An Open Letter to Congress Concerning H.R.1 and the Graduate Student Tax Provision

CLICK HERE TO SIGN LETTER. You do not need to be a graduate student to sign our letter. Please do not sign more than once. Signatures will be updated periodically.

Alana Van Dervort
69 min readNov 29, 2017

Our letter will be delivered to members of the Conference Committee.

Addendum: We have made changes to our letter to address members of the Conference Committee. These members will determine whether Title 26, Section 117(d) of the tax code, permitting graduate tuition waivers, is preserved in the reconciled bill.

Dear Members of Congress,

We, the undersigned members from graduate communities across the country, stand united against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R.1) that repeals Title 26, Section 117(d) of the tax code, passed in the House on November 16th, 2017. We come from all backgrounds and our strength as an intellectual community depends on this diversity of perspective. We share in a common vision: to solve the most pressing problems of our generation. As an undivided community, we ask you to help achieve this vision by supporting the graduate student tuition waiver.

Tuition waivers allow graduate students to complete training without taking on additional loans. These waivers stipulate that we work full time in research and teaching roles. This is neither unique to private or public institutions, nor is it unique to one discipline.

The tuition waiver supports research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. An estimated 145,000 graduate students nation-wide receive tuition waivers, 60% of whom are pursuing degrees in a STEM field, contributing to the 55.7% of the inventors that hold advanced degrees in the United States. Graduate students as a whole produce 12 million publications per year, each paper uniquely progressing scientific knowledge. According to the 2017 Biotechnology Innovation Organization report, in one year alone, patents from academic institutions and universities generated $28.7 billion in net sales. Further licensing of academic products to industry contributed $591 billion to the GDP, generating over 4 million person-years of employment.

The above figures demonstrate two points. First, productivity at universities and academic institutions depends on graduate students. Second, innovation does not stop at graduation: our PhD training prepares us to be lifelong pioneers who generate lasting, impactful solutions and who mentor others to do the same.

We bring tangible advances to our communities. For instance, a new, potentially promising approach to treating cancers and genetic diseases was pioneered by students during their graduate training at Harvard and Berkeley. Their gene-editing discoveries, estimated at a net worth of $3.19 billion, formed the basis for therapies targeting cancer, like those used to treat an 11-month old Acute Lymphoid Leukemia patient, who, after her treatment in 2015, remains in remission today. While gene-editing therapy stands to revolutionize the way we treat cancer, autoimmune, and degenerative disease, it is only one example of the vast and certain impact graduate research has on lives around the world.

Scientific advancement led by graduate students could soon become a paradigm of the past. Taxing our tuition waivers as income will create debt for students, edging many of us to or below the poverty line. On average, each student earns a $20,000 stipend before taxes. The proposed provision adds waived tuition to this number, making us liable for taxes on income that exceeds the amount we actually earn by 200–300%. This places us in a higher tax bracket and raises our yearly tax expenditure by 300–400%; yet, this net gain in national tax revenue is less than 0.1% of the individual contribution. Consequently, graduate training will become a financially punishing, if not a nearly impossible, endeavor. Many students will be forced to leave their programs. This will decimate the workforce of young people dedicated to solving economic, medical, and social issues at large. Furthermore, talent from lower socioeconomic backgrounds will be disproportionately affected by this measure; losing these collaborators will dilute out the depth and scope of perspectives needed to conduct novel research.

Meet Ruth, a first generation Ph.D student at Harvard. With a co-authored publication, a summa cum laude accolade, and a competitive fellowship that recognizes young academic stars, she is one of the most promising students in her program. Ruth has seen, first-hand, scientific advancement falling short of its intended impact. She stood by her mother when her mother was in the ICU for life-threatening complications from type II diabetes. She watched her father battle against multiple myeloma, a cancer that ultimately claimed his life. Ruth, herself, faced medical issues, which also kept her out of the classroom and in the hospital. This inspired Ruth to combat disease in a way that would truly make a difference: biological research.

Growing up, however, it was hard for Ruth to consider college as a viable option for her future. Issues with her health limited the time she could spend in the classroom. Tutoring, or other support measures, could have helped her bridge the performance gap she experienced relative to her peers who could attend class. Unfortunately, attending a low-income high school meant that these resources were not available to students like Ruth, who could not afford to pay for these services. Thus, when the time came to apply for college, based on grades in her courses, it was suggested that she not apply. She applied nonetheless, as she puts it, “because to my family, getting to go to college was the dream.” Afterward, she excelled in her coursework and was admitted to the Biological and Biomedical Sciences Ph.D program at Harvard University.

Ruth is, nonetheless, concerned that the provision will force her to cease her training mid-degree. As she puts it, “I currently support myself. The stipend we receive is only enough to cover basic housing, food, and other necessary expenses. Being taxed on tuition will force me to drop out altogether.”

This bill will force Ruth and many more of us to terminate our training, deterring bright, young students from making a difference. In turn, this prevents us, as a society, from reaping the dividends that come from young people simply following their curiosities.

What do we want? We want the world to be better than it is. Our conviction, as students, is to uncover what holds us back as a society and in turn, discover what propels us forward. The products of our labors are the innovations that hold promise for the future. We want nothing more than to follow in the footsteps of those that came before us — those who have identified challenges and cultivated solutions. They have made available, to our generation, many more opportunities and a better way of life. This is the legacy that has been passed down to us — one we are poised to carry, and now, one we are asking you to protect.

We call upon you to help us by crafting policies that aim to lift our nation as a whole by investing in those who bring new technologies, therapies, and paradigm-shifting ways of thought. We, therefore, ask that you please protect our educational opportunities by supporting Title 26, Section 117(d), the graduate student tuition waiver.

The contribution of graduate students to this nation outweighs the short-term revenue from this provision. The proposed changes in the tax code will hurt us all.


CLICK HERE TO SIGN LETTER. Please do not sign more than once. Signatures will be updated periodically.

1. Alana Van Dervort, PhD student, Harvard University

2. Priya Veeraraghavan, PhD student, Harvard University

3. Bobby Hollingsworth, PhD student, Harvard University

4. Jordan Todd, PhD student, Harvard University

5. Vanessa Van Doren, MD student, Case Western Reserve University

6. James Warner, PhD student, Harvard University

7. Khunsa Amin, Post-Baccalaureate Scholar, New York University

8. Rachel Osmundsen, PhD Candidate, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College

9. Dakota McCoy, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

10. George Karandinos, MD/PhD student, Harvard University

11. Lillian Horin, PhD student, Harvard University

12. Tanvi Saxena, PhD student, Harvard University

13. Megan Richardson, PhD student, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

14. Seunghun Han, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

15. Dr. Danielle Osborne, Research Associate, Legacy Research Institute

16. Diane Eilerts , PhD student , Virginia Tech

17. Connor Brown, MS, Virginia Tech

18. Heidi Harris, Associate Professor, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

19. Claire Terhune, Faculty member, University of ARkansas

20. Keith Fuller, PhD Student, University of South Carolina

21. Darcy Davidson, Graduate students, Virginia Tech

22. John Leitel, Community member, future graduate student, University of Pittsburgh / Montrose Air Quality

23. Ellen Mallman, PhD, PhD scientist in Oil and Gas, BP (previously at Stanford University)

24. Joshua Glaser, PhD Candidate, Northwestern University

25. Alexandria Cockrell, MD/PhD Candidate, University of Kansas School of Medicine

26. Sara Hayik, Assistant Professor, DeSales University

27. Todd Moore, faculty, Towson University

28. Claudia Mimoso, PhD Student, Harvard University

29. Seth Lawson, Applicant, Seth Christian Lawson

30. Lauren Tilger, Ph.D. holder, Penn State

31. Alejandro Ochoa, Postdoctoral research associate, Princeton University

32. Jeff Vallance, Senior Research Assistant, Cincinnati Children's Hospital

33. Sarah Lord, PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin - Madison

34. Michelle Huffman, PhD, Adjunct faculty, University of Nebraska at Omaha

35. Nancy Syburg, former Director of Admission and Financial Aid, self-employed

36. Kelsey Karnik, PhD student, University of Nebraska At Lincoln

37. Taryn Farber, PhD Student, University of California, Santa Cruz

38. Patrick Loi, PhD student, Harvard University

39. Shawn Brueshaber, PhD Candidate, Western Michigan University

40. Emily Smail, PhD student, Johns Hopkins University

41. S. Mukui Mutunga , PhD, University of Kansas

42. Michael Johnson, MA Candidate, NYU

43. Michelle Dubuke, Postdoctoral Associate, University of Massachusetts Medical School

44. Deborah DeManno, Scientific Director with a Ph.D., R&D Pharmaceutical Industry

45. Kala Melchiori, Faculty, James Madison University

46. Sam Barritt, PhD candidate, Harvard University

47. An Hoang , PhD Candidate , George Mason University

48. Stacey Weiss, faculty, University of Puget Sound

49. Valorie Aquino, PhD Candidate, University of New Mexico

50. Ryan, Research Staff, Pennsylvania State University

51. Mike Madden, PhD Student, North Carolina State University

52. Anita Reddy, PhD student, Harvard University

53. Brooke Sullivan, Lecturer, University of Washington

54. Xin Zhang, PhD Candidate, Princeton University

55. Olivia Foster, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

56. Sara Cooper, Ph.D., Faculty, HudsonAlpha Institute

57. Adrija Navarro, PhD Student, Harvard University

58. Scott Webel, PhD, Staff; former graduate student, University of Texas at Austin

59. Devra Hock, M.S. Candidate, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

60. Marina Fisher-Phelps, Postdoctoral researcher, University of New Hampshire

61. Christina Sadler MD, Community pediatrician , Yakima pediatrics associates

62. Kyle Dettman, PhD Candidate, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

63. Tami Sherry, Tutor, Hudson Valley Community College

64. Michael Mazzola, PhD Candidate , Harvard University

65. savanna carson, phd candidate, ucla

66. Anna Henkin, PhD Candidate, Brandeis University

67. Tre D. Artis, PhD student , Harvard University

68. Carolyn Sturge, Post-Doctoral Researcher, UT Southwestern Medical Center

69. Lana Ruck, PhD Candidate, Indiana University

70. Jacqueline Starrett, PhD Student , Yale University

71. Nick Corbin, Undergraduate, Virginia Tech

72. Stephanie Canington, PhD candidate, Johns Hopkins University

73. Eryney Marrogi, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech

74. Kira Podolsky, PhD student, University of California, San Diego

75. Claire Kelling, PhD Candidate, Penn State

76. Benjamin Troness, Master's Student, University of Minnesota

77. Sara A. McGuire, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

78. Shannon Rose, Faculty, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences/ Arkansas Children's Research Institute

79. Joshua Griffiths, PhD Student, The University of Texas at Austin

80. Margaret Traeger, PhD candidate, Yale University

81. Elysia Budu, undergraduate student , Virginia Tech

82. Kelly Yotebieng, PhD Candidate, Ohio State University

83. Patrick Brinza, Undergraduate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

84. Beth Kyre, MS grad student, University of Kentucky

85. Sol Misener, staff, Northwestern University

86. Jill Sower, Undergraduate, Virginia Tech

87. Stephanie Holbert , Masters Student , Hawai'i Pacific University

88. Kari Benson, Faculty, Lynchburg College

89. Mark Alexander Kaltenborn, PhD Candidate , The George Washington University

90. William Xie, Student, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

91. Haley Grant, Prospective Ph.D. Candidate , Cornell University

92. Kevin Dervishi, PhD Student, Harvard University

93. Megan McCurry, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

94. Stephanie Strickler, faculty, Murray State University

95. Daniel Garcia, PhD Candidate, University of California San Diego

96. Bryan Dunne, Assistant Chair, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

97. Jacqueline Kaufman, MD candidate, Texas A&M college of medicine

98. Colby W, PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology

99. Gabrielle Todd, PhD, University of Michigan

100. Eugenia Etkina, Distinguished Professor, Rutgers University

101. Chelsea M Pagan, PhD Candidate (1st generation), University of Washington

102. Dr. Jessica Anne Arnold, Postdoctoral Associate, Carnegie Institution for Science

103. Talia Hart, PhD Candidate , Harvard University

104. Srinivasan Iyer, PhD Canditate, University of Washington

105. Aja Anderson, Undergraduate preparing for graduate school, University of Providence

106. Jacob Sorenson, MD, University of Arizona College of Medicine

107. Alison Tracy Hale, faculty, University of Puget Sound

108. Noelle Stiles, Postdoctoral Scholar, USC

109. Matthew Foran, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech

110. Tannya Forcone, Master Student, Ohio State University

111. Jennifer Wei, PhD Student, Harvard University

112. Kimberly Ross, Community Member , Vassar College

113. Joseph Mills, Community Member, Virginia Tech

114. Thomas Langowski, B.S Student , George Mason University

115. Patrick F Musgrave, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

116. Mackie O'Hara, PhD Candidate, Ohio State University

117. Annah Lee, PhD student, Texas A&M University

118. Kirby Trovillo, Masters Student, The Ohio State University

119. Bryn Taylor, PhD Candidate, University of California San Diego

120. Lillian Kaplan, faculty, City University of NY

121. Brandon Hedrick, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University

122. Preethy Sridharan, MD/PhD Student, Case Western Reserve University

123. Cassey Anderson, MS candidate , Colorado State University / Extension

124. John Rothe, professional, ZS LLC

125. Catherine Richter, Research technician and Alum, University of Michigan

126. Taylor Zelman, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech

127. Rosy Liao, PhD Student, University of Chicago

128. Gerard Ducharme, PhD Candidate, Louisiana State Universtiy

129. Adam Mitchell, PhD Candidate, University of Delaware

130. Sakuni Silva, Postbaccalaureate student , Harvard University

131. Michelle Fredrickson, MPH Candidate, Colorado School of Public Health

132. Susan M E Smith, Faculty, Kennesaw State University

133. Lexi Bounds, Undergraduate student (senior), Arizona State University

134. Bobby Cox, PhD Student, Virginia Commonwealth University

135. Angeline Chen, PhD Student, UC San Diego

136. A. Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh, Faculty, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

137. Bronwyn Stippa, PhD candidate, UT Austin

138. Matthew Larsen, MS Candidate, Coastal Carolina University

139. Alex Hooks, Ph.D. student, Florida State University

140. Michelle Davidson, faculty, Truman State University

141. Ward A. Follette, Senior Technical Advisor, KBR - Eng Design & Construction

142. Kay Tislar, PhD Candidate, Michigan Technological University

143. Sarah Shires, PhD Candidate, UCSD

144. Christopher Smith , Associate Professor , Willamette University

145. Peggy L. Murray, PhD (recent), Independent contractor

146. Benjamin Cross, PhD student, The Ohio State University

147. Anand Ramanathan, Data Scientist, PhD graduate 2011, Capital One, N.A., PhD from University of Maryland, College Park

