I began writing erotica in 2019 on a trip to the vastly under rated city of Riga, Latvia. I'm not quite sure how it started, it just did! Apparently, I had a knack for it because a company in Poland reached out for me to do commissioned work, which I loved! So if any of you ever want a custom piece, please email me! I am for hire.

Writing in this erotic world led my personal life to become a bit more liberal, and soon we found ourselves in the lifestyle of ethical non-monogamy. That started just for fun, a sex kink if you will, but over the course of 2023 transpired into polyamory. My writing switched to fantasy erotica to real life experiences in the ENM and Poly universe. I have found that so many writers concentrate on the GOOD and not many of them list the hurdles and the tough times that can break your relationship. Hopefully, I will do a good job at helping others along their journey in polyamory.

Travel has always been a passion. I mean, who goes to Latvia? I've decided to share my travels with you in my Passport Adventures publication. To keep everything separate, I put all my stories and articles into publications so that you, the reader, can find what you're looking for. After all, not every travel reader wants to read about my sex life! Please contact me at avery.d.montgomery@gmail.com for any questions or just to chat. I love interaction and will answer every single one.

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