Why Influencing DevOps is a driver to Companies Success ?

Avinash Patil
2 min readMay 22, 2020


In my blog, I want to talk about my experiences and understanding around Software and Tech Industry and how they are broadcasting their portfolio and how they are adapting to newer practices in this competing and everlasting landscape.

Silicon Valley is built around hope and revolved around hype that is intermittent in nature. Let’s take an example of popular Over The Top (OTT) Platform wars which is between Netflix, Disney and HBO Max. Netflix being an leader in space has never experienced major outages and being strongest in producing Original Content, as they have distributed architectures and No-Ops strategy. Manifesto they follow is ChaosMonkey Project which is widely popular to break pieces of Infrastructure and Strong Open-Source Continuous Delivery Platform like Spinnaker have been helpful in extending their global deployment cycles.

I want to also add Honorable mention about Spotify’s success in their rumour driven development which has changed their data algorithm and productivity drastically and not just that we oversaw radically fast development and their contribution to open-source is what it makes them leader in Music Space.

Now I want to get to the basics,

Why team building and keeping motivating culture is hard ?

  • Pace keeping is difficult.
  • Knowledge transition is critical and one cannot overburden the thought behind it.
  • Hierarchy can be a big push back.
  • People who shows enthusiasm are the ones who should be motivated and cultivated as Intrapreneurship in company.
  • Time is not always a option.

Being stated all of the above question lies in How we do things ?, there won’t be 100% accurate answer and nor we can find a solution and implement at one go, this is not serial task, In parallel, we need to plan and bring new folks, agenda and train existing folks too.

Company’s outlook and growth comes from within its inclusive and exclusive growth and Time being closest friend and enemy who can bring every expectations and start some meaningful thought process.

So Work Hard, Bring Some Awesomeness , that’s the only I can say.



Avinash Patil

Digs and Innovates things around DevOps , Cloud-Native, ML , Data and AI