International Women’s Week : Representing Mozilla Delhi Open Community

Avishi Rai
3 min readMar 11, 2018



As we know that 8th March is celebrated as the International Women’s Day. And the inspiring communities proposed a mega meet-up for all the communities in Delhi. Overall 7 organizing communities have been part of this meet-up. One of them was Mozilla Delhi Open Community along with PyDelhi, PyLadies Delhi, LinuxChix India, Women Who Code Delhi, Women Who Go Delhi, Women Techmakers Delhi, and Women in Machine Learning and Data Science.


The meet-up was at ADOBE , Noida, India. Each community came up and volunteers for the event so well that it didn’t lose the interest of attendees.

“if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

The speakers added value to the program, they gave sessions on the things about their currently working technology.

Firstly, we had Neha giving a talk on JS, that seek folks interest to join her and interact with her. Secondly, we have a talk on AI and the last talks on Java lovers. All the talks was so inspiring that it make folks to ask question and interact the speakers as well as the community present their. Then we have lighting talk session in which we have so making folks to take part . One of my inspiring talk was given by Sanyam Khurana” who discussed the method to contribute to open sources as well as on Mozilla. On the other hand “SDIoT seek everyone‘s interest! .The event was not only for womens but it was to promotes women to come achieve somethings in life and prove themselves.

A diversity of thought, perspective and culture is important in any field, not just engineering. Surround yourself with people who support you and get involved in [coding] programs”.

At last we had a closing ceremony in which all the organizing community give their introduction of 2 min.


My experience as being a part of this meet up and a volunteer at MOZILLA DELHI OPEN COMMUNITY was great I enjoyed a lot and would like to attend more meet up like this. This meet up was Inspiring session thanks to my mentor “shashank kumar”, for letting me to hold and enjoy this golden moments. And all the member of MOZILLA DELHI OPEN COMMUNITY ” who attended the meet up as well as my volunteer team HELL LABS (adarsh, anmol, sahil, anish, aman) was great experience with you all.

I (avishi) and parul representing the community in mega meetup

For the meetup pictures you can refer to this link :- pictures .

So , do you think you can volunteer any task come and join us . We are here representing the “MOZILLA DELHI OPEN COMMUNITY” feel free to join our telegram group. Here everyone contribution is discussed and everything is done on voting so that maximum number of people are involved in discussion.

Our motto is to help folks to contribute to Open sources as well as on Mozilla. We have just started off ,and are very active in our telegram group , mailing list as well .If you interact with us, attend our sessions and contribute to Mozilla after getting inspired, make sure you mention your contributions to the group. We’ll mention your contributions with a link to your Mozilla profile here on the wiki.

