Mastering hasOwnProperty in JavaScript: Why and How to Use

Ruhul Amin
3 min readNov 10, 2024
hasOwnProperty in Javascript

JavaScript is a prototype-based language that offers great flexibility, but this very feature can also present challenges for beginners. In this article, we’ll dive into the details and explore these concepts with clear examples is a pattern used to check if an object has a specific property directly on the object (not in its prototype chain). Let's break down how it works and why it's used.

Breakdown of

  1. Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty :
  • hasOwnProperty is a method that belongs to Object.prototype. It is a built-in JavaScript method that checks whether the object itself has a specific property (not inherited through its prototype chain).
  • It returns true if the object has the property, and false otherwise.


const obj = { key: 'value' };
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('key')); // true
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('nonExistentKey')); // false
  1. .call():
  • .call() is a method available to all JavaScript functions. It allows you to invoke a function, but you can specify the value of this explicitly, and you can also pass additional arguments.
  • The first argument passed to .call() is the value of this in the function call. In this case, we are using to call hasOwnProperty on a specific object, while ensuring the context (this) is set to that object.

Example of .call():

function greet() {

const obj = { message: 'Hello, World!' };; // Hello, World!

Why ``

The reason we use instead of directly calling hasOwnProperty() on an object is to avoid issues with objects that may have overridden the hasOwnProperty method.

The Problem

If an object has its own hasOwnProperty method, it could override the original method on Object.prototype. This means calling obj.hasOwnProperty() might not work as expected.


const obj = {
hasOwnProperty: function() {
return false;
key: 'value'

console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('key')); // false, because it's overridden!

In this case, obj.hasOwnProperty() will return false, even though the object does have the key property.

The Solution

By using, we bypass the object's own hasOwnProperty method and ensure that we are using the original hasOwnProperty from Object.prototype, which reliably checks if the property is directly on the object.

Syntax, 'propertyName');
  • obj: The object on which you want to check if a property exists.
  • 'propertyName': The name of the property you're checking for.


const obj = {
hasOwnProperty: function() {
return false; // This is intentionally overriding the default behavior
key: 'value'

// Using the pattern to check for the property
const hasKey =, 'key');
console.log(hasKey); // true, because we are using the correct `hasOwnProperty` method

In this example, even though obj has its own hasOwnProperty method that always returns false, will still return true because it checks if key exists directly on obj, not affected by the object's own method.

Why Is This Useful?

  • Safety: It ensures that you are calling the original hasOwnProperty() method from Object.prototype, which avoids any unexpected behavior caused by objects that override hasOwnProperty.
  • Prototype Chain: hasOwnProperty() checks if the property exists directly on the object (not its prototype chain). If you want to exclude inherited properties and only check for properties that are directly defined on the object itself, this is the method to use.
  • Commonly Used in Loops: This is especially useful when iterating over objects, like in loops, where the object might inherit properties from its prototype chain. Using hasOwnProperty helps you distinguish between properties that belong to the object itself and properties that come from the prototype.

Example in Practice:

Consider an object that might have properties from both its prototype and its own properties:

const proto = { inheritedProp: 'I am inherited' };
const obj = Object.create(proto);
obj.ownProp = 'I am own property';

for (let key in obj) {
// Without hasOwnProperty, this will log both the own and inherited properties


// Using hasOwnProperty to only log the own properties
for (let key in obj) {
if (, key)) {



In this case, the method ensures that only ownProp is logged, and not the inherited property inheritedProp from the prototype.



Ruhul Amin
Ruhul Amin

Written by Ruhul Amin

Ruhul is a Senior Fullstack Engineer with 12+ years of experience in JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Node.js, PHP, Python, and database management.

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