148. Christopher Farrington, PhD, 2008, Georgia State University

149. Danielle Benoit, Faculty, University of Rochester

150. Alison Gaylord, MD Candidate, Virginia Tech

151. Inge Heyer, faculty, Loyola University Maryland

152. Thea Bartlett, MD candidate, University of South Florida

153. Adrian Gomez-Nguyen, MD/PhD Student, Case Western Reserve University

154. Alannah Miranda, PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego

155. Elise Didion, PhD Candidate, University of Cincinnati

156. Katherine Halstead, MD recipient, researcher, Oregon State University

157. Wendy BRown, Parent of UCSB grad student, Parent of UCSB grad student

158. Isabel Janmey, MD candidate, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

159. Benedetto DiCiaccio, PhD Student, Harvard University

160. Andrew Mogan, PhD Candidate, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

161. Arthur Hauenstein, PostDoc, Boston Children's Hospital

162. Philip Dinenis, PhD Candidate, Columbia University

163. Ajay Singh, Undergraduate student, Harvard University

164. Jessica Briggs, PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire

165. Rodrigo Sarlo, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

166. Colwyn Gulliford, Research Associate (Ph.D), Cornell University

167. Darrik Burns, Spouse of PhD candidate , SLR

168. Deborah Schulman, Faculty, Lake Erie College

169. Crystal Stone, MFA Candidate, Iowa State University

170. Brian Reilly, Pharm.D./Ph.D. Candidate, University of California, San Diego

171. Hannah Kolus, University employee, Northern Arizona University

172. Stephanie Kha , MD candidate, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

173. Kathryn Hollingsworth , Community member, Wits Solutions, LLC

174. Kent Jewell, Academic Program Staff Supervisor, College of Education, University of Washington

175. Linden Higgins M Ed, Ph D, STEM Educational Consultant, Education for Critical Thinking

176. Ellis Kessler, MS Candidate, Virginia Tech

177. Yi-Zhi Huang, Faculty, Rutgers University

178. Anna Bowen, PhD Candidate, Miami University

179. Cody Dickinson, PhD Student, Virginia Tech

180. Stephanie Cardwell, Grad Student, MCL, Drake University

181. Erica Pandolfi, PHD candidate, UCSD

182. Lauren Barmore, PhD student, Washington State University

183. Wei Low, Alumni, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

184. Lucas Buyon, Ph.D. Student, Harvard University

185. Kelly H, PhD Candidate, Duke University

186. Denise Cruise, PhD Candidate, Purdue University

187. Craig Pikaard, Faculty, Indiana University

188. Nicholas Bentley , B.S candidate , Florida State University

189. Adam Maynard, PhD Student, Harvard University

190. Sanchari Ghosh, PhD Candidate, Dartmouth College

191. Christina Edmondson, MS Student, University of Central Missouri

192. Candace Barlow, PhD, Univ of Washington

193. Alexandra Hyler, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

194. Britannia Smith, PhD candidate, Clarkson University

195. Madolyn Ivy, undergraduate student, Virginia Tech

196. Alex Gulachenski, Community member, Indigo Agriculture

197. Lynne McLandsborough, Faculty, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

198. Heidi Miller, PhD Student, University of South Florida

199. Courtney Smith, PhD Candidate, Yale University

200. Amy Glazier, PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

201. Kyle Shute, MS Candidare, Clemson University

202. Emily Sanders, PhD Student, UC Irvine

203. Nina Jain, Graduate student, Harvard University

204. Nathan Fretz, Graduate Student, Bucknell University

205. Sheila E. Browne, Faculty, Retired, Mount Holyoke College

206. Lyanne Valdez, PhD Candidate, Penn State University

207. Jennifer Graves, MS Candidate, Future PhD Candidate, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

208. Aparna Nathan, PhD Student, Harvard University

209. Maximillian Marin, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

210. Ofelia Sanchez, MA Student/Teaching Assistant, University of South Florida

211. Josh Sharp, PhD, Northern Michigan University

212. Sara Myers, MD Candidate, Case Western Reserve University

213. Alan West, PhD Student, UC San Diego

214. Allison Ryan, PhD, genetics researcher, University of California, Berkeley

215. Kevin Whitley, Recent PhD graduate, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

216. Alex Corrigan, Undergraduate, Virginia Tech

217. Cedric Snethlage, PhD Student, UCSD

218. Janelle Hare, Professor of Biology, Morehead State University

219. Karina Chavarria, Masters, Johns Hopkins University

220. Madalyn McFarland, PhD Student, Harvard University

221. Anastasia Niver, Currrent Undergraduate, Future PhD student, University of Alabama at Birmingham

222. Jennie Glerum, PhD Candidate, Northwestern University

223. Bryan Vorbach, Veterinary Fellow, National Aquarium

224. Harriette Porter MD, Retired Faculty, Retired, Oklahoma University Mefical Center

225. Kristina Davis, Master’s candidate, University of Maryland

226. Marilyn Navarro, N/A, N/A

227. Jennifer Piatek, Faculty (have both an MS and PhD), Central Connecticut State University

228. Albert Misko, MD PhD, faculty, Massachusetts General Hospital

229. Chad Stein, PhD student, Harvard University

230. Eileen Hu, Undergraduate student , Massachusetts Institute of Technology

231. Juntao Yu, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

232. Ayana Henderson, PhD, Harvard University

233. Anthony Ciavarella, PhD Student, University of Washington

234. Sondra Calhoun, PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

235. Colleen Gasiorowski, community member, University of Pennsylvania

236. Matt Slutzker, Community member, Virginia Tech

237. Christopher Horn, Master's Candidate, University of Nebraska at Omaha

238. Patrick Griffin, PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

239. Amanda Walker, MD student, Thomas Jefferson University

240. Annie Zell, Lab Technician, Virginia Tech

241. Myan Do, PhD student, UC San Diego

242. Dana Calhoun, Research faculty, University of Colorado Boulder

243. Amy Berger, Faculty, Heidelberg University

244. Alanna Koehler, PhD Candidate, UC San Diego

245. Suzana J. Camargo, Faculty, Columbia University

246. Adrian Baris , Post baccalaureate research fellow , National Cancer Institute

247. Jennifer Stiso, PhD candidate, University of pennsylvania

248. Karen Brakke, Ph.D., Faculty, Spelman College

249. Joseph Susco , Community member, Northern Michigan University

250. Elisabeth Root, Faculty, The Ohio State University

251. Ana Fernandez, PhD, U. of Massachusetts, Boston

252. Anne O'Neil, Teacher, Gifted Education, Indian Prairie District #204

253. Madeleine Cáceres, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech

254. Ellen Stuart-Haentjens, PhD Candidate, Virginia Commonwealth University

255. Elizabeth Allen, Research Associate, wife of PhD candidate, University of California, San Diego

256. Daniel Eaton, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

257. Jordan, Graduate student, West Chester University

258. Eileen Ablondi, PhD Student, Harvard University

259. Kathy Voth, None at this time. I'm a supporter, On Pasture

260. Katharine Pula, DO candidate , Philadelphia College of Ostepathic Medicine

261. Thao Truong, PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

262. Tess Peacock, MS Candidate , Northern Michigan University

263. Emily Stott, MD candidate, Case Western Reserve University

264. Elena M. Kramer, Professor, Dept. Chair, Harvard University

265. Nicole Miko, Undergraduate student, MIT

266. Courtney Spector, Research Staff, University of Pennsylvania

267. Matthew Cook, Ex-graduate student who depended on stipends, UC Riverside

268. Priyali Sen, Community member and former grad student, Self Employed

269. Emily Brooke, Undergraduate, planning on going to graduate school, Northern Arizona University

270. Elizabeth Gratton, PhD Candidate, University of Texas at Austin

271. Isaac A Cabrera, PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego

272. Carly Lee, Undergraduate, Utah state university

273. Dylan Larson-Konar, PhD Candidate , University of Florida

274. Efe Yamac Yarbasi, PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology

275. Paul Sell, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Crete

276. Patrick Gray, PhD Student, Duke University

277. Sandra Koehler, Family, Self

278. Dr. Patricia Cleary, faculty, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

279. Aaron Tocker, PharmD candidate, University of Maryland

280. Victoria Baxter, faculty, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

281. Camille Yongue, MD Candidate , Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

282. Eunice Cho, PhD Candidate, Yale University

283. Abigail J Smul, Doctoral Student, New York University

284. Shanique Alabi, PhD Student, Yale University

285. Irene Wong, PhD student, Harvard University

286. Natasha Johnson, MD Candidate, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicinr

287. Meredith Haley Licon, PhD Candidate, Oregon Health and Science University

288. Jason Kaplan, Undergraduate, Virginia Commonwealth University

289. Allyson Makuch, PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Cruz

290. Daniela Vianna, PhD Candidate, Rutgers University

291. Genevieve Gerhard, MD Candidate, Albany Medical College

292. Jacob Alan Spies, PhD Candidate, Yale University

293. Michelle Cruz, MD/PhD Candidate, Case Western Reserve School of Medicine

294. Anna Segreto, community member, Former Dept. Chair, Community School of Naples

295. Maureen Herrmann , Administrator, Harvard University

296. Stephanie Jarvis, PhD Student, University of Colorado Boulder

297. Kelsea Best, PhD Student, Vanderbilt University

298. Emily Rothwell, PhD Candidate, University of California- Davis

299. Samantha Webster, PhD candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

300. Evangeline Downie, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, George Washington University

301. Elan Stopnitzky, PhD Candidate, University of Hawaii at Manoa

302. Anya Bauer, PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

303. Sam Nicaise, Postdoctoral Faculty, University of Pennsylvania

304. Mark McGregor, Bristol Bay Fisherman, B.S. Chemistry, Pacific University

305. Nina Lytton, M.Div. Candidate, Meadville Lombard Theological School

306. Jane Disbrow, N/A, n/A

307. Carla DeSisto, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago

308. Eric Rosenberg, PhD Candidate, Yale University

309. Erica Mullins, PhD Student, University of California, Santa Cruz

310. James Minor, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

311. Ashley Dolar, Community member, former grad student, Household manager

312. Nick Pokorzynski, PhD Candidate, Washington State University

313. Daniel Park, MD/PhD Candidate, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

314. Vasilios Kalas, MD/PhD candidate, Washington University School of Medicine

315. Andrew Weiland, PhD. Candidate, The Ohio State University

316. Rustin Zomorodi, MD/MPH candidate, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

317. Lamont Wilkins, MD student, Case Western Reserve University

318. Frances Putkey, Ph.D., Patent Agent, UC San Diego

319. Lisa Madison, community member, self

320. Courtney Kipp, Ed.D Candidate, Northeastern University

321. Alison Kurkul, Masters Candidate, American International College

322. MOK Chit Wai John , PhD student, UC Irvine

323. Lisa Herbert, PhD Candidate, Stony Brook University

324. Jeremy Foote, PhD, Mississippi State University

325. Joseph Brown, PhD Candidate, Cornell University

326. David Mackanic, PhD, Stanford University

327. Harim Won, PhD Applicant, University of Nebraska at Omaha

328. Jessica Brooks, Graduate Student, Harvard University

329. Cara Bergo, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago

330. Alexander Nordin, MEng Candidate, MIT

331. Canton Winer, PhD Student, UC Irvine

332. Rianne Stowell, PhD Candidate, University of Rochester

333. Vijay Veeraraghavan, Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley

334. Jessica DiCarlo, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder

335. Jessica Bartley, PhD Candidate, Florida International University

336. Ruihua Wang, PhD Student, UC Santa Cruz

337. Russell Wrobel, Scientist, UW, Madison

338. Rockwell Anyoha, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

339. Stephanie Hurwitz, MD-PhD, Florida State University College of Medicine

340. Joshua Earle, PhD, Virginia Tech

341. William Gray, PhD Candidate, Yale Univeristy

342. Teresa Rufin, Post-Baccalaureate , Columbia Medical Center

343. Jacob Ulirsch, PhD, Harvard

344. Leonora Zoninsein, PhD, UC Berkeley

345. Nadia Arang, PhD Student, UC San Diego

346. Kristin Lambert-Jenkins, MS, MD Candidate, Case Western Reserve University

347. Paige Miller, PhD student , University of Georgia

348. Ashley Farris, PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University

349. Camilla Hawthorne, PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley

350. Harvey Miller, Faculty , The Ohio State University

351. Michael Lam, Postdoctoral Researcher, West Virginia University

352. Larry Todd, Member of city, Att

353. Karla Hughes, Community member & hopeful mom of a future Grad student with a disability , Self employed

354. Keith Klein, PhD Candidate , Southern Illinois University

355. Nicole Rodgers, Staff, Willamette University

356. Jose Alvarado, PhD Candidate , University of Texas Austin

357. Jennifer Basil, Professor and Chair, City University of NY, Brooklyn

358. Charalampos Lazaris, Ph.D. Candidate, New York University

359. Jesse Rodenbiker, PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley

360. Carlos Henriquez, M. Eng. Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

361. Jennifer Ross, PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary

362. Krystyna Kolodziej, PhD Student , University of California San Diego

363. Mark Hurtado, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

364. Nicholas Kalogriopoulos, PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego

365. Erik Tillman, PhD Candidate, MIT

366. Taylor Heckman, PhD Student, University of California, Davis

367. Kevin Kindley , MS, Former MS student at Old Dominion University

368. Rolando JJ Ramirez, PHD , Faculty, University of Akron

369. Sarah Clark, PhD Student, Harvard University

370. KImberly Stoner, PhD (former graduate student at Cornell), Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

371. Richard Denton, Na, Retired

372. Justice Elisha Bruursema, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

373. Cynthia Munoz, Undergraduate Student, University of Utah

374. Katie Thomas, Graduate Alumnus, University of North Dakota

375. Gabriella Subia Smith, Graduate Student, University of Colorado, Boulder

376. Rachel Hargrave, Undergraduate Student Pursuing Post-Graduate Degrees, Virginia Tech

377. Jack Chester, N/A, UC Berkeley

378. David Theurel, PhD Candidate, MIT

379. Peter Hanink, PhD candidate, University of California, Irvine

380. Daniel J. Tapanes, Graduate Student, George Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health

381. Beth Schumacher, Community member, R&D Systems

382. Patricia-Maria Weinmann, Program director/community member, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

383. Joon-Suh Park, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

384. Shinjini Saha, MEng Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

385. Anurag Ajay, PhD , MIT

386. Sheena Vasquez, PhD Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

387. Lauren Bush, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

388. Stefanie Mueller, Faculty, MIT

389. Anna Leshinskaya, Post-doc, University of Pennsylvania

390. Kyle Hogan, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

391. Andrea Nickerson, MS, University of California, San Francisco

392. Matthew Perron, PhD Student, MIT

393. Katherine Wu, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

394. Katherine Elizabeth Wagner, Undergraduate student , Virginia Tech

395. Martin Nisser, PhD student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

396. Natacha Collymore , Community Member, N/A

397. Danny Nemeth, PhD candidate , The Ohio state university

398. Abby D. Benninghoff, Distinguished Associate Professor of Honors Education, Utah State University

399. Anne , Masters, MIT

400. David Altherr, Chief Propulsion Engineer, Aerion Corporation

401. James McCann, Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

402. Meghann Kasal, PhD candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

403. Jacqueline Hagarty , PharmD and Faculty, Midwestern University

404. Diego Arroyo, PhD student, University of California, Irvine

405. Dinara Azimova, PhD Candidate, UCSF

406. Rachel Burke, PhD , Emory University

407. Gizem Gumuskaya, SM Candidate , MIT

408. Angela Zhang, PhD student, University of California, Santa Barbara

409. Martik Chatterjee, Pre-PhD candidate, Cornell University

410. Adrianne Lovuolo, M.S. Candidate, research assistant, University of Maine (Orono)

411. James Bullock, Master's student, Kennesaw State University

412. Aj Ylizaiturri , PhD candidate spouse , Louisiana State University

413. Stephanie Haro, PhD Candidate , Harvard University Division of Medical Sciences

414. Francheska Lopez Rivera, PhD, Harvard Medical School

415. Will Payne, PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley

416. Aaron Kollasch, PhD student, Harvard University

417. Wengong Jin, PhD Candidate, MIT

418. Jessica Sagers, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

419. Rebecca Majewski, Graduate Student, University of Wisconsin - Madison

420. Austin Hovland, PhD Student, Cornell University

421. Zara, Graduate Assistant, Iowa State University

422. Anna Swan, PhD Student, University of Washington

423. Shelby Brewster, Doctoral Student, University of Pittsburgh

424. Valeria Barra, PhD Candidate, New Jersey Institute of Technology

425. Anna Huskey, PhD student, Auburn University

426. Maya Jay, Undergraduate senior, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

427. Caitlin Cassidy, undergraduate, MIT

428. Justin Luong, PhD Student, UC Santa Cruz

429. Eilene Duberow, JD Candidate/former scientist, UNH Law

430. Caroline Tracey, PhD student, UC Berkeley

431. Samantha Bussan, PhD Student, Washington State University

432. Matthew Bauer, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

433. Michael Cavallaro , MSc, University of Nebraska

434. Samuel Stuart McAfee, PhD Candidate , University of Tennessee Health Science Center

435. Francisco Pena, PhD candidate, Columbia University

436. Martha Gross, PhD Candidate, University of Texas at Austin

437. Bruce C. Jayne, professor, University of Cincinnati

438. James Kerr, PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut

439. Kristin Hendricks, Assistant director R and D, PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology , Peninsula Laboratories International Inc

