Monthly Report: One Stop Cross-chain Yield Platform

3 min readOct 4, 2022


Market is changing, Avault either. We made a big upgrade on Avault in September. Avault now is one-stop cross-chain Yield Platform that aims to lower the threshold for users to use Web 3.0 DeFi Dapps. Users who hold one asset on one chain will be able to interact with dapps on other chains in one click to complete cross-chain compounding, staking, lending, public sale, etc.

1. Product

Upgrade to One Stop Cross-chain Yield Platform

How it works

The specific process is as follows:

  • Choose which chain, which dapp, and which asset they want to use on Avault, and then authorize the contract we deploy on the source chain. Avault contract will directly call the cross-chain SDK on the source chain to transfer assets and information to the target chain.
  • Target chain’s SDK can directly trigger the Avault contract on the target chain, thus completing the reinvestment of assets into the corresponding dapp.
  • The transaction status will also be directly returned by the Avault contract on the target chain to the Avault contract on the source chain through the cross-chain SDK.
  • Once receive the transaction status from target chain on the source chain. Avault contract will give the user the corresponding interest-bearing token as a receipt. When the user wants to get the target chain’s asset back, he can get the asset back by returning the certificate.

Roadmap update

2022 Q3

  • One stop cross-chain asset management platform (MVP)
  • UI/UX upgrade
  • Integrate dapps on Astar

2022 Q4

  • One stop cross-chain asset management platform V1
  • Realize cross-chain compounding function
  • Support cross-chain between ETH, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Astar
  • Integrate with lending protocols
  • Integrate with AMM Dexes
  • Cross-chain ZAP V1
  • More chains (Optimism, Avalanche, Polygon, Cronos, Fantom, etc)

2023 Q1

  • More different kinds of protocols
  • More chains (Aurora, Oasis, Injective, etc)
  • More bridges
  • Develop cross-chain governance V1
  • Develop cross-chain public sale V1
  • Realize second main cross-chain function

2023 Q2

  • Support more chains, dapps, assets
  • Develop cross-chain farm V1
  • Cross-chain public sale
  • CEX listing
  • Launch cross-chain farm

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2. Event

  • Joined Equilibrium Closed Beta

Every change makes us stronger. LFG!

About Avault

Avault is a one-stop cross-chain asset management platform that aims to lower the threshold for users to use Web 3.0 DeFi Dapps. Users who hold one asset on one chain will be able to interact with Dapps on other chains in one click to complete cross-chain compounding, staking, lending, and public sale.

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The First One-stop Omnichain Yield Platform that aims to lower the threshold for users to use DeFi DApps.