Difference Between SMO and SMM

interactive avii
3 min readNov 19, 2018


Digital Marketing Strategy

SMO and SMM are two hot topics in the digital world in today’s time. Most people are confused between the two. Let’s have a closer look at both the terms and clear these doubts.

What is SMO

Social Media optimization is the technique used by some good digital marketing agencies in Delhi NCR, in which the website and its related pages are optimized in order to make them social media friendly. There are few techniques that website should follow in order to optimize their pages for the social media world.

Widgets — Adding a social media button on mostly the home page or the contact us page which gives the user a direct access to various social media pages of the same website like Instagram, Facebook, twitter etc.

Social Media Optimization(SMO)

Sharing- Another way of SMO, used by Interactive Pixel which is a renowned Social Media Marketing company in Delhi is by including social sharing buttons on the necessary pages of your website. Through these sharing buttons, the users are able to share any content in the website to their social media pages.

Sign-ins- Social Media Optimization Company in Delhi NCR use this technique through which the user gets the option for logging in or signing up for the website through their social media pages directly, they do not require any new account to be created and their social media account is synced with the website login info.

Information- This is one of the most crucial aspects of SMO. The social media pages should have a very impressive and informative description of the business which can give the users a clear idea about what they are engaging with. The content written on such pages should educate the users regarding what the business or website is all about.

What is SMM

Social Media marketing is the strategy which is decided for the future social media content. Interactive Pixel provides Social Media Marketing in Delhi which covers all aspects of social media like the daily posts, social media campaigns, and the branding technique to be used.

Planning- It is the initial stage of SMM in which the goals, reach, social network to be followed and what is the best time to post in them are decided upon. According to the type of audience, the content basic theme is also decided at this initial stage.

Analysis- This is the second stage at which the competitor’s pages and audience are analysed. The content which is decided upon is pitched according to the competitor’s analysis.


Calendar- After all the planning there comes this stage in which the calendar month of the brand is decided upon. It is a detailed date-wise list of content which is to be shared on various social media pages. All this is planned in advance.

Measurement- After all the content execution comes the stage of measuring the effectiveness and success rate of the strategy which has been used, there are various tools which can be used for this purpose like Google analytics, Facebook analytics etc.

The basic difference between the two is that SMO is all about the changes which are to be made upon the web pages to make them social media friendly whereas SMM is about all the activities that take place outside the web pages in order to attract the maximum users. Looking for a tailor-made SMO and SMM strategy? Contact Interactive Pixel’s highly professional team rated as one of the best digital marketing agency in West-Delhi. They have the capability of providing a proven social media strategy for your business.