440. Kevin Hope, Phd candidate, UTHCS

441. Christian Copley Salem, PhD Candidate, University of Nevada, Reno

442. Adam Stanczyk , Community member, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

443. Alexandra Ibrahim, MPH, Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists

444. Margaret S. Walker, Consultant, CybeRecruiters, Inc.

445. John sharp, Community members , Msu

446. Margaret Horton, MPH Candidate, Emory University

447. Paris Pallis, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

448. Kevin Kung, PhD, MIT

449. Michael Orrill, PhD Candidate, The George Washington University

450. Matthew Kirchner, PhD Candidate, University of Tennessee Health Science Center

451. Vic Maietta, Lab assistant , Albany Medical College

452. Gianna Parella, alum , MIT

453. Alex Chan, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

454. Scott Applebaum, PhD, Research Scientist, University of Southern California

455. Karen Beall, former graduate student, University of Washington

456. Alicia young, Undergraduate student , University of Massachusetts Boston

457. Theresa Diserio , PhD business owner , Self

458. John-Elmer Canfield, Support Staff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

459. Dr. Robert MacCurdy, Postdoctoral Researcher, MIT

460. Jessica Buthmann, PhD student, The City University of New York Graduate Center

461. Nghia Millard, PhD Student, Harvard University

462. Ashton omdahl, PhD Applicant, Brigham Young University

463. Kyle Busse, Baccalaureate Student, Baylor University

464. Alex Berger, Training Project Coordinator , Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

465. Elayne Fivenson, PhD Student, Harvard University

466. Caroline Jaffe, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

467. Brett Thomas Ernst, PhD student, University of Georgia, Athens

468. Max Schubert, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

469. Madeline Luth, PhD Student, University of California, San Diego

470. Vera Hutchison, PhD Student, Baylor College of Medicine

471. Tanvi Potluri, Graduate student, Johns Hopkins

472. Nick Hynes, PhD student, UC Berkeley

473. Scott Altern, Master's in Engineering Graduate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

474. Sarah Scott, Student , University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point

475. Anthony Ciavarella, PhD Student, University of Washington

476. Eileen Forsyth, PhD Candidate , Former Princeton graduate student

477. Teri Micco, former Professor, Boise State University

478. Jonathan Choi, JD-PhD Student, Duke University

479. Rebecca Hauser, PhD Stuent, University of Alabama in Birmingham

480. Christy Wolovich, Associate Professor, Florida Southern College

481. Nikki Soich, Concerned Citizen. Masters degree, Retired

482. Amelia Crenshaw, Community member, Quarles & Brady LLP

483. Walter Furness, PhD student, Texas State University

484. Jeffrey Barbon, Senior Scientist, Abbvie

485. George Daley, Dean, Harvard Medical School

486. Anna Konstorum, Postdoctoral Fellow, UConn Health

487. Sarah Mae Smith, MD/PhD Student, UC Irvine School of Medicine

488. Benjamin Reynolds, M.Eng, Research Assistant, MIT

489. Travis Seaborn, PhD Candidate, Washington State University

490. Dr. Brian McLean, Scientific Staff, Unable to Provide

491. Xavier du Maine, PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

492. Leah Grinvalsky , SPT, University of Minnesota: Twin Cities

493. Rene Kizys, Graduate Student, Cleveland State University

494. Irene Naesse, faculty, Orange Coast College

495. Srikanth Sastry, Software engineer, phd, Facebook

496. Elizabeth Ribble, Ph.D., tenured faculty, Metropolitan State University of Denver

497. Amelia Nestler, PhD holder, University of Wisconsin - Madison

498. Natanim Haile, Undergraduate student, Virginia Tech

499. Paula de Man, J.D., College of William & Mary

500. Cylton Collymore, MBA, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business

501. Kenneth M. Klemow, Ph.D., Professor, Wilkes University

502. Yi-Shiuan Tung, MEng Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

503. Brooke Severe, Masters student, Yale University

504. Michael W. Swift, PhD Candidate, UC Santa Barbara

505. Samantha Coleman , Undergraduate student, Willamette University

506. McKenzie Hightower, JD Candidate , Adfero

507. Nouran Abdelfattah, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

508. Tom Knight, Founder / Former faculty, Ginkgo Bioworks / MIT

509. Katlyn Gardner, MS student, Missouri State University

510. Candice Prince, PhD Candidate, University of Florida

511. Rachel Levantovsky, MD/PhD Student , Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

512. Athena Hadjixenofontos, Program Director, University of Miami

513. Kate Samuelson, Master's Student, University of Oxford

514. Priyanka Chatterjee, Double MS Candidate, MIT

515. Genevieve Flaspohler, PhD Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

516. Georgia Stirtz, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

517. Jessica Hejny, Faculty, Amherst College

518. Deborah Danzeiser, Interim Faculty, UTA

519. Alex Ochs, MS Student, University of California - Irvine

520. Blakeley Hoffman, Masters Candidate , Massachusetts Institute of Technology

521. Jesse Dolar, Alumni, Kent State University

522. Heather Renn, Educator, PGHS

523. Erin Treanore, PhD Candidate, Penn State

524. Harry Thaman, PhD, Stanford

525. Amy Van Hove, PhD, Polymer Scientist, University of Rochester

526. Santiago Correa, PhD Candidate, MIT

527. Alyse Lopez-Salm, MPH graduate, Emory University

528. Alexandra Burke, Community member, Bradley University

529. Elizabeth Martin, Undergraduate, MIT

530. Cem Sengel, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

531. Danielle Daidone, PhD Candidate, Indiana University

532. Deborah M Gradian, Faculty, Veteran public school educator, McFarland High School

533. Karena Cai, PhD Candidate, Caltech

534. Nicole Watson, MS Graduate , Central Michigan University

535. Ariel Mond, PhD Student, Rutgers University

536. Eli Sadovnik, PhD student, UCLA

537. Ashley Korzun, Research Aerospace Engineer, Ph.D., NASA

538. Emma Giles, PhD Candidate , Harvard University

539. Christian Villescas, Community member, Rice University

540. Maël Le Noc, PhD Student, Texas State University

541. Josue Lopez, PhD Candidate, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

542. Jessie Brown, PhD candidate, New York University

543. Joshua Peters, PhD Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

544. A.A. Rojas, PhD, University of California, Berkeley

545. Catherine Henry, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

546. Sharon Wu, PhD hopeful, Massachusetts General Hospital

547. Stacy Lynn, PhD, Research Scientist, Colorado State University

548. Lee Swanson, PhD Candidate, UCSD

549. Daniel Lazzareschi, MD candidate, Stanford University

550. Rhia Catapano , PhD student, Stanford University

551. Malek Ben Romdhane, MEng candidate, Massachusetts institute of technology

552. Abhimanyu Dubey, MS/PhD candidate, MIT

553. Maxim Baryshevtsev, PhD student, University of Texas at Austin

554. Nan Kathy Lin, PhD Candidate, Georgetown

555. Logan Schwartz , Community member , Massachusetts general hospital

556. Olga Prikhodko, PhD Candidate, UCSD

557. Katherine Mizrahi, PHD Candidate, MIT

558. Amanda Bowe, MS, University of Idaho

559. Peter Fredenburg, Undergraduate Student, Willamette University

560. Kelsey Allen, PhD Candidate, MIT

561. Connor Dobson, PhD Candidate, MIT

562. Malvika Verma, PhD Candidate, MIT

563. Debra Sharkey, Faculty, Cosumnes River College

564. Alex Graves, Student/ALS, University of Phoenix/DOD

565. Holly Sullivan-Toole, PhD Student, Virginia Tech

566. Diane Ray, Community member, Grimm Book Bindery

567. Margaret Chow, PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

568. Hannah Bernstein, MD/PhD student, NYU School of Medicine

569. Chelsea Hutton, MSc Candidate , University of Alaska

570. Celeste Peay, MD/JD Candidate , Boston University Schools of Medicine and Law

571. Crystal Chu, Postdoc, MIT

572. Prakriti Paul, PhD, Princeton University

573. Sharon Daniel , Professor Emeritus , Orange Coast College

574. Elizabeth Adams, Research Associate, UNC Chapel Hill

575. Derek Arnolf, MD Candidate, University of Alaska Fairbanks

576. Thomas Howard, MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard University

577. Delfina González, PhD Candidate, Yale University

578. Hunter Gatewood, MEng, MIT

579. Stephanie Kors , PhD candidate , University of Tennessee

580. Vivek Miglani, Master's Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

581. Alex Summers, MD candidate, City of New York

582. Crystal Theesfeld, Masters, Physics Education, Ithaca College

583. Brian Andrews, Faculty, Rogers State University

584. Saad Siddiqui, Student, Virginia Tech

585. Katherine Kafonek, PhD student, University of Delaware

586. Matt Schwartz, M.S. Candidate, Weill Cornell Medical College

587. Jaclyn Lund, Future PhD Candidate, University of Virginia

588. Jenn Dearolf, Ph.D., Professor, Hendrix College

589. Caitlin Rice, PhD student, University of Pittsburgh

590. Nico Angenent-Mari, PhD Candidate, MIT

591. Brice Lawley, Master's Student, Columbus State University

592. Derek Siegel, PhD Candidate , University of Massachusetts - Amherst

593. Karren Yang, PhD Candidate, MIT

594. Joanna Tousey , Retired Fulbright scholar, BM, MM, AMus D, Retired.BM, MM, A Mus D

595. Carson Bode, Master's student, Oklahoma State University

596. Princess Rodriguez , PhD Candidate , University of Vermont

597. Noelle Koonce, PhD Candidate, Yale University

598. Wei Liu, PhD Student, Yale university

599. Rachel Lekanoff, MS candidate, University of Alaska Fairbanks

600. Alexander Triassi, PhD Candidate , Massachusetts Institute of Technology

601. Coral Torres, Masters Student, Columbus State University

602. Dawn Allen-Carlson, community member, NA

603. Evan C. Lopez, Undergraduate, Rice University

604. Inchul You, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

605. Andrea Hakimian, Faculty, University of Washington

606. Maya Gosztyla , Undergraduate student, The Ohio State University

607. Jessica Ruiz, MD Candidate, Harvard University

608. Maha Sonsino , Prospective Graduate Student , Penn State

609. Deepshikha Dogra, PhD Candidate, MIT

610. WIlliam McHenry, faculty, The University of Akron

611. Bryan McComb, PhD Candidate, New York University

612. Benjamin Steinhorn, MD/PhD student, Harvard Medical School

613. Brian Do, MD-PhD candidate, Harvard Medical School and MIT

614. Sarah Hensley, M.Eng. Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

615. Emily Simmons, Future graduate student, Inland Northwest Nature Connection

616. Zaritza Petrova, PhD Candidate, Yale University

617. Raffaele Perrino, Community member and JD holder, Walsworth, LLP

618. Ian Gonzalez, PhD Student , Yale University

619. John Louie, Professor , University of Nevada, Reno

620. Edward Stronge, MD/PhD candidate, Harvard Medical School

621. Cindy McCrea, Faculty and previous first generation college student, Boise State University

622. Sunil Kunnakkat, Master's Student, New York University

623. Willy Lensch, Chief of Staff, Harvard Medical School, PhD grad, Oregon Health Sciences University

624. Thomas Xu, MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

625. Kimberly Parkhurst, PhD Candidate, University of Utah

626. Jacob Ryan Metzger, M.S. candidate, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

627. Alyssa Botelho, MD/PhD candidate, Harvard University

628. Rufus Isaacs, Faculty, Michigan State University

629. Yasina Somani, PhD candidate, Penn State

630. Dana Vigue, MD-PhD candidate, Harvard Medical School

631. Michael Sprague, PhD student, Loma Linda University

632. Casey Clark, PhD Candidate, University of Alaska Fairbanks

633. Ashish Vora, PhD Candidate, Old Dominion University

634. Eric Linney, Undergraduate student, St. Petersburg College

635. Joshua Sheetz, Ph.D. Student, Yale University

636. John A. Curiel, PhD candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

637. Emma Fink, MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

638. Haley Armstrong, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

639. Seema, PhD, Wayne State University

640. Sarah Kintner, MS Student , Washington State University

641. Rebecca Heise, Faculty, VCU

642. Teshika Jayewickreme, MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

643. Kevin K. Qin, MS, MD candidate , The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences

644. Sara Simmons, PhD student, Old Dominion University

645. Madeleine Stone, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

646. Louise Teel, PhD graduate and faculty member, The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

647. Rachel Boody, Predoctoral Student, University of Cincinnati

648. Katherine Dodson, M.S. candidate, Villanova University

649. Xenia Rangaswami, Undergraduate, Scripps College

650. Heather Runberg, MS Student, University of Denver

651. Shayak Sengupta, Ph.D. Student , Carnegie Mellon University

652. Rachel Stein, Master's Student, University of Idaho

653. Allison Butt, PhD Student, Yale University

654. Jennifer Dumdie, MD, PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego

655. Karianne Bergen, PhD candidate, Stanford University

656. Caroline Focht, PhD Student, Yale University

657. Kevin Ackerman, Undergraduate, Michigan State University

658. Carolyn Holz, Community member, future masters student, Jana Inc.

659. Preston Ge, MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

660. Christopher J. Tralie, Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University

661. David Shechner, Faculty member, The University of Washington

662. Di Sheng Lee, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

663. Aaron walker , Graduate student, University of North Carolina at Wilmigton

664. Brittany White, MS, University of California, Davis

665. Peter N Kalugin, MD-PhD Candidate, Harvard University

666. Julia Page, MD/PhD candidate , Harvard Medical School

667. Dr. Candace Smith, Faculty, Tidewater Community College

668. Talya Levitz, PhD candidate, MIT

669. Annika Rollock, Undergraduate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

670. Nicole, graduate, Northern Michigan University

671. Kevin Quigley, Operations Manager/R&D Scientist, PSS Urology, Inc

672. Shri, community member, IIT

673. Joshua Griffin Dunn, PhD, Ginkgo Bioworks

674. Azucena Ramos, M.D. Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard Medical School and MIT

675. Waldie Anderson, Master’s Student, Clark University

676. Meryl McCurry, Community Member , Duke University

678. Colette F, Graduate Student, University of Southern CA

679. Khoi Nguyen, Phd Candidate, MIT

680. Jessica Froula, Staff , University of Alabama at Birmingham

681. James Kraemer, Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

682. Jeff, PhD candidate, Harvard

683. Whitney Luke, Faculty physician, The Ohio State University

684. Geoffrey Supran, PhD (MIT), Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University & Massachusetts Institute of Technology

685. Hannah Morton, PhD Candidate, Binghamton University (SUNY)

686. Kristina Suorsa, PhD Candidate, Oklahoma State University

687. Dorian Fougeres, Doctor of Philosophy 2005, Collaborative Adaptation LLC

688. Victor Luftig, Professor, University of Virginia

689. Laiah Factor , PhD Candidate , Indiana University

690. Jessica Kang, PhD Student, University of California — Irvine

691. Catherine Gallagher, Friend and Relatives to Professors and PhD Scientists, Brown University / University of Arizona

