Machine learning algorithms used in creating AI chatbots

Avikumar Talaviya
7 min readNov 5, 2023


In this blog, I have summarised the machine learning algorithms that are used in creating and building AI chatbots.

Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash


Chatbots are a form of a human-computer dialogue system that operates through natural language processing using text or speech, chatbots are automated and typically run 24/7. It is mainly used to drive conversion and is designed to handle millions of requests per hour.

A group of intelligent, conversational software algorithms called chatbots is triggered by input in natural language. They can understand commands, comprehend input, and carry out tasks. Even though chatbots have been around for a while, they are becoming more advanced because of the availability of data, increased processing power, and open-source development frameworks. These elements have started the widespread use of chatbots across a variety of sectors and domains. We often come across chatbots in a variety of settings, from customer service, social media forums, and merchant websites to availing banking services, alike.

In general, chatbots are made to achieve specific tasks. For example, customer care chatbots are created specifically to meet the needs of customers who request service, whereas conversational chatbots are created to engage in conversation with users. It is possible to train with large datasets and archive human-level interaction but organizations have to rigorously test and check their chatbot before releasing it into production.

In this article, we will learn more about the workings of chatbots and machine learning algorithms used in AI chatbots.

Table of contents:

1) How do AI chatbots work?

2) Algorithms for AI chatbots

3) Programming languages for an AI chatbot

4) Creating effective chatbots and limitations of chatbots

5) Conclusion

1. How do AI chatbots work?

A chatbot mimics human speech by carrying out repetitive automated actions based on predetermined triggers and algorithms. A bot is made to speak with a human using a chat interface or voice messaging in a web or mobile application, just like a user would do. A type of conversational AI, chatbots are similar to virtual assistants.

A question-answer bot is the most basic sort of chatbot; it is a rules-based program that generates answers by following a tree-like process. These chatbots, which are not, strictly speaking, AI, use a knowledge base and pattern matching to provide prepared answers to particular sets of questions. The bot, however, becomes more intelligent and human-like when artificial intelligence programming is incorporated into the chat software. Deep learning, machine learning, natural language processing, and pattern matching are all used by chatbots that are driven by AI (NLP).

2. Algorithms for AI chatbots

A number of algorithms are used in developing AI chatbots. Among all of them, natural language processing-based algorithms are widely used. As the chatbot gets input in natural language, text processing, classification and interpretation become really important when it comes to quality chatbots

Popular chatbot algorithms include the following ones:

1. Naïve Bayes Algorithm

2. Support vector Machine

3. Natural language processing (NLP)

4. Recurrent neural networks (RNN)

5. Long short-term memory (LSTM)

6. Markov models for text generation

7. Grammar and Parsing Algorithms

1) Naïve Bayes algorithm:

The Naive Bayes algorithm tries to categorize text into different groups so that the chatbot can determine the user’s purpose, hence reducing the range of possible responses. It is crucial that this algorithm functions well because intent identification is one of the first and most important phases in chatbot discussions. Because the algorithm is based on commonality, certain terms should be given greater weight for specific categories based on how frequently they appear in those categories. It allows for classification intent and phrasing of text data.


2) Support vector machine:

The Structural Risk Minimization Principle serves as the foundation for how SVMs operate. Due to the high dimensional input space created by the abundance of text features, linearly separable data, and the prominence of sparse matrices, SVMs perform exceptionally well with text data and Chatbots. It is one of the most widely used algorithms for classifying texts and determining their intentions.


3) Natural Language processing algorithms:

For chatbots, NLP is especially crucial because it controls how the bot will comprehend and interpret the text input. The ideal chatbot would converse with the user in a way that they would not even realize they were speaking with a machine. Through machine learning and a wealth of conversational data, this program tries to understand the subtleties of human language. The bot benefits from NLP by being able to read syntax, sentiment, and intent in text data. The extensive range of features provided by NLP, including text summarizations, word vectorization, topic modeling, PoS tagging, n-gram, and sentiment polarity analysis, are principally responsible for this.

4) Recurrent Neural Networks:

Recurrent Neural Networks are the type of Neural networks that allow to process of sequential data in order to capture the context of the words in given input of text. RNN processes the text input just the way biological intelligence processes the information, it processes sequences by iterating through the sequence elements and maintaining a state containing information relative to what it has seen so far. Thus, allowing us to interpret and capture the context of the input.


5) Long short-term memory:

LSTM is a type of recurrent neural network which is better than simple RNN as LSTMs are designed to capture not only the state of previous inputs but also it carries memories of previous inputs of the sequence, which is not the case with RNN. LSTM is used in processing large sequences. It is applied in conversational AI to predict the next word.

source: medium

6) Markov models for text generation

Markov chains are often used in chatbots and text production. They operate by calculating the likelihood of moving from one state to another. Because it may be conveniently stored as matrices, this model is easy to use and summarise. These chains rely on the prior state to identify the present state rather than considering the route taken to get there.

7) Grammar and Parsing Algorithms

Algorithms for grammar and parsing can effectively identify and resolve ambiguities in sentences. A formal definition of a language’s structure is provided by the grammar algorithm to guarantee that the chatbot interacts without grammatical mistakes. The grammar is used by the parsing algorithm to examine the sentence’s grammatical structure.

3. Programming Languages for AI chatbots

So far, we have seen what algorithms are used in building and teaching AI chatbots. Now let’s look at some of the popular programming languages used to build chatbots in real-world use cases:

1. Python: It is one of the most popular programming languages for AI chatbots owing to libraries like NLTK and Spacy.

2. Java: Algorithms are the foundation of AI programming, and Java is a strong option for chatbot development.

3. Ruby: Ruby is regarded as a good option for creating a chatbot due to the abundance of reliable libraries.

Apart from these languages, CSML, Lisp, and Clojure can also be used to create chatbots. Originally developed as a language for AI projects, Lisp has improved in efficiency in building AI chatbots

4. Creating effective chatbots

Natural language processing is moving incredibly fast and trained models such as BERT, and GPT-3 have good representations of text data. Chatbots are very useful and effective for conversations with users visiting websites because of the availability of good algorithms.

To create effective chatbots, one should focus on providing huge training data to build chatbot algorithms and conversational AI models, including out-of-vocabulary words into training data and writing effective code to manage similar intents of users. These are some of the points one should take while creating an AI chatbot.

5. Conclusion

In this article, we saw how AI chatbots work and what are different algorithms like Naïve Bayes, RNNs, LSTMs, Grammar and parsing algorithms, etc. used in creating AI chatbots. We also saw programming languages that can be used along with points to keep in mind while creating AI chatbots.

Key takeaways:

  1. We learned about how AI chatbots mimic human-like conversation and answer the questions asked by users of chatbot
  2. We also saw types of algorithms used in creating AI chatbots like Naive Bayes, support vector machines RNNs, LSTMs, etc.
  3. Lastly, we learned about various programming languages like Python, Java, CSML, and Clojure are used in developing AI chatbots


[1] Data analytics using Python by Bharti Motwani

[2] Deep learning with Python by Francoise Chollet



