Understanding the Complicated Relationship Between Readers and Glennon Doyle

An Exploration of the Reasons Behind Personal Opinions and Criticisms towards the Popular Author

Ava Stone
3 min readMar 28, 2023
Image by The Importance of Self-Care: Dr. Messina & Associates: Clinical …

Glennon Doyle is a New York Times bestselling author, activist, and speaker known for her captivating vulnerability and honesty in her writing. With the release of her latest book, “Untamed,” she has gained even more popularity and acclaim, but also attracted much controversy and criticism. In this article, we will explore the complicated relationship between readers and Glennon Doyle, delving deeper into the reasons behind the different opinions and viewpoints surrounding her work.

The Appeal of Glennon Doyle’s Writing

One of the main reasons Glennon Doyle has gained such a devoted following is her raw honesty and vulnerability in her writing. She shares personal experiences and struggles, inviting readers to connect with her on a deeply emotional level. Her ability to articulate complex emotions and thoughts in a relatable way has resonated with many readers, particularly women who feel unrepresented and unseen in mainstream media.

In addition to her writing style, Doyle’s message of self-love and acceptance has also touched many readers. Her books encourage readers to embrace their flaws and imperfections, and to reject societal norms and expectations. For many, this message has been life-changing, helping them to overcome long-held insecurities and fears.

Criticisms of Glennon Doyle

Despite her popularity, Glennon Doyle has also faced a fair amount of criticism and controversy. One of the main criticisms of her work is that it is often seen as privileged and exclusionary. Some readers argue that Doyle’s message of self-love and acceptance is only accessible to those who have the privilege and resources to do so. Additionally, some have critiqued her for promoting a form of individualism that ignores systemic issues and inequalities.

Another criticism of Doyle’s work is that it can sometimes come across as self-centered and lacking in empathy. Some readers have argued that her writing focuses too much on her own experiences and struggles, without adequately acknowledging the experiences of others. This can be particularly frustrating for marginalized readers who feel that their voices and experiences are already overshadowed and ignored by society.

Exploring the Grey Areas

As with many issues, the reality of the situation is often more complex than simply deciding who is right or wrong. In the case of Glennon Doyle, there are certainly valid criticisms to be made of her work, particularly when it comes to issues of privilege and exclusion. However, it is also important to acknowledge the significance of her message and the impact it has had on many readers.

Furthermore, it is also possible to appreciate and admire certain aspects of Doyle’s writing while still acknowledging its flaws. It is possible to acknowledge the importance of her message of self-love and acceptance while also recognizing the need to address systemic inequalities and work towards a more just and equitable society.

The Importance of Engaging in Dialogue

Ultimately, the complicated relationship between readers and Glennon Doyle highlights the importance of engaging in dialogue, particularly around issues of privilege and social justice. It is vital to listen to and learn from diverse voices, particularly those that have been historically marginalized and excluded. We must strive to cultivate a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone’s experiences and perspectives are valued and respected.

In order to move towards this goal, it is important to engage in difficult conversations and challenge ourselves to examine our own biases and privileges. By doing so, we can continue to grow and learn and work towards a future where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

Call to Action

I hope this article has helped shed some light on the complicated relationship between readers and Glennon Doyle, and the importance of engaging in dialogue and critical analysis of media. If you’re interested in reading more articles like this, be sure to follow my Medium profile and stay tuned for future content.

