
2 min readOct 2, 2018


Limbo, lulls, calm before the storm.

You name it.

It applies universally, because the universe is a harsh mistress. You know it.

It stays for a while, just enough to make you comfortable. Then it leaves.

Scratch that

It does not leave, per se — it reverts to how it used to be.

And now you are duller than before because you went and acclimatized to the limbo.

Who’s to blame? Nobody.

It’s just how we work. We, all of us, is a perpetual machine of adaptation and evolution. The whole world is. But changes of mental states particularly hits home for humans like us.

There is no one to blame. We can always still spite the circumstances that befell us though.

Dull minds, dull senses, dull everything.

Making a paper and forgetting how to cite

Riding a bike and mistakenly shifting the gear upwards

Trying to live but used to the nothingness.

I despise useless transitions. My thesis supervisor more so. Unnecessarily lengthy, without substance.

But I can’t help making the same mistake. Ironically, life follows the same path in this regard.

There are always down times. Force stops that break your pace.

People say that we can avoid this by always seeking for challenges; but how long can your body and mind sustain it?

Build up your excitement to paramount heights, and the stop will make you fall the same distance.

I wonder how much would that hurt.

Even I cannot stand how the body requires sleep at the end of a day. Especially when I am working on a thing. Something. Anything, actually.

Midlife? That’s a limbo as well.

Work your ass off for years, use all your strength to achieve greater. But afterwards? What then?

The fall comes. When the body is deemed unsuitable, the mind can only follow. Hate all you want, but we are corporeal beings, living in a factual world.

What do you suggest then? Surrender? Fight?

Don’t ask me. I never told anyone that I’m here to provide revelations or answers.

I am only here to tell you what’s in my mind.