692. Sara Rubin, MD/PhD Student, Harvard Medical School

693. Cody Davis Godwin , PhD Candidate , Tennessee Tech

694. Ho Chit Siu, PhD candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

695. Jennifer Grouling, Faculty, Ball State

696. Kathleen Pfaff, PhD Scientist, Harvard University

697. Oscar Alfonso Chavez, PhD Student, Yale University

698. Justin Valletta, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

699. Samuel Pettyjohn, DrPH Candidate, East Tennessee State University

700. Antara Rao, PhD Candidate, UCSF

701. Erin Ritchie, PhD Student, University of California, San Diego

702. Megan Okeefe, MS candidate, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry

703. Nathaniel George, PhD Student , University of Kentucky

704. Janis Doss, PhD Candidate, Old Dominion University

705. David Mazumder, MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard University

706. Drew Alan Walker, PhD, Anthropology, Columbia 1998, Columbia University

707. Sheryl Wang, PhD candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

708. Roberto Diaz, PhD candidate, UCSF

709. Max Ladow, PhD Candidate, UCSF

710. Mary Stangis, M.S. Candidate, Wayne State University

711. Adam Berger, MD-PhD student, Harvard-MIT

712. Francina Dominguez, Associate Professor, University of Illinois

713. Sarah Bussan, Medical Laboratory Scientist, Mayo Clinic

714. SN, MD-PhD candidate, Harvard University

715. Ploy Achakulwisut, Postdoc, The George Washington University

716. Emma Strub, Masters, Rutgers University

717. Daniel Stahler, PhD holder, National Park Service

718. Niall Millar , PhD candidate , Washington state University

719. Jaleesa Akuoko, MD Candidate, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

720. Zach Duguid, Undergraduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

721. Zach McKeeby, PhD student, The University of Virginia

722. Althea Holz, Parent of prospective Masters of Engineering student at MIT, Self

723. Farah Attia, BS, MIT

724. Benjamin T. Allen Ph.D., Contract Researcher, SixSents Inc

725. Priya Makhijani, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto

726. Elsa Stoff, MD Candidate, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

727. Madeleine Burkhart, PhD candidate, University of Washington

728. Natalie Danziger, research assistant, Dana Farber Cancer Institute

729. Annie Jolliff, Undergraduate Student, Willamette University

730. Shelby Roseman, PhD candidate, Harvard University

731. Laurie Dunn, Faculty , Middle school science teacher

732. Rebecca Morton, MD candidate , Mercyhurst University

733. Dr. Erin M. Gibbons, Adunct Faculty, Seattle Central College

734. Brianne dougherty, Phd student, Northwestern university

735. Yonglong Tian, PhD Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

736. Jillian Johannes, M.S. Candidate, Mercyhurst University

737. Kari Dalane, PhD student, American University

738. Rakeb Lemma, Community member (research assistant), University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

739. Henry Lieberman, Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

740. James Grove, PhD Candidate, University of California, San Francisco

741. Matthew Schmitz, PhD Student, UC San Francisco

742. Jonathan Garcia-Mallen, Undergraduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

743. Gabriela Canales, Graduate Student, University of California, San Francisco

744. Zhiling Zhao, PhD Candidate, UCSF

745. Christopher Velarides, MS Candidate, Johns Hopkins University

746. Madeleine Dawson, MEng candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

747. Alexa Bracci , PhD candidate , Cornell University

748. Sarah Pease, PhD Student, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary

749. Talia Swartz, Faculty, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

750. Kathleen Radtke, Teacher of future college students , Washburn High School

751. Katheryn Watson, PhD Student, Texas Tech University

752. Ibtihal Elfaki, Undergraduate, Brown University

753. Samuel Myers, Faculty, UCSF

754. Nancy J. Legge, Faculty, Idaho State University

755. Lauren Sirota, PhD Student, University of Michigan

756. Morgan Edwards, Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

757. Annamarie Bustion, PhD Student, University of California, San Francisco

758. John chapman, MD candidate , California state university, Long Beach

759. Kaitavjeet Chowdhary, MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

760. Adam Carte, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

761. Elizabeth Pratico, PhD, Pharmaceutical company R&D

762. Sihan Yuan, PhD, Harvard University

763. Hannah Halusker, Staff, Clemson University

764. Victoria Okuneye, MD-PHD Candidate, University of Chicago

765. Stephanie Eiland Markham, the University of Texas at Austin Graduate, the University of Texas at Austin

766. Jack Nicoludis, PhD candidate, Harvard

767. Sebastian Swanson, First Year Graduate Student, MIT

768. Olesea Cojohari, Recent PhD Graduate, SUNY Upstate Medical University

769. Emily Verbus, MD candidate , Case Western Reserve University

770. Alexander Merriman, M.D., Ph.D. Candidate , University of California, San Francisco

771. Christine Regalla, Faculty member, Boston Univeristy

772. Jarred Gillette, Phd,MS student, University of California Riverside

773. Elizabeth A Luke, Master’s student , Wadsworth Center MLS Program, NYSDOH

774. Jeremy Marcq, PhD candidate, Harvard University — Boston university — Tufts University

775. Daniel Chen, PhD Candidate, UCSD

776. Bridget Brown, BA, MBA, Business Owner, University of Tennessee

777. Natalie Christian, PhD Candidate, Indiana University

778. Stéphie-Anne Dulièpre, DVM student, Cornell University

779. Alexei Matyushov, PhD Candidate, Northeastern University

780. Ashley Smith, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto

781. Antonio Tinoco Valencia, PhD Candidate, University of Rochester

782. Katharine McMahon, PhD candidate, Portland State University

783. Jessica Brimley, Parent of students, CSULB

784. Ann Hobbs, Former university faculty member, Retired

785. Mollie Eva Hansen, PhD Applicant, University of Rochester

786. Allison E Hamilos, MD/PhD candidate, Harvard Medical School

787. Heley Ong, Research Assistant, Rockefeller University

788. Steph McNamara, MD/PhD student, Harvard University

789. Agniva Roy, PhD candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology

790. Heather Howell Wescott , Scientist , IDRI

791. C.Kail-Tucker, artist/community member, cmktARTS

792. Irene Chen, PhD student, University of California, San Francisco

793. K. A. Bremer, Concerned citizen , Concerned citizen

794. Kristen Krumhardt , PhD candidate , University of Colorado Boulder

795. Siddhartha H Dhakal, PhD, Yale University

796. Vince Loyd, PhD Student, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

797. Gwendolynn Combs, MEd graduate and former graduate assistant, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

798. Kaustav Gopinathan, MD-PhD Candidate, Harvard University

799. Stacey Levinson, JD, Attorney

800. Disharee Das, PhD candidate, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse

801. Bonnie Chen, MD candidate, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

802. Ceejay Lee, PhD Student, Harvard University

803. Russell A. Wright , Faculty , Auburn University

804. Ciarán O’Neill, PhD candidate, Harvard University

805. Jacqueline E. McDermott, PhD Candidate, Brandeis University

806. Emma Qest, PhD Candidate , Harvard Medical School

807. Adele Fowler, PhD Candidate, University of Alabama at Birmingham

808. Stephen Chou, SM Candidate, MIT

809. Louise Allen, Faculty/Administrator, Winston Salem State University

810. Neal Dixit, MD Candidate , Tulane University

811. Kara Kockelman , Professor , University of Texas at Austin

812. Daniel Barton, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago

813. Denise Allen, PhD Candidate, University of California — San Francisco

814. Amanda Haynes, Undergraduate, University of Michigan

815. Alicia Mathis, Faculty, Missouri State University

816. Bryant Davis, PhD Candidate, University of Florida

817. M. Taylor Haynes, Assistant Professor, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

818. Emily Bossard, Faculty, UC Riverside

819. Alejandro Suarez, Engineer, 1366 Technologies Inc

820. christa marren, community member, st charles engineering

821. Abigail Schiff, MD/PhD candidate, Harvard Medical School

822. yona eckstein, PHD, community member, retired

823. Abby Davenport, DVM Candidate , Cornell University

824. Sherif Gerges, PhD Student, Harvard University

825. Kaylyn Williamson, PhD student, Harvard University

826. Brandon Nguyen, Undergrad, Virginia Tech

827. Alysha Cypjer, PhD, The University of Akron

828. Erik Van Dis, PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley

829. Rohil Verma, Undergrad, MIT

830. Kennedy Phillips, MS candidate, Oakland University

831. Stanley Gill, PhD Student, Harvard University

832. Jane Thibeault, PhD Student, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

833. Mona Kanin, community member, self

834. Shinara Sunderlal , MA student, NYU

835. Manav Gupta, PhD, Harvard University

836. Lucas Liebenwein, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

837. Jackson Halpin, PhD Candidate, Brandeis University

838. Spencer Peay, MS student, University of Georgia

839. Laura Grossi, PhD candidate, Fairleigh Dickinson University

840. Ryan Prestil, PhD Candidate, National Institutes of Health

841. Merri Rosen, Assistant Professor, Northeast Ohio Medical University

842. Michael Robbe, MD Candidate, Case Western Medical School

843. Alfred Alexander Davis, MPA candidate, Cornell University, Cornell Institute for Public Affairs

844. Sean Stapleton, DVM Candidate, Cornell University

845. Eugene Evans, PhD Candidate, Princeton University

846. Michelle Moritz , PhD, Research Biochemist, UCSF

847. Elizabeth Daniels, Ph.D., Faculty member, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

848. Meagan A. Wheatley, Veterinary student, Cornell University

849. Danaan DeNeve Weeks, PhD Candidate, University of California Merced

850. Shanna Newton, PhD Candidate, UCSD

851. Steven Hanes, VMD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine

852. Sharon Dyet, Community member, Retired

853. David Yousavich, MS candidate, Cal State LA

854. Siyuan (Lily) Cheng, Graduate Student, Yale University

855. John Pulice, PhD student, Harvard University

856. Amy Tobia, Community Member, FS Design Group

857. Darrell Crick, Faculty, Concord University

858. Yidi Wang, MD/PhD candidate, Harvard Medical School

859. Marina Watanabe, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

860. Matthew Weatherman , BS Candidate, future PhD, Rice University

861. Amanda REnfro, PhD student , Florida International University

862. Michelle Herrera, PhD Candidate, Fairleigh Dickinson University

863. Lillian Klug, Post-doctoral scholar, Oregon health and science university

864. Faridah Laffan, Undergraduate Student, Princeton University

865. Rachel R. Kaspari, PhD Candidate, Yale University

866. Termara Parker, PhD Candidate , Yale University

867. Noah Setterholm, Postdoctoral Researcher, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

868. Max Boersma, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

869. Samantha Stanford, Graduate, University of North Carolina Wilmington

870. Nicholas Zolman, PhD (pre-candidacy), UCLA

871. Val Licon, Community Member, Truckee Meadows Mental Health

872. Matthew Gherman, PhD candidate, UCLA

873. Cynthia Guerin, MD Candidate, University of Florida

874. Dave M, Staff, UW-Madison

875. Alison Iles, Postdoc, Oregon State University

876. Jeet Sampat, PhD First Year, Washington University in St. Louis

877. Morgan Feldman , DVM candidate , Cornell University

878. Barbara Duckworth, undergrad, research developer , MIT/eBay

879. Hannah Khoddam, PhD Candidate , USC

880. Jocelyn Ochoa, PhD student, University of California Merced

881. Jeff Martin, PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley

882. Diane Hardee, retired teacher and parent of a PhD biologist who needed thar tuition waver to NOT be taxed., retired from the Northshore School district

883. Michael Lopez, Scientist, Achaogen Inc

884. Jocelyn Ochoa , PhD student , University of California Merced

885. Rebecca waterman, Grad applicant, SDTV

886. Victoria Kala, PhD candidate , UCLA

887. Zachary Schwartz, PhD Candidate, Oregon Health and Science University

888. Roberta Dollinger, PhD Candidate, Penn State University

889. Nandagopal Ramachandran, PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego

890. Heather Dingwall , PhD candidate , Harvard University

891. Nitish Padmanaban, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

892. Sivan Marcus, MD candidate, University of California, San Fransisco

893. Anita Corbett, Faculty, Emory University

894. Shyam Bhakta, PhD Candidate, Rice University

895. Crissa Cooey, PhD Candidate, West Virginia University

896. Jeremiah Lawson, PhD Candidate, UC Irvine

897. Sydney Gibson, PhD Student, Rice University

898. Joel Jean, Postdoctoral Associate, MIT

899. Andre, Alumni, University of Delaware

900. Zvi Shapiro, PhD Student, Pennsylvania State University

901. Danielle Welty, Dual Masters Student, University of Toledo

902. Alice Chen-Liaw , MD/PhD Candidate, Icahn School of Medicine

903. Malgorzata Dorosz, MS, Medical Laboratory Scientist, Veracyte

904. Christina Curlette, Alumni, MIT

905. Chara Koutsioumpa , PhD student, Harvard University

906. Tobias Brown-Heft, PhD Candidate, University of California Santa Barbara

907. Rachel Ekaireb, MD candidate , University of California San Francisco

908. Frances Chu, Librarian, University of Washington

909. Tyler Fair, Ph.D. Student, UCSF

910. Miles Medina, PhD Candidate, University of Florida

911. Emily Griffin, PhD Student, University of California at San Diego

912. Amanda Koire, MD/PhD candidate, Baylor College of Medicine

913. Jose A Godoy-Lugo, PhD student, UC Merced

914. Wendy Trzyna, Faculty, Marshall University

915. Drayton Harvey, MD-PhD Student, USC-Caltech

916. Desirae Kissell , MS, University of Arizona

917. Ann Ray, PhD Candidate, UT Southwestern Medical Center

918. Jakob Jarecki, Prospective graduate student , Americorps

919. Kirsten Oleson, PhD, Faculty, University of Hawaii

920. Lauren Yates, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

921. Sylvia Emory , MD, Oregon Medical Group

922. Justin Nguyen, DO/MPH Candidate, Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine

923. Alain Bengochea, Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

924. Omar Mesina, MD Candidate, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine

925. Jackson Bahr, PhD Student, UCLA

926. Albyn Jones, Statistician, emeritus, Retired

927. Blaine Boyd, PhD candidate, Wright State

928. Sidra Goldman-Mellor, Faculty member, UC Merced

929. Amanda Snyder, Program Associate, University of Idaho

930. Louisa Huang, Undergraduate student, Wellesley College

931. Claire Revekant, MS graduate research assistant , Oregon State University

932. Rebecca Cassidy, DVM candidate, University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine

933. Jessica Doppel, PhD Student, University of California Riverside

934. Anita Kumar, PhD Candidate, University of Washington

935. Kyle Jay, College Professor, PhD, Claremont Colleges

936. Tom Hatcher, MFA candidate; adjunct faculty, American University

937. Carly Fagnant, PhD student, Rice University

938. Dan McRoneberts, Community member, Northern Arizona U

939. Dominique Bertrand, M.A., PhD Candidate , University at Buffalo

940. Elie Farah, PhD Candidate, UCSD

941. Giuliana Conti, PhD first year, University of Washington

942. Francesca Del Frate, PhD student, UCSF

943. Thuy-Lan Lite, MD-PhD candidate, MIT

944. Benjamin Andreone, PhD Candidate , Harvard University

945. Geoffrey Barton, Community member, Massachusetts College of Art Design

946. Melanie Mendez, PhD Candidate, University of California, Merced

947. Annette Skorupa, Faculty, University if Scranton

948. Amanda Wagstaff, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Francisco

949. Lauren Stoner, PsyD candidate, Wright State University

950. Stephanie Xie, Scientific Associate, University Health Network, PhD MIT

951. Linda Haley, Retired, Retired

952. Fred Winston, Faculty, Harvard Medical School

953. Piraye Beim, PhD, PhD, alum of Cornell , Celmatix Inc

954. Rui Pires Martins, PhD Graduate, Wayne State University, Queen Mary University of London

955. Brittney Ferrari, PhD, University of Georgia

956. Steven Vickers, MA Student, Marquette University

957. Julia Moore, Alumni, University of Oregon, The Alacrity Group

958. Claire Dodinval, Undergraduate currently applying to graduate programs. Enrollment is contingent on the financial feasibility of the programs. , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

959. Joseph Kreitz, Undergraduate, Duke University

960. Cherry Gao, PhD candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

961. Jessica Cardin, PhD Candidate, Texas A&M

962. Polle Zellweger , PhD 1984, U of California at Berkeley

963. Melissa Fisher, MS, Texas A & M University

964. Claire Jorgensen, undergrad student looking to get a PHD, Willamette University

965. Julia Pelta Feldman, PhD Candidate, New York University

966. Amy Brock-Hon, Faculty, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

967. Thomas Watson, PHD, Eastern Michigan University

968. Lane Woodward, PhD Student, Virginia Tech

969. Cade Ritter, Undergraduate, Rice University

970. Kyle Burton, Former Master of Science Student, Public School Teacher

971. Alyssa DePasquale, PhD Candidate, Fairleigh Dickinson University

972. Blair Burnette, PhD student , Virginia Commonwealth University

973. Michael Sharp, Community member, ETS Laboratories

974. Mikaila Smith, Master’s Student, University of Oxford

975. Brian Finn, teacher/community member, Wellesley High School Science Dept

976. Nikita Sturrock, PhD Candidate , Harvard University

977. Margaret Gross, MD Candidate, Western Illinois University

978. Emily Shuman , PhD Candidate , New York University

979. Sarah Gray, Faculty, Armstrong State University

980. Colette Hughes, Community Member, Town of North Andover

981. Joanne Keilman, mother of Master’s degree candidate, University of Nebraska — Lincoln

982. Laurie Close, LCSW, Staff, North Syracuse School District

983. Robin W. Allison DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVP, Adjunct Professor , Oklahoma State University (retired)

