Pitch Tips for Start-ups, Scale-ups and Independent Entrepreneurs

Aveya Creative
1 min readDec 8, 2015


As you put together the pitch for your BIG idea there are several key questions to address — based on past experience coaching startup clients to win competitions and secure captial. Well, not to burst your bubble, but the questions can seem endless; here we try to keep our posts to munchable content length. Check out these short videos (1–2 min each) featuring Aveya Creative Founder Mariya Bouraima with tips to perfect your pitch!

1. For whom are you pitching ?

2. What problem does your business solve?

3. What makes you stand out from the competition?

4. Why does your startup have high growth potential?

Now you’re ready to pitch! For more tips and to learn about developing your startup brand, visit aveyacreative.com. Feel free to enter questions and comments below, or send us a tweet to continue the convo.



Aveya Creative

DC based team of startup branding enthusiasts. We’re creatives at heart, feeding off the new. Always insightful, sometimes sarcastic, never too wordy.