Professors vs ChatGPT: Can They Identify AI Generated Essays?

Avery Joseph
8 min readJul 13, 2024


Professors vs. ChatGPT: Can They Identify AI-Generated Essays?

Table of Contents:

  1. The Human Touch: How Professors Detect ChatGPT Essays
  2. The Subtle Differences: Defining AI Content
  3. Creativity and Critical Thinking
  4. The Outcomes When AI-Generated Essays Are Detected
  5. Consequences of Using Poor AI Essay Writer: THE GOOD AI Review
  6. Promoting Authentic Writing
  7. Not all AI Essay Writing Tools Are the Same
  8. Embracing the Human Touch: The Ways Used by Professors
  9. Conclusion

The Human Touch: How Professors Detect ChatGPT Essays

In the complex and constantly shifting world of academic writing, professors find themselves at the forefront of a new challenge: to detect essays written by advanced language models, including the recent release of ChatGPT.

As these AI tools are gradually taking the world to the level where it is possible to generate coherent and even seemingly well-written texts, the problem of maintaining the purity of the educational process has become even more urgent.

This concern is all about the characteristics that distinguish human-written essays from AI-generated ones. It seems to me that professors are much more equipped for this technological fight since they know the subtleties of academic writing and have been evaluating students’ papers for a long time.

Therefore, by using their sharp vision and their ability to understand the essence of the human aspect, they can overcome the challenge of identifying AI-written essays.

In this context, an essay writing service can play a valuable role in promoting authentic, human-written essays that showcase students’ unique perspectives and critical thinking abilities.

The Subtle Differences: Defining AI Content

Thus, one of the most effective ways through which the professors can identify the AI-generated essays is by identifying the differences in the style and content of the papers.

Experienced teachers are always aware of the student’s writing level and the common behaviors they demonstrate. That is why, if an essay is much different from this norm, it creates concerns.

The AI-produced essays are often coherent, and organized, and, therefore, can resemble the actual student work but may not contain the depth of understanding and the author’s voice. These discrepancies can be easily identified by the professors based on the level of critical analysis given to the topic, the extent of the writer’s involvement with the material and the cohesiveness of the essay.

For instance, an essay written by an AI will contain a general approach to a given subject without going deeper into the finer details that a wise student would consider. The language utilized may also be complex or sometimes simple, with an amalgamation of some complicated and straightforward language that is just unnatural.

Moreover, professors can review the essay searching for factual mistakes or logical gaps that would point out the usage of AI.

The language models have come a long way in terms of producing factually correct and credible material, but they are not without their flaws, and the area in which they are most likely to fail is in specialized subjects.

Creativity and Critical Thinking

In addition to the mechanical elements of the writing of essays, the instructors also expect students to display imagination, reason, and individuality. These qualities are usually characteristic of real students’ works and can be used as the primary criteria for identifying AI-generated content.

Even though the AI-produced essays are incredibly realistic and can mimic a particular style, tone, or even a writer’s voice, the AI may fail to provide the author’s point of view or fresh ideas that are expected from academic papers.

Such a lack of creativity and individual approach can be noticed by professors when evaluating the essay’s capacity to respond to the given topic in a meaningful and thoughtful way.

For example, the structure of an essay written by a student may have a different approach, ideas, or firsthand experiences that demonstrate critical thinking about the material.

However, an essay created by an AI may look less individual and less profound as professors expect from their students, it will look more like a template.

Professors vs. ChatGPT

The Outcomes When AI-Generated Essays Are Detected

The detection of AI-generated essays can lead to drastic consequences for the student in question as well as their reputation.

Academic integrity is a concept dear to professors, and the use of AI in preparing student assignments is regarded as cheating.

If a professor has a feeling that an essay was written by an AI system, they can take measures to further the inquiry. This can involve using the plagiarism checker tool, comparing the work with the student’s previous work, or even questioning the student about the use of AI.

The losses in this case can be quite serious, as the student loses credibility and the opportunity to create individual work, as well as to demonstrate the desire to study.

Also, the usage of such an essay created with the help of artificial intelligence may affect student’s further life in general.

Such occurrences may be considered by employers, graduate schools, and other academic institutions as a serious violation of trust, which may affect the student’s opportunities and hinder his or her success in the desired field.

