The Ultimate Guide to the Best Hyaluronic Acid Serums of 2024 Part 1

All The Things With Ava
4 min readFeb 21, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of skincare, there’s one hero ingredient that stands out in the quest for dewy, youthful skin: HYALURONIC ACID. This miraculous molecule, known for its unparalleled hydrating properties, has taken the beauty world by storm. Today, we delve into the crème de la crème of hyaluronic acid serums of 2024, handpicked from the treasure trove of Amazon. Imagine a drop of this elixir, infusing your skin with moisture, as if each cell is being quenched by the purest of waters. This journey isn’t just about discovering a product; it’s about uncovering the secret to skin that radiates health and vitality. So, let’s embark on this transformative expedition together. By the way, Amazon has made it extremely simple for anyone to acquire healthy skin today.

I don’t know about you but my skin gets really thirsty in the winter months, which we are finally escaping. I religiously apply hyaluronic acid twice daily. It’s the one step that I never skip. Even going into the Spring my skin will need to hang onto every drop of moisture it can get to ensure the dewy skin I love so much. And now it’s your turn to say ‘yes’ to your glow up year, glow up queen!


1. The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5:

About the Company:

In a realm where skincare often intersects with the art of simplicity, The Ordinary stands as a beacon of minimalism. This brand, stripping back the unnecessary frills, focuses on what truly matters in skincare — high-quality, effective ingredients. The Ordinary has garnered a cult following for its transparent approach to beauty, demystifying skincare and making it accessible to all.


Here lies the beauty of The Ordinary’s Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5. This serum is a testament to the brand’s philosophy — unpretentious yet powerful. Its 2% concentration of hyaluronic acid is a generous offering compared to many peers, providing deep, effective hydration. Coupled with Vitamin B5, it enhances the skin’s surface hydration, leaving it plumped and radiant. Plus, it’s cruelty-free, a nod to ethical beauty standards.


However, every rose has its thorn. While this serum is a powerhouse of hydration, it’s not without its limitations. The absence of a medical-grade certification may give some skincare aficionados pause, and the inclusion of chemical preservatives might be a deterrent for those seeking an all-natural regimen. That’s all.


In the landscape of skincare, where prices can skyrocket, The Ordinary offers a beacon of affordability. Its price tag is a gentle reminder that excellent skincare doesn’t have to be a luxury.



But don’t just take my word for it. Let’s hear from those who’ve welcomed this serum into their daily rituals. Their stories are a testament to the power of a product that may seem ‘ordinary’ but is anything but that in its performance. These testimonials provide real-world insights into the product’s effectiveness, adding authenticity and relatability to the blog post. They help paint a picture of the varied experiences users might have with the serum, catering to a diverse audience with different skin types and concerns.

  • Here’s Rina who claimed that The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 “makes her skin very glowy and elastic”.

“I love to use the Ordinary for my skincare. I have tried several of their products, and the best things I like about them is their affordable prices and quality. This serum is thick but lightweight, and absorbs fairly quickly while leaving a smooth layer on top. I use it every night before bed, and I wake up every morning with my skin feeling super soft, hydrated, and plump. This has been great for combating dry skin in the winter, and to fix my skin barrier after using exfoliating products and other harsher products. Definitely would recommend, it gives you glassy skin that you will love!”

  • Next we’ll hear from Rabuy who wrote,

“This serum tightened my skin, smoothed out my lines and wrinkles and left my skin silky smooth. It was particularly effective on my neck under my chin”.

(You can find these actual testimonials for The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 on Amazon’s website.)

Thank you, darling, for stopping by to chat with me about All The Things that matter to me- particularly skin, our most important accessory. I look forward to seeing you again soon…with well hydrated skin ;)



Ava, the Glow Up Queen

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All The Things With Ava

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