984. Dhwanil Shukla, PhD, Georgia Tech

985. Harold Rodenbiker MD, MD, Fercho Cataract & Eye Clinic

986. Andrew Rutter, Wildlife Biologist, Southern Illinois University Carbondale & Lake County Forest Preserve District

987. Charles M. Farber, MD, PhD, Physician, Summit Medical Group-MD Anderson Cancer Center

988. Gwyneth Jensen, Faculty , East Windsor School District

989. Giulia Notarangelo, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

990. Dr. Robyn Tanny, Research Scientist, Northwestern University

991. Ann-Marie Cruz, Scientific Review Administrator, Anonymous

992. Sarah Stumper, PhD Candidate, Brandeis University

993. Nancy Dust, Community member, Chris Walsh Law

994. Holly Dowell, M.S. Candidate, The New School

995. Todd Weimer, Community Member, CarMax, Inc

996. Gail Langellotto, Faculty , Oregon State University

997. Kari Johnson, Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Health

998. Vincent Chu, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

999. Edward Hubbard, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1000. Priscilla Pozo , DVM candidate , St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine

1001. Carly Estrada-Palma, Community member , Virginia Tech

1002. Jennifer A. Hasik, Eventual Masters Applicant, Greenville Technical Community College

1003. Julianne Quinn, Postdoctoral Researcher, Cornell University

1004. Jeannette Briggs, Owner, Self-employed

1005. Dorit Koren, MD, Physician

1006. Jacob R Anderson, MD candidate, Harvard Medical School

1007. Maria, Ph.D Student, University of Florida

1008. Luke Latimer, PhD, University of California, Berkeley

1009. Silvia Newell, Faculty, Wright State University

1010. Dustin Moraczewski, PhD Student, University of Maryland

1011. Jimmy Thostenson, Phd Candidate, Duke University

1012. Jessika Trancik, Faculty, MIT

1013. Elizabeth Quinn, Faculty, Washington University

1014. Allyson Freedy, MD PhD Student, Harvard University

1015. Elyse Mowle , PhD candidate, Texas A&M University

1016. Samantha Clinkinbeard , Faculty member , University of Nebraska Omaha

1017. Kimberly Hagel, PhD student , Harvard University

1018. Jessica McGrath, Scientist, DSM

1019. Alexandra Wohler, Faculty, Wellesley Public Schools

1020. Sindhu Carmen Sivakumaren, PhD candidate, Harvard University

1021. Michelle White, PhD Candidate, Cornell University

1022. Kailey Conner, PharmD Candidate , Virginia Commonwealth University University

1023. Michelle Meade, Ph.D., Faculty, University of Michigan

1024. Christopher P. Randle, Associate Professor, Sam Houston State University

1025. Matthew C. Kessinger, PhD Candidate , Virginia Tech

1026. Jeanine Willig, M.A, Middlebury institution of international studies

1027. Julia Mennella PhD, Faculty, Monell Chemical Senses Center

1028. Casey Cazer, DVM, PhD Candidate , Cornell University

1029. Saada Eid, Researcher, Case Western Reserve University

1030. Madeleine Oudin, Research Scientist, MIT

1031. Nathan Burnham, PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

1032. Geneva Yawger, M.A./Ph.D. Student, University of Vermont

1033. William A. Witherspoon, Community Member, Auburn University/SSI Group

1034. Eva Dadlez, PhD, Professor, University of Central Oklahoma

1035. Ashley Jacobson, MD Candidate , Medical College of Wisconsin

1036. Basil Iannone, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Florida

1037. Peggy Weimer, Community memebr, Retired Accountant

1038. Sabine Voigt, Ph.D., self-employed

1039. Ashley Hemm, PhD Candidate, University of Miami

1040. Deborah Andrus, Adjunct faculty, Lehigh University

1041. Eric C. Martin, Assistant Professor, Baylor University

1042. Anneliese Rilinger, PhD Candidate, Boston University

1043. Johanna Gutlerner, Administrator, Harvard Medical School

1044. Turner Pecen, PhD Candidate, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

1045. Justyna Zakaria, Post Doctoral Fellow, Northwestern University

1046. Angelina Nou, PhD Candidate, MIT

1047. Valerie Arboleda, faculty, ucla

1048. Gregory Horesovsky, Ph. D., Associate Dean, ECPI University

1049. Linda Kennedy, Faculty, Columbus City Schools

1050. Rachael Peck, Community member, James Madison University

1051. Julia Manor, Faculty , Ripon College

1052. Melissa LaBonty, PhD Candidate, Tufts University

1053. Jamil Mahmud, PhD Student, SUNY Upstate Medical University

1054. Emily R., PhD Candidate, Brown University

1055. Renee Geck, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1056. Stephanie Steichen, PhD, University of Texas at Austin

1057. Megan Dang, PhD Student, University of Delaware

1058. Valerie Gartner, PhD Student, Duke University

1059. Gabriel Salzman, MD/PhD Student, University of Chicago

1060. Christina Estela Brown, PhD Candidate , Florida International University

1061. Stephen F. Zdzinski, Faculty, University of Miami

1062. Alex Bigger-Allen, Ph.D., Harvard University

1063. Cody Cutler, PhD student, MIT

1064. Avery Davis Bell, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1065. Meghan Koch, postdoctoral fellow, UC Berkeley

1066. Marilyn Stewart, Head of School, The Red Oaks School

1067. Jo Wana Cavins, faculty, North Dakota State University

1068. Robert Nick, Staff Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1069. Daniel Anderson, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1070. Samantha Linder , PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

1071. Krissy Lyon , PhD Candidate , Harvard University

1072. Kathryn Coe, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1073. Sheila Thomas, PhD, Faculty, Harvard Medical School

1074. Kathryn Walsh, PhD Candidate, Montana State University

1075. Michelle Leslie, Faculty , University of California, Merced

1076. Allen Aloise, Dean for Administration and Finance, Harvard University

1077. Tristan Dilbeck , PhD Candidate , Florida State University

1078. Elyse Doll, MA candidate, Northern Illinois University

1079. Julia Heberle, Associate Professor, Albright College

1080. Dana Boebinger, PhD student, Harvard University / MIT

1081. Krysten Barnes, DDS candidate , Texas A&M College of Dentistry

1082. Sofia Roitman, PhD Candidate, The Pennsylvania State University

1083. Brandon Sit, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1084. Scout Leonard, Undergraduate , Harvard University

1085. Robert A. Vierling, Ph.D., Former teacher and administrator, University of Wisconsin — Madison

1086. Sineadh Conway, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago

1087. Rachel Berkowitz, DrPH student, UC Berkeley

1088. Ruilong Hu, PhD Student, University of Maryland

1089. Tiffany Marcantonio , PhD student , University of Arkansas

1090. Mary Grace Lemon, PhD Student, Louisiana State University

1091. Christine Brodsky, Assistant Professor, Pittsburg State University

1092. Jake Turner, PhD Candidate, University of Virginia

1093. Jenna E Coalson, Postdoc, University of Arizona

1094. Katelyn Heimbruch , MD/PhD candidate, Medical College of Wisconsin

1095. Kristen Epps, Assistant Professor, University of Central Arkansas

1096. Kelly McKenzie, PhD Candidate, Caltech

1097. Laura Chiavini, College staff member, Kishwaukee College

1098. Dr Maura Meade, Former faculty member , Currently unemployed

1099. Nathan Wilairat, MS, The Ohio State University

1100. Annabelle Jones, MD Candidate , Stony Brook University School of Medicine

1101. Mollie Enright, Prospective graduate student, fall 2018, Undecided

1102. Karie Whitman, M.S., Ohio University

1103. Sanjay Subramanian, Undergraduate/future PhD candidate, University of Pennsylvania

1104. Lizzy Herrera, Master’s , University of Arkansas

1105. Naomi Wagner, Master’s student, Boston University

1106. Miles Churchill, Master’s Student, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

1107. Diana Gerrard, PhD Candidate , University of Vermont

1108. Amber Stilwell, M.S. graduate, adjunct professor, Gannon University

1109. Katryn Pasaribu , PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

1110. Don Brown, faculty, School District 41

1111. George Sun, PhD Candidate, MIT

1112. Karen Bobier, PhD Candidate, University of Georgia

1113. Christine Pardo, PhD Candidate, University of Miami

1114. Deborah Schmidt, PhD Candidate, University of Arizona

1115. Nicole R. Grieselhuber, MD, PhD , Advanced fellow (will be Assistant Professor as of January 1, 2018), The Ohio State University

1116. Kiera Sapp, PhD candidate, MIT

1117. Abby, edm candidate, staff, Rutgers

1118. Maggie Mae Mell, PhD Candidate, Medical University of South Carolina

1119. Jason Griffith, Faculty, Massachusetts General Hospital

1120. Emilie Clement , Business Development Manager , Mitra Biotech

1121. Rebecca Foust, PhD candidate, UIUC

1122. Raehoon Jeong, PhD student, Harvard Medical school

1123. Briana Freshner, Lab tech (applying to PhD programs now), University of Utah

1124. Christins Fischer, MS, Georgia State University

1125. Jennifer Buchman, PhD candidate , Florida State University

1126. Dr. Gloria Luong, Assistant Professor, Colorado State University

1127. Eliza meade, MD, Atrius health

1128. Katherine Harris, PhD, TeneoBio

1129. Avery Malone, Ph.D student, SUNY Buffalo

1130. Phillip Tran, PhD Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology

1131. Lindsey Wattley, MD candidate, University of Cincinnati

1132. Deborah Cohen, Retired, Retired

1133. Jamie Tanzer, B.A. , Harvard University

1134. Laura Stone, PhD alumna, Harvard University

1135. Ryan Fuller, PhD student, University of Chicago

1136. Cassandra Hoy, PhD Candidate, Fairleigh Dickinson University

1137. Julius G. Bright Ross, DPhil Candidate, University of Oxford

1138. Cindy Buffone, PhD candidate, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

1139. Alexis, Community member, Torii Mor Winery

1140. Suehelay Acevedo, PhD candidate, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1141. Jacy Hyde, PhD student, University of Florida

1142. Jessica Stern, PhD Candidate, University of Maryland, College Park

1143. Nathan Fortney, PhD candidate, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1144. Nauman Javed, MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

1145. Kate Gadek, PhD Candidate, University of Colorado Boulder

1146. Linda watkins, Community member, American Modern Insurance Co

1147. Caroline Sokol, Faculty, Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital

1148. Brian Geyer, PhD Student, Michigan State University

1149. Stacy Yuan, MD/PhD Student, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

1150. Pamela Carrilo, PhD candidate , Stony Brook University

1151. Maria, Community member, Florida International University/ Walgreens

1152. Eileen Roark , Faculty, Goodwon Colkege

1153. Jacob Layer, PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

1154. Melissa Cox, community member, Fairleigh Dickinson University

1155. Andrew Giacomelli, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1156. Glenn Sharman, Faculty, University of Arkansas

1157. Yanisa Techagumthorn, Masters Student, MIT

1158. Thong Luong, PhD candidate, University of Pittsburgh

1159. Robert St.Clair, Faculty, Dartmouth College

1160. Jenny Quintana, MD candidate, Purdue University

1161. Julie Cederbaum , Faculty , University of Southern California

1162. William Mahaney, Student, Virginia Tech

1163. Lydia Gibson, Undergrad Student, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

1164. Angela Zhang, MD-PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School and MIT

1165. Eugene Brandewie, Researcher, University of Minnesota

1166. Arian Vezvaee, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1167. David Bellamy, PhD candidate, Harvard University

1168. Elizabeth Sharer, PhD Student, University of Minnesota

1169. Monica Corbin, MS Student, UC Davis

1170. Agatha Lyczek, MD PhD candidate, Stony Brook University

1171. Kristina Martin, Community member , University of Florida

1172. Erin Larragoite , PhD Candidate, University of Utah

1173. Rebecca Leece, MD candidate, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

1174. Emily Yoshikawa, MS Candidate, Purdue University

1175. Barbara Betz, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

1176. Dylan Spence, PhD Student, Indiana University Bloomington

1177. Adam C. Powill, IV, Ph.D., Metals Industry Entrepreneur, INFINIUM, Inc.

1178. Emily Cohen, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School

1179. Nicole Seymour, Faculty , Cal State Fullerton

1180. Matthew MacDougall, MD/PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago

1181. Allyssa M. Joseph, Associate Director of Development, Metropolitan State University of Denver

1182. Christopher David Taylor, MS student, Northern Arizona University

1183. Ryan Steighner , Husband to a PhD candidate , Rutgers University

1184. Janet vu, phd, Stony brook university

1185. Joseph Truitt, Community member, Harris Thermal Transfer Products

1186. Peter Nolan, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1187. Courtney Smith, PharmD student , UMKC School of Pharmacy

1188. Tucker Ranson, Community member, Retired

1189. Alissa Campbell, MD-PhD Student, Harvard Medical School

1190. Meghann Humphries , PhD Candidate, University of Missouri Saint Louis

1191. Dr. Brenna Renn, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington

1192. Nabeel Siddiqui, PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary

1193. Andrew Roth, PhD Candidate , Texas A&M University

1194. Cassidy Stirtz, Sister of a Graduate Student, Self Employed Artist

1195. Tiani Louis, PhD student , University of California, San Diego

1196. Taylor A. Simcox, Graduate Student, Youngstown State University/Ohio University/Union Metal Corporation

1197. Nikolaos T. Polizos, PhD Student, University of Miami

1198. Christopher H. Tomkins-Tinch, Ph.D. Student, Harvard University

1199. Molly McNamara , PhD Student , Harvard University

1200. Kelly Fomenko, Master’s student, Virginia Tech

1201. Sudipta Mukherjee, PhD Student, Virginia Tech

1202. Josh Smith, Community Member, Best Buy

1203. Maria Saxton, PhD Student , Virginia Tech

1204. Allyson Hays, Academic Advisor (former Graduate Assistant), Columbus College of Art & Design

1205. Rachel Rupnow, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1206. Megan Gamiz, Applicant, CNU Alum

1207. Justin Hay, Graduate, Montana State university

1208. Elizabeth Brown, Faculty , A University in Florida

1209. Jean-Luc Maigrot, Undergraduate, University of Virginia

1210. Mary Elizabeth Baugh, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1211. Heather Corley, Masters Candidate, Virginia Tech

1212. Christina Morgan, PhD student, Univerisity of Alabama

1213. Zainab Doctor, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1214. Ying Ying Seah, PhD student , Purdue University

1215. Susan M Dolland, Community Member, Former Grad Student CSULB, Parent of MD Student University of Washington Medical School , Federal Way Public Schools

1216. Rob Hollingsworth, Parent of Harvard PHD student, Retired, US Department of State

1217. Moira LaVeck, Elementary School Paraeducator, MCPSMD

1218. Even Skjervold, MS & MBA, Clemson University

1219. Scott Taylor, PhD candidate, Harvard University

1220. Kathryn Gramigna, PhD candidate, Brandeis University

1221. Caroline Keroack, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1222. Stephanie Davis, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Kentucky

1223. Sharon Schaier, PhD, Community member, Downstate Medical Center

1224. Olivia Sederstrom, MA Candidate, Virginia Tech

1225. Gregory Cousins, PhD Candidate , University of Notre Dame

1226. Jenna Wurster, PhD Candidate, Brown University

1227. Brittany Kramer, Graduate Student , St. George’s University

1228. Robert Mihm, MBA, IOA

1229. Carrie Tribble, PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley

1230. Ann Kelly, MAR graduate, Library University Seminary

1231. Carla Winter, MD-PhD candidate, Harvard / MIT

1232. Josh Portner, PhD Candidate, University of Chicago

1233. Rami Grossberg , Professor , Carnegie Mellon University

1234. Charles Corey Hardin, faculty, Harvard Medical School

1235. Rebecca Lara, MD, EdM, Boston University

1236. Russell schreiber, Community member, Amd

1237. James Dickmann, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1238. Courtney Wittekind, PhD student, Harvard University

