A Mathematically Accurate Love Poem

1 min readDec 28, 2023


In the calculus of love, where hearts converge, Our equations align, emotions surge. You’re the constant in my ever-changing life, A theorem proven, no need for strife.

In the geometry of your smile, I find delight, Angles acute, emotions alight. Our love, a line that stretches beyond, An asymptote, forever fond.

Through the algebra of ups and downs, We solve for joy, erase the frowns. Like variables, our hearts entwine, In this complex equation, love’s design.

You’re the square root of my happiness, A quadratic love, in perfectness. As integers, together we pair, In the arithmetic of love, so rare.

In the realm of love, no limits bound, A calculus of the heart, profound. With each kiss, a tangent so sweet, Our love, a formula so complete.

So, let’s integrate our souls, you and I, In the language of love, where numbers fly. A symphony of hearts, a mathematical art, Together, forever, never to part.




Hi im Anna and i like cats and bears (and pasta)