Makers’ Acebook Project — JIMJI

Iryna Audzei
4 min readJul 27, 2020


India Rex, Josh Ng, james A forster, Matthew Lock, Makers

Sprint 1 Day 1

(Zoom and Trello theme — vegetables)

Team name: JIMJI (made of first letters of our first names)
Project Seed: completed
Documenting our learning: Medium and Trello
Roles for the First Sprint: India — Leader + Helper, James — Scrum Master, Josh — Challenger, Matthew — Technician, Iryna — Scribe.

  1. Created user stories.
  2. Started to create a diagram.
  3. Created a checklist for implementing the first user story.
  4. Did planning poker.
  5. Made a plan for our first sprint:

research setting up rails
set up rails project
set up testing and code style
write our first test
research online db
setup db with user table
connect db to app
create controller

Team Charter

What do you expect from each other?

  • Be honest with each other — if there’s something you’re struggling with, share!
  • To have fun! If you’re laughing you’re learning
  • Being present, or communicating why you can’t
  • If you don’t understand something, let’s all go through it together
  • No one gets left behind!

How will you ensure a safe learning environment?

  • Sharing resources
  • Regular check ins — mood check ins in our stand ups/retros
  • Little catch up after lunch
  • 5–10 minute plan for the next day
  • It’s okay to go down a rabbit hole and come back up with not much! It happens :)

What is helpful for our learning:

James- Taking my time individually to understand stuff is very helpful. If I’m driving and not sure what’s going on I can get very stressed and sweaty. Nice breaks.

India- Learn best trying things out and talking them through. Driving/Navigating and switching regularly. If don’t get to drive, concentration becomes difficult, followed by interest!

Iryna- Sometimes need independent time to digest things. Helpful for us to agree on times in advance. Forward planning for how we timebox + structure. When driving please do one thing at a time so we all understand what we’re changing.

Josh — Learn best talking through problems. Enjoy explaining stuff when I understand it. Don’t mind driving or navigating. Have a fish-like attention span. Working in groups/pair helps my attention. Willing to break stuff. Taking frequent breaks.

Matt- Quite happy to do independent time or pair/group work. No preference really. Learning independently helpful for when I don’t understand, perhaps after we have worked together. Don’t enjoy driving all the time. Please don’t overload with instructions without the reasons.

What makes a good team?

  • Has fun!
  • Communication is incredibly important
  • Making sure everyone is present and trying to solve the same problem
  • Having a clear process and sticking to it
  • Being conscious of breaks and making sure everyone is on the same page
  • Catchphrases
  • Themes for sprints!

How do you go about learning a new tool?

  • Perhaps we all do a bit of reading around a new tool before we mob around it and set up
  • Timeslot for reading at the beginning so we can spend a bit of time with it beforehand

What is your time commitment?

  • No expectation at all to do any work in evenings or weekends

What meetings will you have?

  • 10am — 15 min check in
  • 2pm — afternoon check ins

Play by ear if people need time after meditation etc

  • 5:30pm — evening retro / planning for the next day

How will you hold yourselves accountable to your charter?

  • As soon as we want to change or make amendments, let everyone know
  • Let’s put a team goals column in the trello board

How will you track and report progress?

  • Retro’s
  • Check ins
  • Whack it in slack
  • Updates in Trello
  • If you are pairing or in a subteam, it’s your responsibility to update trello board

How will you ensure knowledge sharing?

  • Posting what we find in the Trello board in the resource column/list
  • Titling sections for resources
  • Sharing in Slack for immediate sharing with other subteam


  • If you’re laughing you’re learning
  • There’s no bad job, only an unfinished job
  • If you have loads of fun

Sprint 1 Day 2

Things we’ve done today:

  • Set up Rails.
  • Created a controller.
  • Created the posts resource.
  • Figured out how to add pages and write feature tests.
  • Added simplecov.
  • Set up Heroku.
  • Connected to a database.
  • Created a Signup feature test.
  • Created a Signup page (MVP done).


Went well:

  • team work;
  • communication;
  • switching drivers/navigators;
  • good progress;
  • clear goals;
  • breaks.

To improve:

  • more clarity on tickets;
  • standup clap;
  • understanding of Rails;
  • understanding what we are doing in our Agile roles.

Action items:

  • planning for next sprint along with poker;
  • we can start to look at pairing > mobbing soon as the tasks become more specific;
  • keep checking in with each other’s teams when split — keep up the communication;
  • more celebrating of things that go well.

Team goals:

  • Have fun! Not to cry too much;
  • Understand working in groups and agile working process;
  • Make sure all team members align in understanding the whole code base.