1239. Kirtan Patel, MD candidate , Texas A&M

1240. Nicole Klarmann, PhD Candidate, Michigan State University

1241. Michael Williams, PhD Candidate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1242. Laura Bogar, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

1243. Ethan Sneesby, MD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1244. Kate Moran, M.En. Candidate, Miami University (Ohio)

1245. Jessica Pritchard, Ph.D., Researcher, University of Virginia

1246. Di Yan, MD/MS candidate, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine

1247. Shelby Doyle, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1248. Monica Alarcon, MSc, University of Oxford

1249. Erika Schumacher, PhD Candidate, Washington University in St. Louis

1250. Shawn Madison Parsons, MD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1251. Julianna Shinnick, MSN candidate, Thomas Jefferson College of Health Sciences

1252. Jane Frandsen, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

1253. Dianne Barnes, BSN, Community member, PIH Health Whittier

1254. Liz Enrico, PhD Candidate, University of Utah

1255. Gael Nicolas, PhD Candidate, Cornell University

1256. Shannon McGinnis, Faculty, Roosevelt University

1257. John Murray, PhD Candidate, Arizona State University

1258. Kristen Ruesch, Community member/spouse of PhD Candidate , Purdue

1259. Ian Mathews, PhD Candidate, University of California San Diego

1260. Adrienne Luoma, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

1261. Bethany Wolters, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1262. Anelah McGinness, MD candidate, UC San Francisco

1263. Shara Pantry, Postdoc, University of Miami

1264. Tara Fetherolf, PhD Candidate, University if California Riverside

1265. Elisabeth Meyer, PhD student, Stanford University

1266. Juan Hincapie-Castillo, PhD Student, University of Florida

1267. Vibhaalakshmi Sivaraman, PhD candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1268. Jordan Conley, PhD Candidate , Boston University

1269. Chara Van Horn, Faculty, University of Tennessee at Martin

1270. Dana Neel, MD/PhD candidate, UCSF

1271. Sean Whitty, MD Candidate, Eastern Virginia Medical School

1272. Matthew Austin, PhD Student, University of Missouri — St. Louis

1273. Judith Bilyea, M.S. Candidate, Emporia State University

1274. Diane Mayer, Community member and spouse of a grad student. , University of Florida

1275. William Tait, Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago

1276. Kristen Lycett, Faculty, Salisbury University

1277. Marianne Gagnon, PhD Candidate, Temple University

1278. Siobhan Gartland, PhD Student, Brandeis University

1279. Michael Joseph Valdez, PhD Student, University of California, San Diego

1280. Jonathan Jackson, PhD Candidate , The Pennsylvania State University

1281. Richard Chomko, Educator, American Museum of Natural History

1282. Annette Quezada, Community member , Self employed

1283. Ralph Womer, Community Member, Retired

1284. Lizette Cooper, MS, Bowling Green State University

1285. Alesa Hughson, Graduate School Applicant, University of Michigan

1286. Thomas Rice, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan

1287. Phillip Tomezsko, PhD Candidate , Harvard University

1288. Destiny Fisk, MSW applicant, University of Alaska Anchorage

1289. Marielle Harrison, PhD Student, University of Chicago

1290. Alexander Thaler, PhD scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

1291. Rachel Kolb, PhD student, Emory University

1292. Nora Bailey, PhD Student, University of Chicago

1293. Amy Mahady, MSc, Research Scientist, mom

1294. Kathleen Carlisle , Community member , USC

1295. Victoria Madigan, PhD Candidate, UNC Chapel Hill

1296. C. Brents, PhD student , Colorado State University

1297. Leonid Breydo, faculty, University of South Florida

1298. Mariah Walzer, MA Candidate, University of Chicago

1299. Elyssa Zukin, Future MS candidate, University of Southern California

1300. Caitlin Baum, MD/PhD student, University of Toledo

1301. Bronwyn Baz, MD , Faculty, OHSU

1302. Benjamin Spangler, Post-doctoral Scholar, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research

1303. Daniel Norford, Adjunct Faculty, Santa Fe College

1304. Nikhil Garg, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

1305. Samuel Hobbs, PhD, Oregon Health & Science University

1306. Jessica Chen, PhD Candidate, University of Utah

1307. David Millican, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1308. Kate Farrell, PhD, CEO, Paradigm Shift Therapeutics

1309. Aabhas Bhatia, Masters Candidate, Virginia Tech

1310. Jennifer Rhodes, MD Graduate Assisstant, University of Southern Mississippi

1311. Niti Sharma, Masters Candidate, Virginia Tech

1312. Archanaa S Krishnan, PhD candidate, Virginia Tech

1313. Maryam Alapa, PhD candidate, Rutgers University

1314. Frances Marrone, staff member, MIT

1315. Rebecca Rushing, MA graduate , New York University

1316. Taylor Reams, Masters Student, University of North Carolina Greensboro

1317. Bailey Peck, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan

1318. Joshua Brenner, PhD student, University of California, San Francisco

1319. Stacey Torigoe, MS candidate, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

1320. Pallavi, PhD Candidate , UCSF

1321. Melissa Weiler, Future PhD Student, Jefferson Center for Mental Health

1322. Nicole Steele, PhD Student, Virginia Tech

1323. James Scott, Staff, University of Alabama

1324. Alicia Cabrera-Mino, MS , Stanford University

1325. Melany Sponseller, PhD Student, MIT

1326. Abby Hill, PhD candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1327. Anju Sawni , Faculty , Michigan state university

1328. Matt Blain, PHD candidate, UC Davis

1329. Catherine Koch, MD-PhD, MIT

1330. Amanda Lane, PhD Candidate, University of Georgia

1331. Tessa Green, PhD student , Harvard University

1332. Miriam Rubenson, PhD candidate, University of Southern California

1333. Tessa Huffstater, PhD Student, Vanderbilt University

1334. Hanchen Zhao, PhD candidate, Harvard Medical School

1335. Lisbeth K Siddens, Faculty , Oregon State University

1336. Erin Vollmer, Md candidate , University of Indianapolis

1337. Amy Chinn, PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego

1338. Jacqueline Brady, PhD candidate, Harvard University

1339. Justin Grassmeyer, MD/PhD candidate, University of Nebraska Medical Center

1340. Erin E. Poor, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1341. Aude Bouagnon, PhD Candidate, UCSF

1342. Clark Freifeld, Faculty, Northeastern University

1343. Carolanne Lott, Masters candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology

1344. Ashley Stewart, PhD Candidate , University of Alabama

1345. O. Morris, PhD Candidate, MIT

1346. Jessica Gilmore, B.A. And future graduate school student, Brandeis Univerisity

1347. Evan Kipnis, PhD Student, University of Utah

1348. Benjamin Belgrad, Adjunct Professor, University of South Carolina

1349. Cristina C. Torres Cabán, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1350. Lucy Ho, Science editor, Freelancer — Cactus Communications

1351. Abraham Cheloff, BS/MS Candidate, Brandeis University

1352. Maria Kavanaugh, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Oregon State University

1353. Basil N. Saeed, Undergraduate, MIT

1354. Claire Meikle , MD/PhD Candidate, University of Toledo College of Medicine & Life Sciences

1355. Kelly Schmitt, Faculty, Keiser University

1356. Jennifer Kay, Postdoctoral scholar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1357. Christina Yearout, Alumni, University of Cincinnati

1358. Emil Petkov, PhD Candidate, University of Nevada, Reno

1359. Frederick Mayer, MD candidate, University of Florida

1360. Daniel leventhal, Phd, university of chicago

1361. Courtney Trutna, PhD Student, Duke University

1362. Eric Stephen, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1363. Sadie Bergeron, faculty, WVU

1364. Dominique Saporito, Undergraduate student, West Virginia University

1365. Nick Sisson, MSc Candidate, Old Dominion University

1366. Hao Wu, PH.D., Harvard Medical School

1367. Ken Flanagan, Scientist, Prothena Biosciences

1368. Derek Chan, PhD student, Duke University

1369. Kyle Dyson, MD/PhD Candidate, University of Florida

1370. Annie Putman, PhD Candidate, University of Utah

1371. Jordan Wolf, M.A. Candidate, Virginia Tech

1372. Tim Fessenden, Postdoctoral scholar , MIT

1373. Thomas Mahony, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1374. Sneha Tilak, MS, Indiana University Bloomington

1375. Nohely Abreu, PhD student , Weill Cornell Medicine

1376. Charlene Weir, Faculty, University of Utah

1377. Emily Hoskins, MD candidate , University of Alabama

1378. Alexandra Schmidt, PhD student, West Virginia University

1379. Alex Koeppel, Bioinformatics Analyst, University of Virginia

1380. Douglas Kline, Phd, University of Chicago

1381. Brett Frye, PhD Candidate, Clemson University

1382. Alison Thees, Masters Candidate, University of Toledo

1383. Kerri J. Smith, PhD Candidate, University of Texas at El Paso

1384. Rosemary Malfi, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California Davis

1385. Surojit Biswas, PhD, Harvard

1386. Gokul Raghunath, PhD Candidate, Emory University

1387. Andres Iglesias-Thome, PhD Student, Stanford University

1388. Cynthia Byer, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

1389. Aaron Aker, PhD candidate, Harvard University

1390. Leah Wuescher, Research Associate , University of Toledo

1391. Sahaana Suri, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

1392. Ryan Houser, PhD Student, Temple University

1393. Elizabeth Kirby, PhD Candidate, New York University

1394. Matthew Saltzman, Associate Professor, Clemson University

1395. Katherine Tydeman, Community Member, Ohio Northern University

1396. Joy Courcy, BS, MBA, Educational Leader, Self- employed

1397. Emma Chant, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

1398. Ellen Mitchell, President, Pathways Communications, Inc.

1399. Abdo Abou-Slaybi , PhD Candidate, Tufts Sackler Medical School

1400. Dana Simmons, Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Chicago

1401. Diep Nguyen, Phd Candidate, University of South Florida

1402. Eric Auld, Ph.D. Canidate, UCLA

1403. Mihir Doshi, Graduate student , University of Massachusetts medical school

1404. Cynthia Gerlein-Safdi, Postdoctoral fellow, University of Michigan

1405. Hannah Bredikhin, Student, Purdue University

1406. Ryan Stephen, community member, Virginia Tech

1407. Mary Engels, PhD Candidate, University of Idaho

1408. James T. Carter, PhD Student, Columbia University

1409. Jason Shurb, PhD Candidate, Texas A&M University

1410. Annelise Mesler, SD candidate, Harvard

1411. Maria, MEd Candidate, Ohio UNiversity

1412. Lorri Garrett, Graduate B.A. Organization Communication, Arizona State University

1413. Rachel Hilliard, DVM Candidate, Cornell University

1414. Suzanne Walther , Early career faculty member , University of San Diego

1415. Darren Incorvaia, PhD Candidate, Michigan State University

1416. Molly Chirunomula, DVM Candidate, Cornell University

1417. Shalmalee Pandit, PhD Candidate, MIT

1418. Alex Washburne, PhD, Montana State University

1419. Sarah A Stoycos, PhD, University of Southern California

1420. Gregory Farley, Professor, Chesapeake College

1421. Shiyu Xia, PhD student, Harvard University

1422. Julianne Nelson, PhD Candidate, Drexel University

1423. Naema Nayyar, PhD Candidate, UMass Medical Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

1424. David Kramar, Ph.D., Professor, Minnesota State University Moorhead

1425. Annie Patrick, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1426. Jennifer C Boatz, PhD Candidate, President of University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Graduate Student Association , University of Pittsburgh

1427. Ashlynn Gerth, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago

1428. Katie Walker, Graduate Student, Graduate Assisstant, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

1429. Jyl Matson, PhD, Assistant Professor , University of Toledo

1430. Katherine Rodgers, Faculty, NA

1431. Marie Gillespie, PhD Candidate, University of Southern California

1432. Ibukun D. Alegbeleye, PhD Student, Virginia Tech

1433. Nicole Moody, PhD Candidate, MIT

1434. Morgan Chase, Seeking PHD program, Fund for the Public Interest

1435. Sarah Bush, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1436. Michel Jewell, Community Member, Non Profit Sector

1437. Sam Athey, MS candidate, University of North Carolina Wilmington

1438. Shaina Short , PhD, University of Utah

1439. Elizabeth Solinga, Administrative Director, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

1440. Sara D., Staff Member and former Graduate Student, Ohio University/Florida Gulf Coast University

1441. Allison Moser Scott, Biological Technician, Virginia Tech

1442. Liam Kelley, PhD student, Harvard University

1443. Kayla Davis, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1444. Lindsay Nevalainen, PhD candidate, Indiana University

1445. Elizabeth Lamkin, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1446. Meredith Petrie, PhD, California Air Resources Board

1447. Abby Bender, Former student , Indiana U. Of PA

1448. I-Hao Wang, PhD student , Umass medical school

1449. Nina Kappel, Undergraduate looking to attend graduate school , Virginia Tech

1450. Jena Aistrop, Student, Virginia Tech

1451. Dana Driver, graduate student, Ohio State University

1452. Maddie Giegold, MD candidate, Emory University School of Medicine

1453. Tyvante Gillison, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1454. Kevin M. Huang , PhD Student , The Ohio State University

1455. Alena Borgatti, Prospective PhD applicant , UAB research specialist and prospective PhD candidate

1456. Anees Dauki, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

1457. Sophia Liva, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

1458. Donald Irby, PhD student, The Ohio State University

1459. Laura Jones, Graduate student , University of Central Arkansas

1460. Alexandria Rivard, Ph.D. Candidate, Texas A&M University, Galveston

1461. Joanna Olivas, PhD Student, Harvard BPH

1462. Earle J. Berge, Masters Candidate, Virginia Tech

1463. Nina Gao, PhD student, University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

1464. Zhefeng Li, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

1465. Katherine Smith, Masters Candidate, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

1466. Erfan Uddin, PhD Student, The Ohio State University

1467. Marissa Ardovino, Undergraduate, Virginia Tech

1468. Cary, MS Graduate, now small business owner in my field, University of Missouri-Columbia

1469. Kathleen Miles, PhD student, Virginia Tech

1470. Carla Foditsch, Postdoc, Cornell University

1471. Bailey Loverin, JD Candidate, University of California Los Angeles

1472. Ivan J. Santiago, PhD candidate, Harvard Medical School

1473. Arvind Haran, MD Candidate, Indiana University School of Medicine

1474. Dr. Jerry Moraczewski, Faculty, Delaware County Community College

1475. Xin Li, Graduate student, The Ohio State University

1476. Mala M. Sharma, Faculty, Bucknell University

1477. Daniel Toot, MFA Candidate, UNC — Chapel Hill

1478. Valerie Wessel, undergraduate student, Virginia Tech

1479. Choon Yong Tan, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

1480. Emma White, Undergraduate, Virginia Tech

1481. Chad Stachowiak, Masters candidate, Univeristy of Tennessee

1482. Erin Heller, PhD, Virginia Tech

1483. Samantha Hannabass, Future MS student, Virginia Tech

1484. Mark Irion, Alumni, DePaul University

1485. Raymond W Coderre III, Teaching Assistant; Director of People Development , Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard; Harvard University

1486. Sharon Lu, PhD candidate , Stanford University

1487. Priya Khurana, PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

1488. Mali Hubert, MD candidate, The University of Tennessee

1489. Deirdre Conroy, Undergraduate student and Undergraduate Research Fellow, Virginia Tech’s Conservation Management Institute

