Courtney Aventura

Courtney Aventura

14 stories

Avoid these Design System Traps! (Banner Image)
The same graph as above with time on the y-axis and the cost of change on the x-axis, but with a blue curve that starts with a high cost of change at zero time, and swoops down to an asymptote that approaches a very low cost of change as time goes on.
Courtney Aventura

No stories

Courtney Aventura

4 stories

Comparing different ways of naming components
Courtney Aventura

2 stories

Courtney Aventura

2 stories

Courtney Aventura

1 story

Courtney Aventura

2 stories

Courtney Aventura

5 stories

Courtney Aventura

1 story

Courtney Aventura

1 story

Courtney Aventura

1 story

Courtney Aventura

4 stories

This image shows tabular data that compare three different frameworks. The first framework is  Jesse James Garrett’s “The Elements of User Experience.” The second one is generic “The Product Development Life Cycle,” and third one is “Design Thinking.”
Courtney Aventura

1 story

A poster with the word Components & Compositions & Guidelines.
Courtney Aventura

1 story

Example of the card of the product with different behavior and state of the content
Courtney Aventura

1 story

On a black background four multi-colored neon circles twirl, turning into two fingers glowing peace, a curled cat, a cool kid in sunglasses wearing a hoop ring, and another hand giving thumbs up. They all glow on a white outlined monitor.
Courtney Aventura

2 stories

Laws of UX that Airbnb follows — Medium Cover
Courtney Aventura

2 stories

Enjoy Korean Cover Photo
Courtney Aventura

2 stories

Collor pallette as cover image
Courtney Aventura

1 story

Courtney Aventura

2 stories

Comparison between Google’s home page in 2013 and 2023 as well as LinkIn’s to show how design elements have been getting more round