7 Proven Formulas for Writing Titles That Demand to Be Read

Avery Joseph
12 min readJun 29, 2024


7 Proven Formulas for Writing Titles That Demand to Be Read

Table of Content

The Curiosity-Piquing Title

2. The Numbered List Title
2.1 Scannable and Easy to Digest
2.2 Promises Specific, Actionable Information
2.3 Taps into Psychological Triggers
2.4 Establishes Authority:
2.5 Encourages Sharing:

3. The Benefit-Driven Title
3.1 They Answer the “What’s in It for Me?” Question
3.2 They Establish Trust and Credibility:
3.3 They Use Compelling Language:
3.4 They Provide a Clear Call-to-Action:

4. The Problem-Solving Title
4.1 Taps into Audience Pain Points
4.2 Promises a Solution
4.3 Stands Out in a Crowded Landscape
4.4 Encourages Sharing

5. The Newsjacking Title
5.1 Timeliness
5.2 Relevance
5.3 Shareability
5.4 Visibility

6. The Authority-Establishing Title
6.1 Builds Trust and Credibility
6.2 Suggests Insider Knowledge
6.3 Differentiates Your Content
6.4 Encourages Sharing

7. The Emotional Title
7.1 Emotions Drive Decision-Making
7.2 Memorable and Shareable
7.3 Differentiate Your Content
7.4 Encourage Action

Creative titles are vital for attracting readers and increasing engagement as a blogger. In content marketing, your headline is always the first and only opportunity you have to attract the reader’s attention or convince him/her to click through and read your work. Whether you are an experienced writer or a novice, perfecting the skills of writing a title can make all the difference in making your blog successful. This piece will discuss seven established techniques for coming up with titles that people can’t resist reading.

1. The Curiosity-Piquing Title

The Curiosity-Piquing Title is a proven formula for creating article titles that capture readers’ attention and compel them to click through. These titles spark curiosity and leave the reader wanting more information. The essential components of an attention-arousing title are:

• Presenting a question that arouses the reader’s interest in it

• Suggesting that there is something concealed, shocking, or little known to be discovered within

• Using language that makes the subject mysterious

• Do not give away much at first but rather keep the readers yearning for more.

The idea is to create a title that excites the reader’s interest so they feel compelled to click through and have their curiosity satisfied. An effective Curiosity-Piquing Title can drive up click-through rates and engagement with your content by quite some margin . Some examples of successful Curiosity-Piquing Titles include:

• “The One Trick That Will Double Your Blog Traffic (You Won’t Believe It)”

• “7 Insider Secrets to Grow Your Email List Faster Than Ever”

• “This Simple Hack Increased My Conversion Rate by 42% (And How You Can Do It Too)”

Your headlines must demand reading and make the readers move farther into your content using this already-proven formula. Striking a balance between intrigue and information is key to maintaining your audience’s concentration.

2. The Numbered List Title

The Numbered List Title is one of the most basic and yet incredibly effective ways of creating article titles that attract attention and explain to the reader what they are in for. These titles are most suitable for list articles and ‘how to’ articles. Here’s why the Numbered List Title is so powerful:

2.1 Scannable and Easy to Digest

Numbered lists are easy to read and the readers can easily follow the flow of the article. The numbers divide the title into segments that are easy to comprehend and do not give a feeling of overload.

2.2 Promises Specific, Actionable Information

Headings that contain a numeral (for example, ‘7 Effective Methods’) create expectations that the article will contain a set of definite recommendations, steps, or ideas. This is because it caters for the readers who want practical solutions.

2.3 Taps into Psychological Triggers

It is a well-known fact that people like things to be organized and structured. Numbered lists appeal to this psychological aspect, which makes the title even more appealing and easy to remember.

2.4 Establishes Authority

Titles that contain words like ‘list,’ ‘guide,’ ‘review,’ ‘comparison,’ and ‘ranking’ suggest that the article contains all the information on the subject, as well as the best practices for its implementation, which is true for titles containing a specific number of items (e. g., “The Top 10 SEO Tactics”). This makes the reader trust the information being provided by the writer.

2.5 Encourages Sharing

Numbered list titles are more likely to be shared on social media because they directly convey what the reader will get out of the article in a catchy manner.

Some examples of effective Numbered List Titles include:

• ”7 Ways to Improve Your Blog’s SEO and Get More Traffic”

•” The 10 Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers in the Year 2023”

• ”5 Easy Tips to Increase Your Email Open Rates”.

In the case of a Numbered List Title, the number selected should be appropriate for the content and bring value to the reader. Do not use sensational numbers in the titles that are not accurate (e.g., 101 Tips). When employing this effective title structure, you will be able to come up with catchy headlines that tell the reader exactly what he or she is going to gain from reading your article and thus entice them to read it.