1490. Amiana McEwen, Master’s Student, Virginia Tech

1491. Matthew Cebul, PhD Candidate, Yale University

1492. Emily Evans, PhD Candidate, Rice University

1493. Jasmine Truitt, Master’s Student , Columbus State University

1494. Alice Hill, recent PhD, post-doc, University of Colorado

1495. Sarah Adcock, PhD Candidate, UC Davis

1496. Shannon Pressley , Community member, Exeter Unified School District

1497. Jessica Carbone, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1498. Youngju Lee, PhD student, Virginia Tech

1499. Konstantinos Plakas, PhD Candidate, Adjuct Faculty, SUNY at Buffalo

1500. William L Kennerley, Community Member and Former Student, Virginia Tech

1501. Emily, Student , Indiana university school of medicine

1502. Sonia Giebel , PhD student , Stanford University

1503. Emily Hoyt, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1504. Paul Riley, MS candidate, University of Hawaii

1505. Charles Kirby, PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University

1506. Stephanie Morrison, Undergraduate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

1507. Eric Sawyer, PhD Candidate , University of California, Los Angeles

1508. Haley Gause, Employee, University of California San Francisco

1509. For Elle Ackermann, Retired educator, Retired district 205. Thornton township, illinois

1510. Tom Torello, Faculty, Quinnipiac University

1511. Britney Kreiner, BS, Virginia Tech

1512. Andrea Yung, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1513. Bridget Bickers, DVM candidate , Cornell University

1514. Chun-Tien Kuo, PhD Student, The Ohio State University

1515. Cody Tescher, Masters Candidate, Northern Illinois University

1516. Jessica York, Undergraduate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

1517. Jake Nagasawa, PhD Student, University of California, Santa Barbara

1518. Jeffrey Carmichael, Ph.D. Candidate, University of California, Santa Barbara

1519. Lauren Drake, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Chicago

1520. Devin Gray, PhD Candidate, Washington State University

1521. Rick Rudd, Faculty, Virginia Tech

1522. Angelique Scheuermann, PhD student, University of California, Santa Barbara

1523. Marlena Hamilton, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech

1524. LAuren bowman , Future phd student , Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

1525. Karl Thompson, M.S. Candidate, University of Illinois

1526. Anna Hartley, MAEE Candidate and Graduate Teaching Assitant , University of Georgia

1527. Nhan Tu, Postdoc, Moffitt Cancer Center

1528. Caroline Luongo, Community member, Notre Dame Pre

1529. Rebecca Senft, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1530. Angela Chuang, PhD candidate, University of Tennessee

1531. Raymond Kania, staff, Stanford University

1532. Emily Reasor, undergraduate, Virginia Tech

1533. Alyssa Monda , PhD Student , Emory university

1534. Ashley Vanderbeck, VMD/PhD Candidate , University of Pennsylvania

1535. Megan Arthur, Graduate student, Univeristy of Cincinnati

1536. Gwyneth Manser, University staff, Virginia Tech University

1537. Shannan Flanagan, MD candidate, Virginia Tech

1538. Sophie Astrof, Faculty, Thomas Jefferson University

1539. Savithry Namboodiripad, Faculty, University of Michigan

1540. Mekhala Dissanayake , Research Associate, Oregon Health and Science University

1541. Jenny Yan, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1542. Tegan Brennan, PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Barbara

1543. Rebecca Glenn, MPH candidate, NYU

1544. Clifford Hardy, PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Barbara

1545. Kelsey Schoenemann, Alum, Virginia Tech

1546. Kelly Karakhanyan, Community member, Steward Medical Group

1547. Ryan Jacobs, Master’s candidate, Virginia Tech

1548. Oana Enache, researcher , Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

1549. JLynn Darden, Community member, Mt Zion UMC

1550. Bethany Showets , Project Manager , Developmental Connections

1551. Kellen Levinson, PhD Candidate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1552. Andrew Schoenewolf , Undergraduate, Virginia Tech

1553. Walter Pirie, Retired Faculty, Virginia Tech

1554. Rose Troyer, Masters Candidate (Dual Majors), Ohio University

1555. Benjamin de Bivort, faculty, Harvard University

1556. Ellen Beauchamp, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1557. Katharine Eisaman Maus, faculty member, University of Virginia

1558. Nikhil Bhargava, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1559. Akisa Leventhal , Community Member , Kroger

1560. Janet Nacu , PhD candidate, Bryan Mawr

1561. Rebecca Loux, MSc Candidate, Cardiff University

1562. Sharlan Montgomery, PhD Candidate , Purdue University

1563. Lucy McInnes, MFA , Indiana University of Pennsylvania

1564. Soojin Kim, Faculty , University of Colorado, School of Medicine

1565. Tanya kelley, Phd candidate , University of miami

1566. Amy Gaimaro, Employee, Molloy College

1567. Sasha , Law school candidate , LCHB

1568. Charles Bombet , Community member, New York Life

1569. Julia McDonald, PhD, University of South Florida

1570. Kishore, PhD Candidate, Northwestern University

1571. Malvika Pillai, PhD Student, UNC Chapel Hill

1572. Vikram Nathan, PhD Candidate, MIT

1573. Connor Lewis, Community Member , The University of Vermont

1574. Patrick Gonzales, Postdoctoral fellow, University of Alabama at Birmingham

1575. Rossanne Philen , M.D. at the CDC former graduate student who received such a waiver, Centers for Disease Control

1576. Sue Slater, Nurse, Nurse at local clinic

1577. Garrett Rhyne, MD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1578. Tianyi Wang, PhD candidate , Purdue

1579. Alisha lanyi, Development Operations Director, Mountainside Partners LLC

1580. Ian M Leavitt, Senior Research Assistant, University of Colorado

1581. Wendy, PhD Candidate, London School of Economics

1582. Liana Hernandez, PhD student, University of Chicago

1583. Lilia Sawyer, Community Member, Current Adult Returning Student

1584. Maayan Levy, PhD Candidate, University of Chicago

1585. Cindy lopez, Mph candidate, Florida international university

1586. Julia McHugh, Curator/Adjunct Professor, Museums of Western Colorado/Colorado Mesa University

1587. Robert Payne, Community memeber, Drexel

1588. Pamela Hirschberg , PhD candidate , Rutgers School if Graduate Studies

1589. Shan Kasal, PhD Candidate, University of Chicago

1590. Max Silverman, Community member , Na

1591. Jason Yun, PhD, UC Santa Barbara

1592. Carol Miller , DNP csndidate, Texas woman’s university

1593. Muriel Smith, Community member, Miller Grove High School

1594. Lindsay Wentzel, Undergraduate , Virginia Tech

1595. Tessa Montague, PhD candidate, Harvard University

1596. Kaia Mattioli, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1597. Osman A Leal, Student, Florida Atlantic University

1598. Katlyn Plotzer, AuD candidate, East Tennessee State University

1599. Kent Johnson, Father of PhD Candidate, PMA Financial Network

1600. Shawn Kurtzman, Community Member, Virginia Tech

1601. Jonah Zitsman, Veterinary Student, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

1602. Mrs. Sue thornton, Retired faculty, Retired

1603. Ailene Phillips, Chemical engineer and parent, Dow DuPont

1604. Richard Cobb, PhD 1988 — and thankful this tax was not in effect then!, Virginia Tech Alumni

1605. CLAIRE HELNKE, Staff, Virginia Tech

1606. Zachary Martin, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1607. Katie Weiner, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1608. Elissa McIntosh, PhD Candidate, University of Southern California

1609. Rylee Cardon , Undergraduate student , University of Utah

1610. Ben Gould, Sales, Zenefits

1611. Carlos Mantilla, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1612. Taylor Barrett, PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

1613. Linda Ankrom, Community member, retired Chemical Engineer, Retired EI DuPont Fellow

1614. Frances Clark, PhD Candidate, Cornell University

1615. Kaylynn c, PhD candidate , West virginia university

1616. Andrea Lloyd, PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania

1617. Bruce R. Troen, MD, faculty, University at Buffalo

1618. Della Caldwell, faculty, Pottsgrove School District

1619. Nicole , Masters Candidate, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1620. Shannon Bailey, PhD Candidate , University of Central Florida

1621. Nicole Swoope , Undergrad , University of Nevada Reno

1622. Farah Famouri, JD candidate, University of Wisconsin Law School

1623. Bridget Perry, PHD Candidate, MGH Institute of Health Professions

1624. Molly Minden, PhD Student, University of Wisconsin, Madison

1625. Dr. Sherri A. Mason, Faculty, State University of New York at Fredonia

1626. Dion Kucera, PhD student, University of California Riverside

1627. Caroline Roberts, Undergraduate, Carleton College

1628. Meagan Abrams , community member , Texas A and M Commerxe

1629. Michael Abrams, PhD Candidate, UTSW

1630. Samantha Gebb, Masters student, UC Berkeley

1631. George Cummins, M.S., Environmental Specialist, SWCA Environmental Consultants

1632. Sam Ward, Student, Oakland University

1633. Michael A. Carlo, MS student, Clemson University

1634. Kyle Sopp, PhD Candidate , Brigham Young University

1635. Jetty Smith, PhD student , Arizona State

1636. Morgan Webster, Undergraduate seeking MD, Willamette University

1637. Kamille Henson, Student, Lincoln University

1638. Fernando Mandujank, Undergraduate Student with hopes of Graduate degree/work, University of Wisconsin Madison

1639. Jack Ryan, Undergraduate student , Purdue University

1640. Robert poulsen, Parent of PhD candidate , Compumation

1641. Timothy Bosse, Research Associate, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

1642. Morgan Danyi, Master’s Student, Clemson University

1643. Annelise Stunes, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1644. Amanda Williams , MS candidate , Clemson University

1645. Katriona Lane, Community Member, Virginia Tech

1646. Lucas Anderson, community member, future MD, Clemson University

1647. Francisco Galdos, MD and PhD Candidate, Stanford University’s

1648. Jenny Nehring, former graduate student…current business owner, Wetland Dynamics, LLC

1649. Hailey Cambra, PhD, Harvard University

1650. Katherine Aronson-Ensign, PhD Student and Research Assistant, UMASS Boston

1651. Anna Marie Vagnozzi, M.S. Candidate, Clemson University

1652. Amanda Benoit , PhD Student , University of Tennessee, Knoxville

1653. Emily Kalshoven, Master’s student, Clemson University

1654. Diane Dotson, masters student, Clemson University

1655. Eden Stark, DVM Candidate, Cornell University

1656. Will Elliott, PhD Candidate, UC Santa Barbara

1657. Tyler Huycke, PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

1658. Eda Ozyesilpinar, PhD Candidate, Clemson University

1659. Emma Woolbright, M.S. Student , Clemson University

1660. Brian Gaines, PhD Student, Clemson University

1661. Laura Garrison, PhD Candidate, Brown University

1662. Amber Upton, M.Ed candidate , University of North Carolina Wilmington

1663. Aidan W. Murphy, PhD Student, Clemson University

1664. Blake Splitter, PhD Candidate, Clemson University

1665. Ellen Wright, Community Member, Retired

1666. Christopher Kimmey , Father of PhD student , Stanford

1667. Betty Trent, Concerned citizen, NCSU

1668. Louisa Granzow, Masters student, Clemson University

1669. Rachelle Mariano, Master’s Candidate, Harvard University

1670. Lisa Uebelacker , Associate Professor, Brown University

1671. Eliza Gallagher , Faculty, Clemson

1672. Laura Howard, MD candiate, Miami University

1673. Duncan Kountz, PhD student, Harvard University

1674. Shelly Geer, Staff, Clemson university

1675. Helen Li Mitchell, MD Candidate, St. George’s University School of Medicine

1676. Brandon Lumsden, PhD Student, Clemson University

1677. Nicholas Wasko, MD/PhD candidate, UConn Health

1678. Kimberly Alley, Future PhD student, Connecticut College

1679. Patti Tuggle, Parent of PhD Candidate, Clemson University

1680. Lori Blanc, Assistant Professor of Practice, Virginia Tech

1681. Sebastian Lee, PhD Candidate, California Institute of Technology

1682. Lauren Kahre, PhD Candidate, New Mexico State University

1683. Jason Hamilton, PhD Candidate, Cornell University

1684. Dave Cudworth, Functional Family Therapist-Director of Services and Clinician, John F Kennedy University

1685. Megan Novak, PhD student , Clemson University

1686. Kyle M Wellmerling, PhD Student, Cornell University, Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

1687. Sarah Lietzke , PhD Candidate , Rutgers University

1688. Siavash Azari, PhD student , The Ohio State University

1689. Kaitlyn H, MS Candidate , Clemson University

1690. Victoria Beja-Glasser, PhD, MIT

1691. Catherine Kenyon, MS candidate, future PhD candidate, Clemson University

1692. Sarah McKagan, PhD, Director,, American Association of Physics Teachers

1693. R. Austin Dollar, PhD Student, Clemson University

1694. Yuan Yang, PHD, Clemson university

1695. Dr. Sarah White Baird, Research Scientist, Oakwood Products, Inc.

1696. Hannah Zucker, PhD student, Havard University

1697. Ryan Christian Bergman, Multimedia Developer, The Pennsylvania State University

1698. Debbie Hagen , PhD candidate , University of Texas

1699. Jaclyn Belleville, Engineer , GM

1700. David A. Clayman, Ph.D., PhD in Clinical Psychology. Private Practice/Faculty, Clayman & Associates

1701. Dedra Demaree, PhD, Bugil Global Leaders Program

1702. Jenna Gersie, PhD applicant, Sussex County Community College

1703. David Raiser, PhD, Alumnus (PhD ‘15), Harvard University

1704. Kathleen Carper, PhD student , Virginia Tech

1705. Donald G. Mackler, Part-time Employee, Virginia Tech

1706. Victoria , DM Candidate, Florida State University

1707. Kathryn Wolkin , DVM candidate, Cornell University

1708. L. Brooke, staff member/ preschool teacher, Naropa U.

1709. Daniela Yuschenkoff, DVM Candidate, University of California, Davis

1710. Jamie Dempsey Barber, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer, SHEPHERD Therapeutics

1711. Elizabeth Stark, Community member, Florida State University

1712. Rebecca Biermann, MA, PhD student , University at Buffalo

1713. Erin Farrell, Ph.D student, University of Akron

1714. Brett Jacobs, Master of Architecture Student, Clemson University

1715. Dana Vanderburgh, MA candidate and aspiring PhD student, Indiana University Bloomington

1716. Elizabeth Angel, MS Student, Virginia Tech

1717. Timothy McCaskey, Faculty, Columbia College Chicago

1718. Claire Gilpin, PhD Student, University of California, Irvine

1719. Nirupama Nishtala, Postdoc, Albert Einstein college of medicine

1720. Carleigh Larrick, PhD student, South Dakota State University

1721. Denise Poltavski, Research Assistant, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles

1722. Eric Rogers, B.S. Candidate, Pepperdine University

1723. Walker Maffit, MS candidate, Clemson University

1724. F M, PhD student , Clemson University

1725. Elise Valkanas, PhD student , Harvard University

1726. Zoe Dale, Community member, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School

1727. Carla Rothenbuecher, MS, Murray State University

1728. Kalman Chapman, Graduate Community, Wink

1729. Bahar Pahlevani , DVM candidate , Cornell University

1730. Alice Harris, PhD Candidate , Kansas State University

1731. Samuel Kimmey, PhD Candidate, Stanford University School of Medicine

1732. April Cook, Postdoctoral Fellow, Mt Sinai School of Medicine

1733. Caroline Moody, Undergraduate student , Virginia Tech

1734. Allison Leipold, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1735. Sophia Ziemian, PhD Candidate, Cornell University

