Is it one life? Choices and Dreams

Avinanda Bose
3 min readNov 15, 2019


How many lives do you leave at death? How many times you live before you die? Feels weird why I am asking these questions? Read along till the last line. The answer is there.

Today morning, I had a bit of time. A time to pause. To contemplate things and to justify the reasons for our actions. This time the way I chose to do it is by having a word with a friend.

Discussing family, marriage choices was something we always did. But underneath that discussion was the bigger story of CHOICE.

Life is all about the choices you make. It elucidates your existence. It paints a life that you might not dream of. But why so?

There are many should and should not’s in life.

We know what to do, but humans being a messy combination of mind and matter- confuses lives.

Dreams and Choices do not match. You think you are trying to follow your dreams. A dream of a big house, a great job, finding your love, ample of sex… the lists go on.

Humans are the crazy minions who think they are the smartest. Yet, to look at things carefully, humans are those fools who think they are walking to fulfill their dreams.

But what are dreams? Isn’t it the constant desire to have it all.

When you are a child, you want to grow up.

When you are an adult squeezing in the rat race, you wish to be a child.

If you are rich, you want love.

If you have love, you search for a rich hubby.

If you have a decent job, you want onsite.

If you are lonely, you want to travel.

If you are boho, you miss your way back home.

So, what is this dream? Is it not the actual opposite of the choices we make in life?

Now you might ask me, so what is the god damn solution? Is it, no dreams to aspire in this whole life? Definitely not.

Even I do not have an answer as I am no priest or wise man or woman to give you an answer. The answer is LIVE.

Shoot back to the question I started with. Scroll up. Read. Read Again. And I insist, Read it again.

It is not a single life you lead.

