From Grofers to Blinkit: A Sprint of Convenience and Rise of Quick Commerce in India

4 min readJun 17, 2024


The lively streets of India reflect the rush with which life moves here. One would hardly be surprised that, even in the world of e-commerce, this same momentum finds expression through genotype companies focusing on blitz-like deliveries. Blinkit, earlier known as Grofers, is leading the charge in delivering groceries and essentials to customers in under 10 minutes. But the story of Blinkit’s rise is not one of overnight success. It is one of well-calculated pivots, strategic innovation, and keen understanding of the changing Indian consumer.

Early Steps: Sowing Seeds of Online Grocery Delivery (2014 – 2018)

The idea was born in 2013 when Albinder Dhindsa and Saurabh Kumar returned from abroad and thought of doing something that would simply change the way Indians shop for everyday needs. Grofers was, therefore, formed to deliver a careful selection of groceries and houseware items to the doorstep of consumers. The first years were difficult. At that time, the Indian e-commerce market was still at its nascent stage; convincing customers to move away from traditional brick-and-mortar stores wasn’t easy. Grofers did a lot of experimentation with subscription box models to ensure a predictable income stream while building customer loyalty.

Polishing the Approach: Getting the Right Tilt (2019–2021)

By this time, online grocery delivery finally started working in India, and Grofers continued polishing its approach. They felt the urge to diversify from just staples to more consumer needs. Now, the range of products began to encompass every other household need, from personal care to fresh fruits and vegetables. It was also a time when there was fierce competition from established e-commerce players. Grofers needed to create a differentiated value proposition.

Quick Commerce Revolution: Embracing the Need for Speed, 2022-present.

2022 became a defining year for Grofers. Quick commerce was the new concept mushrooming in India at that time, promising minutes as the time for delivery, in response to the ever-increasing demand for instant gratification. Feeling this consumer behavior, Grofers took a bold decision: it changed its brand name to Blinkit, a name superbly characterizing the concept of lightning-fast delivery.

The Secret Sauce of Blinkit’s Success

In this panorama, a whole recipe of factors has gone into the success of Blinkit. Robust partnerships with local stores make for a wide and readily available inventory that can be quickly picked up against ordered items. Besides these, a fine-tuned delivery network, dark stores-essentially, strategically located mini-warehouses within the city limits, and optimized delivery routes all contribute to minimizing delivery times. Technology plays no small part in this, too. It is easy to sift through a long list of products, place an order in a few clicks, and track deliveries in real-time using the easy-to-use Blinkit mobile app.

More Than Groceries: Serving Other Needs

While groceries still continue to form the core of Blinkit’s offerings, the basket of goods stretches far beyond that. From medicines and personal care products to pet supplies and stationery, Blinkit is cranking up the scale to be a one-stop shop for all daily essentials. Quite naturally, this will ensure customer needs and preferences are served at large.

The Way Ahead: Future of Quick Commerce in India

Today, Blinkit stands tall as a major player in the Indian instant commerce system. But continuous revamping of operations, checking entry feasibility into newer cities, and increasing product categories make Blinkit contending for further growth. With an abundance of promise lying ahead for the future of quick commerce in India, Blinkit, through rich experience, nimbleness, and indomitable commitment to speed and ease, cinches a key driver for this exciting space.

Beyond the Delivery Dash: A Glimpse into the Impact.

The story of Blinkit is not of just minute grocery deliveries; it exemplifies an understanding of the changing needs of the Indian consumer toward frictionless shopping. It is about changing the definition of convenience and creating a solution that integrates perfectly with the fast and busy lives of Indians. As Blinkit continues on its journey, quite likely, it is not going to only shape quick commerce in India’s future but also how people would shop for everyday essentials over the coming years.