1736. Doug Turnbull, Genomics Core Facility Director, University of Oregon

1737. Emily Nakkawita, Post-Baccalaureate Student, Columbia University

1738. David Hiles, Student , Carnegie Mellon

1739. Ana Reboredo Segovia , PhD student, Boston University

1740. Eva Colberg, PhD Student, University of Missouri-St. Louis

1741. Nicholas A. Huron, PhD Student, Temple University

1742. Collin Whitmore, MD Candidate, Brigham Young University

1743. Jessica Dreyer, PhD student, University of Tennessee

1744. Megan, PhD candidate, College of William & Mary

1745. Keith Dreyer, MS student, University of West Georgia

1746. , Masters student, Western Washington university

1747. Marysol Luna, PhD student , Cornell University

1748. Dale, Student, SUNY Buffalo

1749. Haley McKay, Undergraduate student , Clemson University

1750. Casey Hartnett, Graduate, Cvent

1751. Aniska Chikhalya , PhD candidate , Stony Brook university

1752. Benjamin D. Auerbach, Faculty, State University of New York at Buffalo

1753. Yiren Ding, MS, Clemson University

1754. Corinthia Black, PhD Student, Auburn University

1755. Kelsey McDonough, PhD Candidate , Kansas State University

1756. Jackie Chini, Faculty, University of Central Florida

1757. Kevin Terush, Student, Massachussetts College ofat Health andwith Pharmaceutical Sciences

1758. Christina Richardson, Masters student, Kansas State University

1759. Robert J. Tokarski II, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

1760. Lindsay Shepard, M.Ed candidate, Western Washington University

1761. Kara McLaughlin, DMD Candidate, Harvard University

1762. Han Altae-Tran , PhD, MIT

1763. Jennifer Schwanekamp, PhD, Post-doctoral fellow, University of Cincinnati

1764. Simon Trevino, Postdoctoral Scientist, Texas Biomedical Research Institute

1765. Teresa Tamayo, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1766. Denise Bonanno, RN, BSN and mom of college students, Multicultural Homecare

1767. Deborah Woodward , Community member, Retired

1768. Emily Halsell, Future grad student, Oregon State University

1769. Junyi Hua, Phd , OSU

1770. Tisha Springer, former graduate student, community member, parent, WVU, Ohio University

1771. Jacquelyn Szajer, PhD Candidate, SDSU/UCSD JDP in clinical psychology

1772. Xiao Yang, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1773. Dr. Cigdem Aydin , Faculty , Univ of Michigan

1774. Himanshu Rana, Graduate Student, Clemson University

1775. Conner Blake, PhD Applicant, Brigham Young University

1776. Kara Massoletti, Masters, University of Sedona

1777. Ari Weinberg, PhD student, William & Mary

1778. Reed DeAngelis, Master’s student, University of Texas at San Antonio

1779. Logan Clark, Undergraduate student applying to PhD programs, Wittenberg University

1780. Elysia Ridener, MS-SLP, Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions

1781. Sarah , Staff, Penn State

1782. Emma Fralin, Undergraduate , Virginia Tech

1783. Adam Hasz, MCP candidate, MIT

1784. Annie Specht, Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University

1785. Dr. Milton G. Newberry, III, Assistant Professor, University of Georgia

1786. Laurie Gleason, Graduate student, University of Texas at San Antonio

1787. Helen Barnes, Faculty, Boise State University

1788. Sayzie Koldys, Received MFA, Boise State University

1789. Grace Roskar, MS Candidate, Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

1790. Konstantin Krismer, PhD student, MIT

1791. Hao-Ching Jiang, PhD student, UMass medical school

1792. Stacie Stuut, PhD candidate , University of New Hampshire

1793. Molly Bachmann, DPT Candidate, University of Pittsburgh

1794. Martin Horne, PhD student, Indiana University

1795. Michael Mond, PhD, Staff, Johns Hopkins University

1796. Tracy Centanni, Assistant professor , Texas Christian University

1797. Zachary Reitz, PhD Candidate, UC Santa Barbara

1798. Lindsay Dever, PhD Candidate, Bryn Mawr College

1799. Dr. Krista Brooks, Physical Therapist, Coliseum Health System

1800. Christopher Stuart, PhD student, Clemson University

1801. Hitesh Gakhar, PhD candidate, Michigan State University

1802. Jennifer Anderson, MD candidate, Regis University

1803. Colin Fredericks, Staff, Harvard University

1804. Kylie Bosch, BS student, Grand Valley State University

1805. Raul Boquin, Alum, MIT

1806. Angela Colonna, Employee/Past MS graduate student, University of Florida

1807. Sarah Prestridge, Master’s student, University of Georgia

1808. Elyse Baroncini, PhD Candidate, Rowan University

1809. Fred Raudat , Faculty , Quinnipiac University

1810. Julia Bayuk, Faculty , University of Delaware

1811. Uma Nudurupati, PhD candidate , UMass Amherst

1812. Casandra Newkirk, PhD Candidate, University of Florida

1813. Janine Tyler, Communtiy member, Truckee Meadows Community College

1814. Jesse Proctor, Master’s Student, Cornell University

1815. Kristen Rakes, Community member, Virginia Tech (alumni)

1816. James Wilson, Teacher, Private Contractor

1817. Jessica O’Neill, Doctoral student, University at Buffalo

1818. Nicole Frame, Master’s student, University of Texas at San Antonio

1819. Bayli DiVita , Graduate Research Assistant, University of Florida

1820. Letitia Mueller, Applying to PhD, UCSB

1821. matthew lucas, MS, university of hawaii at manoa

1822. Lucas A. Freeman, PhD Candidate, University of Virginia

1823. Charles Scudiere, MS and PhD Student, University of California, Berkeley

1824. Benjamin Steger, MD/PhD program applicant , Oberlin College

1825. Carly Duvall, Au.D., University of Colorado

1826. Abbas Rizvi , PhD Candidate , The Ohio State University

1827. Isabella Espinel, community member, Boston Consulting Group

1828. Luke O’Connor, PhD candidate, Harvard Chan School of Public Health

1829. Alexandra Salgado, Grad school applicant , CA Senate

1830. Tiffany Atkinson , MS student , The Ohio State University

1831. Zachary Scott, Master’s Candidate, University of Nebraska at Omaha

1832. Caroline Neel, Community member, UCSF

1833. Janet Sanchez, Daughter’s future PhD in Biological Chemistry , Mom of Harvard grad student

1834. Austin B. Lawrence, PhD Student, University of Missouri-Columbia

1835. Saarik Kalia, PhD Candidate, Stanford

1836. Delaney Rawson, MD candidate , UT Health San Antonio School of Medicine

1837. theo st francis, student, stanford

1838. Cameron Hughes, PhD candidate, University of Tennessee- Knoxville

1839. Sarah Ehlke, PhD , Old Dominion University

1840. Kristina Schmidt, Undergraduate Alumni at MIT, General Motors

1841. Joseph W Dean, PhD Candidate, University of Florida

1842. Ali-Amir Aldan, Undergraduate Student, MIT

1843. Heidi van de Wouw, PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University

1844. Dinesh Kandel, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

1845. Robert Vander Velde, PhD Candidate, University of South Florida

1846. Jerry Wu, Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1847. Jacob Cantu, Alumnus, University of Oregon

1848. Neha Sharma, PhD Candidate, University of Kansas

1849. Kate Huber, MD candidate, Oregon State University

1850. David Cyncynates, PhD Student, Stanford University

1851. Jennifer Krznarich , PhD candidate , U of MN

1852. Travis James, Community member, Self-Employed

1853. Carey Kleinschmidt , Master’s Program , Case Western Reserve University Alum

1854. Timothy Calhoun, community member, Virginia Tech

1855. Katherine White, Master’s student , University of Texas at Austin

1856. Cole Stevens, Intern, Center for a New American Security

1857. Brandon Humphrey, MA, Miami University

1858. Annmarie Griffin, Undergraduate , University of California Santa Barbara

1859. Kelly Singel , PhD Candidate , Roswell Park Cancer Institute

1860. Amy Sanchez , PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley

1861. Krystyna Kornecki, PhD Candidate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

1862. Cullen Irvine , Undergraduate , Carleton College

1863. Jack Benner, Ph.D., Boston University

1864. Julio Silva, MD candidate, Willamette University

1865. Ashley Sweeney, PhD Student, SUNY Upstate Medical University

1866. Emma Trotta, Faculty, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

1867. Robert Nipko, Undergraduate, Virginia Tech

1868. Maureen H. Richards, PhD, Assistant Professor, Rush University

1869. Alex de Lencastre, Assistant Professor, Quinnipiac University

1870. Peggy Hudson, Ph.D, Clinical Assistant Professor , OUHSC College of Medicine & OKC VAHCS

1871. Kirsten Vyhmeister, PharmD Student, Loma Linda University

1872. Courtney Knill, MD Candidate, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine

1873. Matthew Iovino, Future PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1874. Rafael Badui, Doctoral graduate , Florida International University

1875. Debra Licato Meiman, Faculty, Ocean County College

1876. Maria Alessi, Post-bac research assistant, UPMC

1877. Morgan Brubaker, PhD student, Stanford University

1878. Sandra Flores, MSW Candidate, NYU

1879. Olivia Plant, Undergraduate , Virginia Tech

1880. Logan Bishop-Van Horn, PhD Student, Stanford University

1881. Holly Campbell, Staff, University of Georgia

1882. Lauren, Faculty, University of Akron

1883. Allison White, PhD Candidate, Florida International University

1884. Tashawna Gordon, Graduate student, Princeton Theological Seminary

1885. Lauren Woolbright, Faculty, Alma College

1886. Brandon Neal Edwards, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1887. Ryan Dickerson, PhD Student, Ohio State University

1888. Arianna Krinos, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech

1889. Kathryn Samala , Alumni, University of South Carolina

1890. Michael Johnson, Undergraduate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

1891. Percival Pollard, MA holder, Southern New Hampshire University

1892. Karson Fronk, Master Candidate, Brigham Young University

1893. Harini Suresh, PhD candidate, MIT

1894. Nathan E. Fosse, community member, Harvard University

1895. Maria Carter, MS candidate and grad assistant , University of Florida

1896. Ottavia Zattra, MD Candidate, Harvard Medical School

1897. Akshay Jain, PhD Student, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1898. Andrew Huntsman, PhD Candidate, The Ohio State University

1899. Victoria Dean, PhD candidate, Carnegie Mellon University

1900. Calla Harrington, Masters of public health candidate, University of Massachusetts Amherst

1901. Jennifer Cimons, PhD student, University of Colorado Denver

1902. Dr tina champagne, CEO, Cutchins Programs

1903. Juan Bravo, PhD Candidate, University of Southern California

1904. Payel Mukhopadhyay, PhD, Stanford University

1905. Rose Whitcomb, Alumni community member / teacher grades 7–12, Harvard University and Prospect Holly Academy

1906. Paul Kalebu, MEng Student, MIT

1907. Maanasa Jayachandran , PhD Candidate , Florida International University

1908. Maria Messick, Community member, MIT

1909. Emily McGinn, Faculty, University of Georgia

1910. Matthew Bernhard, PhD Student, University of Michigan

1911. Deanna Dragan, PhD Candidate, The University of Alabama

1912. Josh Rodenbiker, Community member, Johnny Tauer Basketball Camps

1913. Lydia, MFA Candidate, NYU

1914. Rachel Hirsch, Master’s student and graduate teaching assistant, Colorado State University

1915. Timothy Loose, PhD Candidate, University of Chicago

1916. Merla Hubler, PhD and MD candidate, Vanderbilt University

1917. Sanjay Sarma Oruganti Venkata, PhD, University Of Georgia

1918. Emily Kennedy, Future Graduate student, Brigham Young University

1919. Shreya, MD candidate , University of Texas at Dallas

1920. Max Wheeler, PhD Candidate, Ohio State

1921. Emmet von Stackelberg, PhD student, Rutgers University, New Brunswick

1922. Priya Singha, PhD candidate, University of Georgia

1923. Kevin Devick, Owner, Devall Photography

1924. Shelly Arsneault, Faculty, California State University

1925. Deronisha Arceneaux , Undergraduate , Pitzer College

1926. Catherine McGeehan , Faculty, Jefferson University

1927. Carolyn Smith, MD candidate , Indiana university of PA

1928. Samuel Freeze, PhD Student, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

1929. Jenelle A. Hilbert, Student, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

1930. Arghya “Ronnie” Chatterjee, PhD Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology

1931. Nadia Rodriguez, Undergraduate student, University of Texas at San Antonio

1932. Ian Ausprey , PhD Candidate , University of Florida

1933. Gabriella Reggiano, Ph.D. Student, University of Washington

1934. David Babaian, MA Candidate, University of Massachusetts Boston

1935. Grace Sward, Recent M.S. graduate, University of Minnesota

1936. Blair Creedle Reynolds, Medical Scribe, PhysAssist Scribes Inc.

1937. Michael Glotzer, Faculty member, University of Chicago

1938. Sayani Bhattacharjee, PhD Candidate, University of Toledo

1939. Cristina Lete, MD, Community physician, South Shore Hospital

1940. Yunting,Zhu, PhD student , SUNY Upstate Medical University

1941. Nathan Jones, PhD Student, Virginia Tech

1942. Michael McNulty, PhD Student, University of California, Riverside

1943. Nina Yang, Alumna, MIT

1944. Maruthi Prasad, Phd, university of iowa

1945. Nolan Kruse, Community member, MIT

1946. Lindsay A Holden, PhD Candidate, Portland State University

1947. Michael W. Giuliano, Faculty, College of Charleston

1948. Keith and Lynne Cabeceiras, Parents of Graduate Student, Harvard Medical School

1949. Robert Hyde, Community member, Chevron Retired

1950. Zachary Lesko, PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota

1951. Jenna Christensen, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, San Diego

1952. Clyde L. Hardin, retired faculty, Syracuse University

1953. Xiang Chen, Phd, MIT

1954. Louis Dubose, Community Member , Washington Spectator

1955. Laurie Hill, PhD, JD, Genentech

1956. Nicole LaRoche, MS student, University of Alaska

1957. Holly Huse, Ph.D., Post-doctoral fellow, UCLA

1958. Roberto Brenes, PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1959. Santiago Naranjo, PhD Candidate, MIT

1960. Bryan Ormond, Research Assistant Professor, NC State University

1961. Nick Crescimanno, Undergrad, Ohio State University

1962. Paulo Heredia, Masters Student, Purdue University

1963. Clara Herrera, PhD student, University of California, San Francisco

1964. Caitlin Greene, Graduate Student, Colorado State University

1965. Michael Peters, PhD Candidate, MIT

1966. Stevy Scarbrough, M.A., PhD Candidate, University of Hawaii at Manoa

1967. Kimberly A. Farrell, Business owner, MBA debt holder, Unlimited Performance Training

1968. Jessica Moore, PhD Candidate, Yale University

1969. Daniel Stolar, Associate Professor, DePaul University

1970. Ryan Ta, PhD candidate, University of California, Riverside

1971. Brian Williamson, PhD student, University of Washington

1972. Claudia Lyons-Yerion, PhD. Candidate, U. Of Idaho/Dr. James Barbour

1973. Kelsey Holiday, PhD Candidate, UCSD

1974. Sanha Cheong, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

1975. Peggy Wingo, PhD Psychologist, Self

1976. Ben Van Dusen, Assistant professor, CSU Chico

1977. Serena Sanchez, MA and future MD Candidate, University of San Francisco — University of Nevada, Las Vegas

1978. Michael Ruesch, MD/PhD Candidate, Brigham Young University

1979. Jason Qu, PhD Candidate, Stanford

1980. Raquel Wetzell, BS student, Virginia Commonwealth University

1981. Charles Knox, Graduate, Art Institute of Austin

1982. Brynna Downey, Alum, MIT

1983. Athena , Masters Candidate , UC Berkeley

1984. Amy Fan, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

1985. Lorien E. MacAuley. PhD, PhD Candidate/Graduand, Virginia Tech

1986. Brent Rosenstein, PhD Student, University at Buffalo

1987. Megan, DVM candidate, Cornell University

1988. Dolev Bluvstein, Undergraduate , UCSB

1989. Priya V. Balakrishnan, Faculty and medical doctor, Viswa Institute of Higher Education

1990. Brian Gilligan, MS Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1991. Jennifer Acuff, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech

1992. Guy weinberg, Professor, Univ Ill College of Medicine

1993. Andrea Rygel, Teacher, future graduate student, The Pennsylvania State University

1994. Quinlan Sievers, MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard University

1995. Hila Taylor, Undergraduate, Virginia Tech

1996. Joanna Krueger, Faculty, UNC Charlotte

1997. Meryem T Ok, MD/PhD Candidate, UNC School of Medicine at Chapel Hill

1998. Meridith Miska, Masters student, University of Florida

1999. Katherine Noonan, PhD Workforce Scientist and mother of two young women pursuing STEM, University of Maryland Alumna

2000. Elizabeth Glista, Alumnus, MIT