Consequences of Using Poor AI Essay Writer: THE GOOD AI Review

Stressed with her academic assignments, Emma decided to use The Good AI, an AI essay writer that claimed to produce a fast and quality essay. This decision, however, led to what can be termed as an educational disaster.

Thompson’s story highlights the very real consequences that students may face when professors detect AI-generated essays.

In her latest post on social media, she regretted having decided to use a free AI essay writing tool which she was caught by her professor.

Promoting Authentic Writing

In this context of growing AI-created content, and other similar services stand out. com can be useful in encouraging people to write and submit genuine, original essays and other assignments.

Being a place where students can find professional essay writers, provides a legal way for students to order essays written by experienced professionals who will provide them with unique and quality papers that will reveal their creativity and critical thinking skills.

Thus, using the services of, students can make sure that what they are submitting was written by a human being and not an AI, which can lead to penalties, among other repercussions.

The platform’s adherence to academic standards and the practice of offering unique, custom-written papers can assist students in overcoming the difficulties arising from the use of AI essay-writing tools.

Furthermore, the interaction between the students and the professional writers can enhance students’ knowledge about the writing process because students are able to communicate with the writers and gain insights from them.

Such an approach may be useful in the development of students’ own writing skills, critical thinking, and voice, enhancing their academic performance and the quality of their work.

Other AI Essay Writing Tools Worth Considering

Tools like:

They have shown a willingness to write genuine, handwritten essays that are hard for a professor to detect.

With proper use of advanced AI technology, these platforms can help students write perfect quality essays with their unique ideas and thinking rather than using AI-generated essays, which are very risky and may lead to serious penalties.

In response to this challenge, professors are seeking ways of preserving the standard of academic writing while embracing the advantages of the use of AI in writing.

Instead of completely prohibiting the use of AI in writing, some professors are using the middle ground of allowing the students to use the technologies as supplements and not as ways of submitting fully written essays by AI.

Embracing the Human Touch: The Ways Used by Professors

One of the strategies is to encourage the use of AI writing tools like Grammarly or grammar and style suggestions in Google Docs. These tools can assist students in enhancing their mechanics, vocabulary, and phrasing while at the same time maintaining the naturalness of the work.

Another way that professors can help is by encouraging students to report their use of AI tools openly, which will help promote academic integrity. In this way, professors can explain to students how AI works and what the ethical issues are when it comes to using it to write their papers, yet still remind students about the human aspect of their academic work.

Moreover, professors can modify their approaches to enhance students’ performance and their problem-solving skills in the context of the changing environment of academic writing.

This may include the teaching of such concepts as academic honesty, proper use of technology, and good writing skills, which include the ability to think independently and express one’s ideas.


With professors on one side and AI-based essay writing tools on the other, the value of the human element in academic writing has never been more apparent.

So, to conclude, can professors detect chatGPT written essays?

Yes, The professors can easily detect AI-generated papers and uphold the values of the academic process.

Thus, professors can use their experience in distinguishing the differences between human-written and AI-simulated papers to make students responsible for their work and, at the same time, maintain the educational process as a valuable and genuine process.

Furthermore, by adopting strategies that focus on the ethical and appropriate use of AI writing tools and the formation of good writing skills, professors can equip students to succeed in the world of academic writing with appropriate and effective tools.

From this view, services like and other credible AI essay writing platforms can only help students deliver an original, human-written essay that reflects the students’ unique perspective and, simultaneously, their critical thinking skills.

Seasoned writers can help students ensure that their academic work meets their professors’ expectations, considering the integrity of their academic work.

While students must be warned of the dangers that AI essay tools may contain for engaging with them in writing their essays, on the other hand, it is also proper to stress the benefits of these tools when applied responsibly.

For example, AI essay writing services can help students develop their writing abilities and perfect grammar and syntax in languages while producing quality essays unlikely to raise suspicion by AI detectors.

It boiled down to striking a balance between reaching out for AI tools and developing writing skills.

They would be able to produce essays authentic and impressive in nature, with the human touch alive and working over them, but with the integrity of the educational process intact by embracing the same and taking advantage of AI technology.



Avery Joseph

Digital marketing enthusiast | Exploring the intersection of creativity, data & technology | Always learning, sharing insights & connecting with the community.