Avalanche - Join the colony now. discord.gg/avalant