People who still believe in true love and commitment might go through a hard time when they find their partners leaving them for a married man. All your beliefs, your efforts to keep the partner happy, and the idea of the existence of true love shatters and spreads in multiple pieces when you get to know your relationship is on the edge because your lady love is in building castles with someone else.

August 2015 was a tough time for people who believed in true love when hackers cracked into Ashley Madison (a dating site created specifically for married people looking to cheat on their spouses) and released the data online. The website which was expected to hardly have any users had 32 million identities. Now, that is a substantial proof to support the idea that most married men and women want to cheat for their different reasons.

Even the data from Ashley Madison wasn't enough to justify properly as to why women prefer married men over single men. That’s the reason, for years, single men have been trying to figure out why their women ditched them for someone else, especially for someone who is already married. So, if you suspect that your partner might be planning to ditch you soon for a married man living next door, it’s a good time to find out why? Below are some rational reasons why women prefer married men over single men.

Reasons Why Women Are Attracted To Married Men

1. Married Men Have Proved Their Commitment Level

Men and women alike love to be in a relationship or be a person who is good with commitments. And, in case of married men, they have already showcased their commitment levels by being married to someone. The biggest complaints by women in a relationship are that they feel difficult to settle down with men who are not willing to commit. Thus, women always have a thing for married men as they display the willingness to commit.

2. Married Men Are More Mature And Responsible

As a man gets married, they get more responsible, and they let go of their carefree nature, displaying a sign of maturity. And ask any women whether they would like to date someone who is wild, immature and carefree, or someone who is mature enough to handle responsibilities? The answer is most likely to favor mature men, which points directly at married men. It doesn't mean unmarried man is not responsible or mature, but married are presumed to be mature.

3. Married Men Make Better Lovers

This can be a good reason to justify why women are more attracted to married men. Women believe that married men make the best lovers because you can send them back home when you’re done.

4. Doesn't Have To Make Compromises With Married Men

If you have been to women-oriented websites on the internet, you would have read the romantic compromises that are made being in a relationship. As suggested by researchers, women get fewer orgasm compared to men. Thus, women fake orgasm most of the times.

Sex or lovemaking is a basic human need like food, air, and water. As people grow up, the need for sex also starts increasing, and thus people get into a relationship. But, when one partner fails to satisfy the sexual need of the other, the issue leads to breakups, and needless to say, breakups are a hell of an experience. Also, this happens mostly with women; men fail to satisfy their sexual needs. Thus, getting into a relationship with someone for sexual needs requires commitment too and women have to make many compromises, but in case of married men, women can easily get rid of them if they fail to satisfy them in bed.

5. Married Men Are Challenging

Okay! This might be common in men and women alike, both love challenges. Be it a man or women; they always select a partner who isn't really available to them. Thus, we can say that women are more attracted to married men because they are a challenge for women. Single women might be more attracted to married men because she isn't ready — or wanting to indulge in a committed, long-term relationship at that time. And married men are already in a committed relationship with their partners. Thus they are always a better alternative for a long-term relationship.

Being in such kind of relationship for long can inflict you, your lover, and his family, an enormous pain. So, before you start to suffer and live with the guilt, head to the right path. Search for real happiness, not a relationship that is fleeting, destructive and temporary. Read all 12 Reasons Why Women Are Attracted To Married Men?

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