The ultimate ChatGPT cheetsheat will make you from Zero to Hero

Avinash Mada
8 min readJul 4, 2023


1. KeyTerms:

In this insightful guide to ChatGPT, let’s decode the key terms that are essential for understanding how artificial intelligence (AI) works in this environment. The interactiveness of ChatGPT is powered by ‘Prompts,’ which are specific written instructions users provide to the AI model, leading to the AI’s ‘Output,’ which is the response based on the input it has received.

Understanding what fuels ChatGPT is also critical. The engine under the hood is GPT-4, the latest AI model developed by OpenAI, a ground-breaking company that has been instrumental in pushing the boundaries of AI technology.

One of the most intriguing aspects of using AI like ChatGPT is ‘Prompt Engineering.’ This is the refined skill of creating precise prompts to receive the desired output from the AI, a skill which could be pivotal while interacting with these models.

ChatGPT and GPT-4 belong to a type of AI known as ‘Generative AI.’ This form of AI is advanced enough to create content, whether text, images, music, or even movies, thus transforming the creative landscape with artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT and GPT-4, like many others developed by OpenAI, are examples of large language models. These are vast mathematical equations imbued with the ability to predict words or sequences of words, thereby facilitating a more natural and fluid conversation.

Tokens come into play when we dig deeper into how AI interacts with text. A token can be any textual element, from a single character or a word to a sequence of characters. The model’s ‘Max token’ determines how much text the AI can work with. For instance, GPT 3.5 can manage 4096 tokens while GPT-4 can handle 8192 tokens.

Whether you’re exploring AI for business or personal use, understanding these terms can empower you to make the most of your interactions with ChatGPT.

2. Key Features:

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, remains a revolutionary development in the realm of natural language processing. It offers several notable features that take user interaction to a new level.

Firstly, there’s Prompting, a feature that allows users to instruct ChatGPT to generate desired text output. This can include anything from drafting emails to writing full-length articles, highlighting the program’s versatility in handling tasks that require text generation.

Secondly, ChatGPT offers a unique web browsing feature. This is a key asset as it means the AI can access the internet for real-time, up-to-date information when creating its prompts. As a result, ChatGPT can carry out tasks that need updated content, like providing the latest news, summarizing recent research, or checking current facts, thereby taking usefulness and factual accuracy to the next level.

Finally, there are Plugins. Like the add-ons you would install in your Chrome browser to increase its functionality, plugins for ChatGPT enhance the system’s capabilities even further by providing extra features or services.

However, it’s important to note that both web browsing and plugin features require a ChatGPT Plus subscription. This subscription not only gives users access to additional unique features but also helps support the continuous development and improvement of ChatGPT.

3. Tones:

In this segment of our Cheatsheet on ChatGPT, we are showcasing ‘Tones.’ Tones are vital to adapt the AI-generated responses to diverse circumstances and thereby heighten its all-around usefulness.

By instructing the AI like ‘Write using x tone’, it can significantly alter its communication style. Various tones range from being ‘Professional’, ‘Friendly’, ‘Enthusiastic’, ‘Empathetic’, and ‘Instructional’ to being ‘Reassuring’ and ‘Inspirational’. In addition, there are tones such as ‘Persuasive’, ‘Formal’, and ‘Descriptive’, as well as the ‘Humorous’, ‘Academic’, ‘Firm’, ‘Confident’, ‘Poetic’, and ‘Narrative’ ones.

By incorporating these tones, we can direct ChatGPT to make its language more appealing or appropriate depending on the context.

The ultimate goal is to facilitate more effective and nuanced human-like conversations, tailor-made to suit diverse user requirements.

4. How to Learn from ChatGPT ?

Learning from ChatGPT involves a variety of perspectives that you can adopt to maximise your experience. Imagine you are a curious explorer, eager to traverse a new land of knowledge. This exploration should be undertaken with precision, dissecting the AI language model’s utterances to understand its capabilities and limitations.

The journey with ChatGPT can also be likened to a poetic voyage, where the prose and verse of conversation flow with fluidity and whimsy, sweeping us to new realms of learning. Further, adopting a mentor’s perspective will foster a nurturing disposition that helps in coaching, observing, and improving the system diligently. Drawing analogies from the responses can be another learning technique, finding connections between the AI’s language processing and human communication.

Finally, learning from ChatGPT as though you were a teacher enables a better grasp on the system by outlining guidance, providing information, and correcting the model when needed, thus enriching your overall learning experience.

5.Prompt Structures:

Chatbot communication is driven by well-structured prompts designed to elicit the desired response. These prompts can take a variety of forms such as RTF (Role, Task, Format), CTF (Context, Task, Format), and many others including TEACUP, RASCEF, SPIDER, GRADE, ROSES, and RDIREC. Each acronym signifies a distinct approach to framing the prompt, encompassing various factors like the role of the chatbot, the task at hand, intended audience, specific scenario, and so on. With these structured guidelines, the chatbot is better equipped to understand the task, apply the appropriate context, and then respond in the required format to fulfill the task.

For instance, using the RTF structure might involve designating the role to the chatbot (Role), specifying what needs to be done (Task), and determining the way it should be delivered (Format). Again, with SPIDER structure, a scenario is painted, a problem is identified, instructions are given, duration may be specified, expectations are communicated, and the expected results are pointed out.

Communication with a ChatGPT can be done by using either megaprompts or prompt chaining. In a megaprompt approach, a single large request encapsulating all desired elements is made. For example, asking a ChatGPT to write a full press release. With prompt chaining, the desired task is broken down into smaller more manageable steps.

