What is Stress ? What are some efficient methods for managing stress and how does stress affect our general health?

4 min readJun 25, 2023


Well according to me stress is that mental disorder which is accompanied by extreme sadness, mental and physical fatigue, sometimes also involve random panic attacks accompanied by body shivering , extreme headache, dry throat or you can say extreme thirst and extreme sweating.

This too a very nice and obvious question cause such problems are literally being faced by each and every human being living in this world or ever became a part of this universe. Problems such as stress, depression ,sadness or whatever it is …let’s talk about the ways or mode so that we could easily manage stress in our daily lives …ya off course I am not saying that we can just get rid of this problem cause each one of us want to become a part of successful personalities so that we could make our parents, country etc . proud of us ,we had to deal with stress scenarios ..so ya let’s now approach towards the solution of managing stress . What I do in my daily routine in order to manage stress is …

  1. Firstly, you all need to specify your goals and start breaking them into parts , and start working on those small small parts , a day will come when you’ll realize that just by the execution of such small tasks , I came across the solution of a difficult task . You’ll soon realize that you’ve achieved the mindset of our so called successful personalities and ya got to differ from normal people .This would help you achieve your goals in an organized manner which would in turn gives you immense pleasure and persuit of happiness which would definitely reduce the amount of stress you’re suffering with .
  2. Stop procrastinating things , at least give a small amount of time everyday to your goals or position that you wanna take place in the future . Be consistent with what you’re doing.
  3. Fix your daily routines , fix the time limit for performing each and every task whether its normal brushing or any kind of household works or whatever work you’re doing , whether it’s building projects for your school ,college , companies or making videos on you tube or working as a professional editor , or whatever you’re supposed to do .
  4. Exercise and yogic practices plays a very important role in the reduction of growing stress hormones , it tend to reduce our cortisone or dopamine level and in turn calms our mind . There are various yogic exercises which I use to perform in order to sharpen my mind and stay calm in stress scenarios such as Vajrasana, lotus pose etc. Listening your favourite songs especially instrumental music also reduces your stress and anxiety level which results in your tranquil mindset .
  5. Avoid negative , dramatic , deceiving people in your life as much as possible. I mean you just need to stay away from them ….The more you avoid them , the more happy , positive , progressive you’ll feel about yourself .
  6. Eat what you like . But I think this is quiet contradictory cause many of you will say that I like junk food so can I eat that once in a day to keep myself happy so ya wait …I think you’re already aware of this particular aspect cause since our childhood ,parents keep on shouting and yelling at us “You need not to eat junk , Is that clear , Come on let’s go I’ll buy something healthy and tasty for you in place of this junk “!! So yes , I think now you all might became Aware of my mentality if I say eat what you like means DO EAT TASTY BUT EAT HEALTHY , AVOID JUNK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE .
  7. Stay with positive people , off course also make time for your family . This is my personal experience of enjoying my weekends with my parents or my set of people , I mean the people I chose for myself also help me reducing my tension . Never ever miss a moment of laughing at small jokes cause laughter provides lots and lots of positive energy . Occasionally, chatting with friends also help us to deal with stress hormones.
  8. Over expectation also lead to extreme stress so definitely we all should believe in our work rather than pondering and wondering about our results or what will happen after the outcomes we get .
  9. Wearing neat , clean bright colored and comfortable clothes gives us an extraordinary level of confidence and makes us feel fresh and happy.

So ya that’s all I’ve to say regarding the management of stress and now it’s time to move on to the next question . So ya stress affects us in various ways such as

  1. Severe stress could cause random panic attacks , extreme headache . Sometimes it’s also responsible for the blockage of hearts which in turn lead to heart attacks .
  2. It also gives rise to suiciding thoughts . People start lacking there self-worth.
  3. Sometimes it could also impact people in such a way that they just stop eating , stop laughing or sometimes they laugh without a specific reason , people stop doing there routine work, they use to overthink a lot ,mobile phone becomes a significant part of their alone world in which they could watch reels overnight and are not even concerned about there sleep schedules which in turn lead them to weight loss , mental instabilities and various other problems .

I think this much information is enough and is up to the mark . Hope it gonna useful for you .