3. The Benefit-Driven Title

The Benefit-Driven Title is a powerful formula for writing article titles that communicate the value and benefits that readers will gain from the content. These titles are all about the benefits for the reader and are constructed to entice the reader to click further. Here’s why Benefit-Driven Titles are so effective:

3.1 They Answer the “What’s in It for Me?” Question

Self-interest titles are the ones that focus on the reader’s main question — what is in it for them? These titles clearly state the value at the beginning, so readers can easily discern why they should spend their time on the article.

3.2 They Establish Trust and Credibility

Titles that emphasize benefits prove to the reader that the information they are about to read is useful and important. This makes your audience trust you and your content since they know that you are offering them content that is relevant to them.

3.3 They Use Compelling Language

Titles that are benefit-oriented contain words that appeal to the self-interest of the reader, such as how to get, how to achieve, the secret, the way to, and the like. Such verbs as ‘discover,’ ‘unlock,’ or ‘master’ make the reader feel that they are going to learn something new and interesting.

3.4 They Provide a Clear Call-to-Action

These titles enable the readers to have a clue of what they are going to learn or achieve by going through the article. This makes it easier for them to filter out the content as per their interest and whether the content is worth their time.

Some examples of effective Benefit-Driven Titles include:

  • “How to Write Irresistible Blog Titles That Drive Clicks and Engagement”
  • “Learn the ways of increasing your email list by 10,000 subscribers in one month”.

• “Learn how to tell a story and how to make your audience sit up and listen.”

When creating a Benefit-Driven Title, it is necessary to concentrate on the benefits and the value that the article offers. Choose simple and specific words that will be meaningful to the target audience and their needs or wants. Do not use general and non-descriptive words for your titles as you should be specific and let your titles explain what makes your content different from the rest. Applying this effective title format, you can come up with catchy headlines that will attract attention, evoke trust, and stimulate the readers’ interest. Of course, do not forget that your title is the first and sometimes the only opportunity to persuade someone to read your article.

4. The Problem-Solving Title

The Problem-Solving Title is a very useful formula to create the title of the article that would be interesting for the target audience since it directly points to the problem the reader may face. These titles present your content as the answer to a problem, which increases the chances of people wanting to read your article. Here’s why the Problem-Solving Title works so well:

4.1 Taps into Audience Pain Points

These titles indicate to the readers that you are solving a problem that they are facing by addressing it in your material. This in turn assists in gaining the audience’s trust and credibility.

4.2 Promises a Solution

Many problem-solving titles contain words such as ‘how to’, ‘the secret to’, or ‘the ultimate guide to’ to indicate to the reader that the article will give them a definite solution to their problem. This makes the reader develop a kind of curiosity and eagerness to read more of the content.

4.3 Stands Out in a Crowded Landscape

While numerous articles are either general or have unclear titles, a Problem-Solving Title will set your content apart and attract the audience that is looking for solutions to their problems.

4.4 Encourages Sharing

Any person who will benefit from the content you post in solving a certain issue is likely to share the same with other people facing the same problem. This can help increase the visibility of your article and get it in front of a larger audience.

Some examples of effective Problem-Solving Titles include:

•” Having Trouble with Your Blog? Here are 5 Effective Strategies to Boost Your Subscribers Overnight”

• “It is titled ‘Can’t Get Your Videos to Rank on YouTube? Here’s the Ultimate Guide to YouTube SEO.

•” Are You Overloaded with Social Media Management? Here Are 7 Tips on How to Optimize Your Posting”

When crafting a Problem-Solving Title, be sure to

• The first step is to define the particular issue or need that your audience is experiencing.

• Explain how your article will give a solution or a cure to that problem

  • Choose words that would make the reader feel that the problem is urgent and needs to be solved.

5. The Newsjacking Title

The Newsjacking Title is a formula that can be used to come up with article titles to leverage current events or popular topics to market your content and brand. When you link your article to a news story that is trending and people are discussing, you will be able to leverage this interest and get more people to read your article. Here’s why Newsjacking Titles are so effective:

5.1 Timeliness

By linking your article to a current event, you make your article seem fresh, current, and something that the audience needs to read at the moment. Such urgency can make the readers click through and read your article before the news shifts to the next topic.

5.2 Relevance

When done well, Newsjacking Titles show the reader that your article is directly related to the news story and offers them something of value in regards to the news story. This relevance also assists in branding your business as an authority on the given topic and increases the chances of the readers trusting your content.

5.3 Shareability

Most of the news-related content is usually highly shareable, particularly on social media platforms. When you come up with a Newsjacking Title that is related to the trending story, you make sure that your article will be passed around by readers who wish to comment on the news.

5.4 Visibility

Newsjacking can be beneficial for your article as it can increase its ranking in the search engine and the feeds. If people are looking for information connected with the trending news story, your article will have a greater probability of appearing in those search results if your title reflects this connection.

