Where to go • Warsaw • Poland

7 min readJul 21, 2023


Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is a city that beautifully showcases its resilience and rebirth after the destruction of World War II. Steeped in history, Warsaw now blends a captivating mix of old and new, featuring meticulously reconstructed historic landmarks alongside contemporary architecture and a bustling urban atmosphere.

Get to know the best places in the city

1. Warsaw Uprising Museum

Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego

The Warsaw Uprising Museum is a significant historical venue in Warsaw, Poland, dedicated to honoring the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. It showcases exhibits and artifacts that provide a compelling insight into the heroic resistance efforts of the Polish people against Nazi occupation during World War II.

2. Church of St. Charles Borromeo

Kościół św. Karola Boromeusza w Warszawie

The church is a magnificent example of Baroque architecture. The church’s striking façade and ornate interior design captivate visitors, showcasing the rich artistic heritage of the city. It stands as a significant religious and cultural landmark, attracting both worshippers and admirers of historical architecture.

3. Palace of Culture and Science

Pałac Kultury i Nauki

The Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw is a grand and iconic building that serves as a symbol of Poland’s history and architecture. Constructed during the Soviet era, its towering presence and distinctive design make it a significant landmark in the city’s skyline. Visitors can explore its cultural venues, museums, and observation deck, which offers breathtaking views of Warsaw.

4. POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

POLIN Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

It is a remarkable institution that chronicles the rich and complex history of the Polish Jewish community. Through interactive exhibits and multimedia displays, the museum highlights the centuries-long journey of Jewish life in Poland, from its vibrant cultural contributions to the tragic events of the Holocaust. It stands as a poignant testament to the resilience, creativity, and cultural heritage of Polish Jews throughout history

5. Warsaw Barbican

Barbakan Warszawski

The Warsaw Barbican is a historic defensive fortification situated in Warsaw, Poland. Built in the 16th century, it once formed part of the city’s defensive walls. Today, it serves as a fascinating historical monument and a popular tourist attraction, offering visitors a glimpse into Warsaw’s past as a fortified city.

6. Old Town Market Square

Rynek Starego Miasta w Warszawie

The Old Town Market Square in Warsaw is a delightful, bustling square at the heart of the historic Old Town. With charming, restored buildings, it offers a vibrant atmosphere, filled with cafes, restaurants, and souvenir shops. Ideal for leisurely strolls and appreciating Warsaw’s architectural heritage.

7. St. John’s Archcathedral

Bazylika Archikatedralna w Warszawie p.w. Męczeństwa św. Jana Chrzciciela

St. John’s Archcathedral, a magnificent Gothic-style cathedral in Warsaw, Poland, boasts rich history and religious significance. Witness to centuries of Polish heritage, it hosts coronations and funerals of monarchs. With impressive architecture, it’s a must-see for history and architecture lovers.

8. St Martin’s Church

Kościół pw. Św. Marcina

The Church of St. Martin, also known as St. Martin’s Church, is a historic church located in Warsaw, Poland. It is one of the oldest churches in the city and holds significant cultural and architectural importance. With its rich history and unique design, the church stands as a remarkable religious landmark in Warsaw’s urban landscape. Visitors can admire its beauty and explore the historical and spiritual significance of the site.

9. The Royal Castle

Zamek Królewski w Warszawie

The Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland, a historic palace dating back to the 14th century, served as the residence of Polish monarchs. Meticulously reconstructed after World War II, it stands in the Old Town as a symbol of Poland’s cultural heritage, attracting visitors to experience its grandeur and rich history.

10. Tin-Roofed Palace

Pałac Pod Blachą

Pałac Pod Blachą, the Tin-Roofed Palace in Warsaw, Poland, is a stunning architectural marvel. Its distinctive tin-clad roof adds historical charm. Despite damage in World War II, it stands restored, symbolizing Warsaw’s resilience and preserving its rich heritage. A captivating glimpse into Poland’s glorious past.

11. Teatr Wielki — Polish National Opera

Teatr Wielki Opera Narodowa

Teatr Wielki — Polish National Opera in Warsaw is a renowned cultural institution, gracing the city with its grandeur and artistic excellence. Hosting world-class opera and ballet performances, the theater showcases Poland’s rich artistic heritage and offers visitors an unforgettable experience immersed in the realm of classical arts.

12. Copernicus Science Centre

Centrum Nauki Kopernik

The Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw is a captivating hub of interactive learning and scientific exploration. With hands-on exhibits and innovative displays, it ignites curiosity and fosters a deeper understanding of science and technology. Engaging visitors of all ages, it’s a must-visit destination for an enriching and fun-filled educational experience.

13. Holy Cross Church

Kościół Świętego Krzyża

Kościół Świętego Krzyża (Holy Cross Church) in Warsaw is a significant religious and historical landmark. With its neoclassical facade and elegant interiors, it holds the heart of Poland’s cultural heritage. It houses the urn containing the heart of composer Frédéric Chopin, making it a revered destination for music enthusiasts and history lovers alike.

14. Museum of Fryderyk Chopin

Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie

The Museum of Fryderyk Chopin in Warsaw is a captivating tribute to the renowned composer. With a rich collection of artifacts, personal belongings, and interactive exhibits, it offers a profound insight into Chopin’s life and musical legacy. This cultural gem in Warsaw allows visitors to immerse themselves in the world of the celebrated pianist and composer.

15. National Museum

Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie

The National Museum in Warsaw is a treasure trove of Polish art and culture. Housing an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, decorative arts, and historical artifacts, it provides a comprehensive journey through Poland’s artistic heritage. This cultural institution offers visitors an enriching experience, showcasing the nation’s creativity and history.

16. Belwederski Palace

Pałac Belwederski

Belwederski Palace, located in Warsaw, is an exquisite neoclassical gem. Originally a royal residence, it now serves as the official residence of the Polish President. Surrounded by a beautiful park, the palace’s elegant architecture and historical significance make it a prominent symbol of Poland’s past and present.

17. Royal Łazienki Museum

Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie w Warszawie

The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw is a splendid ensemble of nature, architecture, and art. Set in the picturesque Łazienki Park, it features a collection of exquisite paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, immersing visitors in Poland’s cultural heritage. The scenic beauty of the park and the historical significance of the museum make it a cherished destination for locals and tourists alike.

18. Myślewicki Palace

Pałac Myślewicki

Myślewicki Palace was originally built as a hunting lodge in the 18th century for King Stanisław August Poniatowski. Over the years, the palace underwent multiple renovations and expansions, eventually transforming into the neoclassical masterpiece we see today. Its rich history and royal connections make it a truly fascinating destination for history enthusiasts.

19. Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów

Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie

The Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów in Warsaw is a captivating time capsule of Polish royalty. Once the residence of King Jan III Sobieski, it showcases opulent Baroque architecture and an extensive art collection. Visitors can immerse themselves in the grandeur of the past and explore the beautifully manicured gardens surrounding the palace.

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Passionate traveler sharing wanderlust and adventure from around the world. Guides creator. Instagram: instagram.com/avelwens