Why We Invested: Bagels Finance

3 min readMay 28, 2021


We at Avisa Ventures Capital, are excited to announce that we have invested in Bagels Finance. Bagels Finance is a Leveraged Yield Farming Protocol that aims to provide Cross-Chain Aggregation as well as 10x leveraged yield farming to accommodate the highest APY return in the De-Fi liquidity farming market.

Bagels finance uses highly strategic methods to interact with multiple DeFi oriented platforms, products, and staking assets for farming. Bagels finance key features such as “Vault Farming, Leveraged Yield Farming, and the Dakodoa cross-chain aggregation & solution” are all set to create a revolution in the DeFi space.

Once this is implemented, it would serve as a benefit for almost all those who depend on DeFi.

Existing Problems in DeFi Growth

With the increase in Blockchain adaptation, we have seen numerous amount of networks and forks being created, and among these lie some major factors that tangle the growth of DeFi.

Multiple Networks or “Cross-chain” is a major factor.

Multiple Networks

Day by day we witness blockchain networks being forked and created into different types of networks to serve multiple functions. With numerous networks, people find it difficult to carry out a cross-chain transaction or utilization, because of the need to switch networks frequently. It is a confusing and tiring process.

Interoperability is currently very slim in this field, which has created a lot of issues.

Bagels Finance — The Cross-chain Leveraged Yield Farming Protocol

Bagels Finance is considered the first cross-chain leveraged yield farming aggregation protocol that is based on HECO/BSC/ETH Networks. Its primary aim is to provide users with up to 10x leverage to earn the highest APY in the DeFi liquidity farming market.

Bagels Finance uses highly strategic methods to interact with multiple DeFi oriented platforms, products, and staking assets for farming.

Bagels finance has come up with several key features that are expected to provide interoperability for cross-chain transactions and add other features that would take DeFi to a whole different level.

Bagels Finance provides the following Key Features:

● Dakodoa: Cross-chain Aggregation Protocol

This feature can be used to achieve cross-chain interoperable asset interaction as well as smart contract interactions. It also allows for cross-chain liquidity mining as well as the cross-chain vault.

● Bagels Leveraged Yield Farming

The highlight of this feature is that LP staking is not required for yield farming. Users will only have to collateralize one asset to the liquidity pool for yield farming and can use 2–10 times leverage to increase yield farming APY using the prominent De-Fi Farming pools.

● Dakodoa: Cross-chain Aggregation Protocol Solution

With this feature, users will be able to complete the cross-chain transactions with a click. This feature eliminates the need to switch between different public blockchain networks frequently.

“Bagels Finance has a lot of potential hidden within it. We believe we have a fruitful partnership with them that will assist them in performing at their maximum ability.” — Founders of Avisa Ventures.

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