Some examples of effective Newsjacking Titles include:

•” How TikTok Algorithm Update Will Affect Your Blog Visibility and What You Can Do About It.”

• “The Metaverse: “The 3 Things Every Marketer Must Know About Facebook’s Big Bet on the Future”

• “ChatGPT: The AI Chatbot That is Sweeping the World (And What It Means for Content Creators)

When crafting a Newsjacking Title, be sure to:

• Select a topic that is true of interest to your audience and that falls within the sphere of your business specialization.

• Don’t waste time generating your content and title before the news cycle shifts.

• Give opinions or information that is useful in expanding the knowledge base of the news story

• Do not come across as being greedy for attention or as being insensitive especially when reporting on a tragedy.

6. The Authority-Establishing Title

The Authority-Establishing Title is a formula for creating the title of an article that sets you or your brand as an expert in your field. Such titles may contain such words as ‘secrets,’ ‘insider,’ or ‘expert’ to create the illusion of authority and privileged information. Here’s why Authority-Establishing Titles are so effective:

6.1 Builds Trust and Credibility

These titles also make you more authoritative to your audience and therefore they are useful. The audience is more likely to read a piece of content that is written by a person who is considered an expert on the subject.

6.2 Suggests Insider Knowledge

Words such as ‘secrets’ or ‘insider’ in the titles suggest that the article is going to divulge information that not everyone can get to know or information that only an expert in that field can know. This makes the reader feel that they are in a position to gain something valuable from the information being passed to them.

6.3 Differentiates Your Content

When there is a lot of competition, Authority-Establishing Titles are useful because they immediately let the reader know that you are an expert on this topic. This can be especially useful for brand promotion or establishing your business as a market expert.

6.4 Encourages Sharing

People who follow you for content and consider you an expert in your field will share your content with people who stand to benefit from your knowledge. This can go a long way in making your article more easily found and read by the intended audience.

Some examples of effective Authority-Establishing Titles include:

• “Insider Secrets: 10 Strategies That Actually Work for Building Your Blog’s Email List

• “Expert Tips: How to Rank on the First Page of Google in 2023

• “Facebook Advertising: Power Guide to Facebook Advertising and Marketing (From the Social Media Specialists)”

When crafting an Authority-Establishing Title, be sure to:

• Make sure your audience knows that you are the expert on the topic.

• Employ words that give a feeling of privileged information or access to it.

• Do not sound conceited — the goal is to give the reader something valuable

• Support your authority claims with the experience and qualifications that you possess.

By employing this successful title format, you will be able to generate headlines that will set you up as an authority in your subject, and thus appeal to the trust of your audience, and compel them to read your content. Just make sure that you do not disappoint your readers by giving them accurate and authoritative information in your article as your title suggests.

7. The Emotional Title

The Emotional Title is a powerful formula for writing article titles that tap into the reader’s emotions, whether it’s inspiration, fear, or excitement. Such titles may contain provocative words or phrases or suggest that the book will change the reader’s life. Here’s why Emotional Titles are so effective:

7.1 Emotions Drive Decision-Making

Research has also established that emotions are important factors that influence decision-making, and often supersede rationality. Emotional Titles can also be effective in engaging readers because it appeal to their emotions instead of rationality.

7.2 Memorable and Shareable

Emotionally charged words make the titles more memorable and can be easily shared among the users. If readers feel some type of emotion such as inspiration, excitement, or even fear towards the title, they are more likely to recall the title and pass it on to other people who will also feel the same way.

7.3 Differentiate Your Content

Emotional Titles can be useful in a competitive environment since they make the content more special for the reader. This can be particularly effective when it comes to establishing brand identity and fostering a sense of belonging to a specific audience.

7.4 Encourage Action

Titles that suggest the reader will be changed or helped to solve an emotional issue can be very persuasive and get the reader to take the desired action: subscribe to the newsletter, download a lead magnet, or buy something.

Some examples of effective Emotional Titles include:

• “Unleash Your Blogging Potential: 7 Life-Changing Strategies to Boost Your Traffic to the Sky

•” Do You Get Frustrated with Too Much Stress in Your Life? Learn How to Take Control of Your Time”

• “Ignite Your Passion: 10 Real Life Success Stories of People Who Have Built Their Dreams

When writing an Emotional Title, the emphasis should be on the emotions that your article brings and the change it brings. Choose the words that will create a picture in the mind of the reader that will help him to get the desired feeling. Do not try to deceive the audience or make them expect something that you will not deliver — the title should be honest and fulfill the emotional promise of the title. With the help of this effective title formula, you can generate titles that appeal to people’s emotions and encourage them to share, comment, and bookmark the content. The only thing that you should ensure is that you do not overdo emotions and at the same time do not underemphasize the content to keep your readers interested and content.



Avery Joseph

Digital marketing enthusiast | Exploring the intersection of creativity, data & technology | Always learning, sharing insights & connecting with the community.