Like initially asking for a blog post idea, then asking separately for an outline, and finally asking for the content to be written. Both methods can be used effectively depending on your specific use case and preferences.

6.Key Use-Cases and Prompts:

ChatGPT is an incredibly intuitive and powerful tool that can be used in a myriad amount of ways. Not only can it assist you to strengthen your communication skills in various contexts like meetings, emails, and presentations, it can also notably expand your knowledge on any subject matter, offering comprehensive lists of books, articles, and online resources, suitable for all levels of learners. If you are overwhelmed with daily tasks, ChatGPT can develop a personalized time management strategy, making you more organized, efficient, and productive. It also encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking by providing innovative techniques and practices.

Beyond that, ChatGPT can enhance your problem-solving skills in any given domain, offering strategies to help you analyze and conquer challenges more effectively. If you’re looking to grow professionally, ChatGPT can aid you in expanding your professional network, advising you on how to identify relevant individuals in your field, and network efficiently. Furthermore, if you’re struggling with motivation towards a certain task or goal, it can provide practical advice to overcome obstacles and strive for success.

In every aspect of your personal and professional growth, ChatGPT is not just a tool — it’s a companion.

7. Prompt Gneration Apps:

In this segment of the ChatGPT cheatsheet, we delve into the intricacies of ‘Prompt Generation Apps’. These unique platforms utilize the ChatGPT model to generate detailed, imaginative, and user-specific prompts aiming to inspire creativity and encourage productive conversation.

Starting with the ‘Prompt Base’, it’s a platform that positions itself as a valuable resource for dynamic and engaging prompts. ‘Prompt Perfect’ takes a similar route, enhancing user experience with the addition of personalized prompts.

Next, we have ‘Prompt Den’, an app designed to streamline prompts based on specific user requests. ‘Prompt Hero’ stands out by presenting an interactive narrative experience, inviting users to engage with the prompts more profoundly. Lastly, ‘FlowGPT’ combines the best of both worlds, expertly merging the realm of prompts and conversation together.

In essence, these sophisticated Prompt Generation Apps take full advantage of ChatGPT’s capabilities, marking an innovative leap in AI-powered interaction.

8. Important Plugins:

In this blog post, we offer a comprehensive cheat sheet for ChatGPT, equipped with a range of useful plugins that enhance its functionality.

The ‘Zapier’ plugin connects your apps and automates workflows, while ‘Prompt Perfect’ aids in drafting more effective prompts. ‘Noteable’ supports note-taking, and ‘Video Insights’ helps to extract valuable snippets from videos. The ‘Show Me’ feature allows ChatGPT to source images for you, and ‘Bardeen’ streamlines multiple-platform management into one interface. ‘Ask Your PDF’ extracts information directly from PDF files you’ve uploaded and ‘Wolfram’ assists in tackling complex mathematical and scientific queries. ‘Scholar AI’ assists in educating about AI while ‘Web Pilot’ aids in web navigation. Lastly, the ‘Create QR Code’ generates quick response codes for a wide array of data types.

Each of these plugins is designed to enhance the already incredibly intelligent capabilities of ChatGPT. Stay tuned for more additions we will be sharing with you in the future.

9. Alternative ChatBOTS:

In this section titled “Alternative Chatbots,” we delve into some of the other AI chatbot technologies that exist alongside ChatGPT. First up is Google Bard, an intriguing project from Google that is built to generate creative and innovative content.

Then we mention Bing AI, a product of Microsoft’s advanced intelligence, designed to improve conversational capabilities in applications. We also touch on ‘Perplexity’, a key term in the world of AI, indicating the level of uncertainty the model has while predicting an output. Lower perplexity often leads to better outputs.

Lastly, we address Merlin. While it’s unclear whether this refers to a specific chatbot or system, it could possibly be hinting at Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab, an AI-powered bird recognition tool.

The precise context should elucidate the reference. This paragraph covers alternative and potentially competitive technologies to ChatGPT, reminding us of the vast landscape of AI chatbots.

10. Miscellaneous Tips:

In the final segment of our comprehensive ChatGPT cheat sheet, we delve into miscellaneous tips and tricks that predominantly revolve around experimenting with different roles.

Playing roles allows you to use ChatGPT in a variety of contexts. For instance, acting as a ‘Storyteller’, users can command the AI to weave a gripping short story around any specific theme. Taking on the ‘Historian’ role, you can direct ChatGPT to offer a concise history of any event or topic. As a ‘Life Coach’, ChatGPT can provide advice on personal issues or goals you might have. In the ‘Curator’ role, it can recommend any number of resources related to a particular topic of your choice. Finally, adopting the ‘Debater’ role, ChatGPT can formulate and present arguments in favour and against any given issue or topic.

Each of these roles amplifies the versatility of this outreach model, making it a perfect interface for various tasks and activities. So whether it’s storytelling, coaching, curation or even driving a debate, mastering these roles will open up a plethora of possibilities for effectively communicating with your AI model.

Master the art of prompt engineering and create top-notch content, solve problems, and supercharge your productivity Join my masterclass Freedom with Ai for FREE and Make your ChatGPT journey a breeze 🌟📚

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Avinash Mada

AI Visionary 🚀| Founder, IG Accelerators | I Post about: Prompt Engineering | AI Monetization | Follow for Game-Changing AI Insights ⬇️