Debunking The 8 Common Myths About Python

Chris Evans
3 min readAug 10, 2018


Most of the enterprises choose Python to develop large-scale web applications for their brands. This language lays the foundation for the coding career of the developers. You can hire python developers to build a web app to scale your products. But there are a few myths about this language. Let’s debunk the eight of them in the article.

1. High Cost: If you think Python involves high cost, you are highly mistaken. It is an open-source programming language and it’s completely free to download and use it. Most of Python’s licenses are free for use. However, there are a few of its contributions come from General Public License(GPL) where the enterprise has to pay for not adding the customizations done by Python programmers to the open-source. These customizations will belong exclusively to the company developing it.

2. Difficult Learning Curve: It is extremely easy to learn Python and code in it. Beginners might be apprehensive about venturing into a completely new territory. But the truth is Python is very simple and easy to execute. Developers need around six months to master Python’s code that is similar to the English language.

3. Only A Scripting Language: Python is both a scripting and an interpreted programming language. This duality has made it a general-purpose language. It requires no lengthy coding and the code is compiled on a virtual machine. A specific set of the tasks can be automated and the information can be extracted from the given data. It uses automated memory management and is a dynamically typed language.

4. Less Scaling: Python can scale to a greater extent. However, as it is not automated scaling needs some engineering. Most of the scaling issues that crop up are because of wrong architecture.

5. Low Speed: Python is faster than most of the other programming languages such as Ruby and JavaScript. Recent versions of this language have drastically improved the speed. Python web apps are built and deployed quickly.

6. Can’t Be Used For Big Projects: Only because it’s simple and easy does not mean that this language is cannot be used for big projects. The reusable code gives Python an added advantage and it has extensive predefined libraries. It also allows programmers to create new ones tailored to suit your specific business needs. These libraries can be reused multiple times so that to reduce the amount of work and time required to compose the code. Giants like Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Instagram make use of this language for many reasons.

7. Security & Support Issues: There is a common myth that Python is not secure and the code can be easily hacked. But in reality, Python is used for building networking security structures. This language facilitates the development of automation testing and security testing tools which performs much faster than the others and can be used for creating critical functioning systems even on a small level.

8. Less Demand: It is a myth that there is less demand for Python in the market. But in reality, there is a huge demand for Python and python programmers. The average salary of python developers ranges from $80,000 to $120,000 per year. Considering the current market status, it is the most popular programming language for web development.

To conclude these are some of the most common myths about the Python language. Don’t believe on these myths as they are baseless. You can hire python developers in order to build dynamic web applications to enhance the bottom line of your business.

