3 tips to build agile frameworks using Notion

Audrey Avenel
4 min readNov 26, 2018


Are you a Product Manager? If your answer is yes, then you know that avoiding multi-tasking, capitalizing on customer’s feedback and keeping smart & tidy Meeting Minutes are challenges often encountered when delivering best time-to-market products.

The solution? A great productivity tool to support this transversal performance quest.

The answer? Notion! Notion is the most convenient all-in-one workplace with ready-to-use templates but also includes a wide range of building blocks allowing flexible layouts.

I will share a few tips and tricks to activate these main performance levers using Notion tool.

Avoid multi-tasking with swimlanes Kanban

Many product managers deal with several projects at the same time. Jumping from one to another can be time consuming and confusing.

Keeping in mind the big picture of all product streams while switching to a detailed view when needed is a challenge Notion is efficiently taking on with Kanban boards layout.

Kanban tool has proven its efficiency to deliver a simple board view, that can easily be shared with teams.

Including swimlanes will allow you to visualize all your products process in one dashboard!

Gather your team around this multi-lanes board and eventually spot hubs where tasks can be mutualized.

Keep in mind that this approach has to stay team-friendly. Indeed, you should add this swimlane option only for your Kanban dealing with product flows handeled by the same team members!

If your task force is completely different, you should keep dedicated Kanbans.

While clicking on a swimlane (here called ‘Android App’), you can order your Kanban cards by teams and still display the status ‘to do’, ‘doing’, ‘done’.

Keep track of customer voice as user stories

Best features are build hand-in-hand with your target audience.

Your product backlog should always consider customer’s feedback as a golden source.

Keep track of customer issues in a Notion list and easily link each row to an existing or new product backlog item.

Filtering on ‘subjects’ will help you measure the extent on a specific issue to address.

By clicking on the name of a client, you will find all related user stories.

Therefore, these ready-to-go user stories can be included in your next sprints!

Get work done by improving Meeting Minutes

Hundreds of Meeting Minutes are created, shared and stored but how many fall under a decision-oriented process?

It’s time to drop some tactical intelligence into Meeting Minutes conception.

A calendar layout is the best layout fit for both creation and search for meeting minutes. They can be handled directly from an ‘editorial calendar’ basic template.

Your meeting notes have to gather some obvious properties like participants, discussions highlights, approved decisions but also a to-do list and a due date!

Switching from ‘Creation date’ to ‘Due date’ bring your Meeting Minutes to the next level as they are turned toward the future.

The screenshot bellow shows my meeting minutes on ‘OKR review’ on nov.15 which is the due date I fixed for my related to-do list.

I have choose to display also my initial meeting minutes creation date ‘nov. 08, 2018’ on the card resume.

If you are bored with Calendar view, you can switch any time to a board or list view. This layout flexibility is one of the tool’s best asset!

The tool is tailored to support product managers’ productivity in many ways, allowing them to collaborate further with teams and sponsors.

Notion building blocks will help you enhance your creativity and think outside the box to design many agile frameworks such as OKR follow-up and product backlog refinement.

You can find the templates here:

