A Day in the Life: Understanding the Routine at Day Boarding Schools in Shimla

Avishka Sengar
3 min readMay 7, 2024


A Day in the Life: Understanding the Routine at Day Boarding Schools in Shimla

Day boarding schools in Shimla offer a unique blend of academic excellence and holistic development for students.

With a focus on both education and extra-curricular activities, these institutions provide a structured routine that shapes students into well-rounded individuals.

In this article, we delve into the daily routine at day boarding schools in Shimla, highlighting the key aspects that make these institutions stand out.

Morning Routine

The day begins early at day boarding schools in Shimla, with students arriving on campus by 7:30 AM.

The morning assembly sets the tone for the day, fostering a sense of community and discipline among students.

During this time, announcements are made, important information is shared, and sometimes, inspirational talks are given to motivate students for the day ahead.

The assembly also serves as a platform for cultural activities and performances, further enriching the school experience.

Academic Schedule

Following the morning assembly, students dive into their academic schedule.

Day boarding schools in Shimla prioritize academics, offering a rigorous curriculum designed to challenge and inspire students.

Classes are conducted in well-equipped classrooms by experienced faculty members who are dedicated to ensuring the academic success of their students.

From mathematics to literature, science to social studies, students engage in a wide range of subjects aimed at nurturing their intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills.

Extracurricular Activities

Beyond academics, day boarding schools in Shimla place a strong emphasis on extracurricular activities.

These activities play a crucial role in the overall development of students, fostering creativity, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Whether it’s sports, music, art, or drama, students have ample opportunities to explore their interests and talents outside the classroom.

Shimla Public School, for example, offers a diverse range of extracurricular programs, including cricket, basketball, classical music, and painting, allowing students to pursue their passions and discover new ones.

Lunch and Break Time

A nutritious lunch is provided to students at day boarding schools in Shimla, ensuring they have the energy they need to sustain their focus throughout the day.

During break time, students have the chance to relax, socialize with their peers, and recharge before returning to their afternoon activities.

Some schools, such as St. Xavier’s Day Boarding School, also offer optional study sessions or tutoring during this time for students who may need extra academic support.

Afternoon Sessions

The afternoon sessions at day boarding schools in Shimla typically consist of a mix of academic classes, extracurricular activities, and elective courses.

Students may have additional classes in subjects like computer science, foreign languages, or vocational training, depending on their interests and academic goals.

These sessions provide students with the opportunity to further expand their knowledge and skills in areas beyond the core curriculum.

Homework and Study Time

Evenings at day boarding schools in Shimla are dedicated to homework and study time.

Supervised study halls or designated quiet areas are provided where students can concentrate on their assignments and prepare for upcoming tests and exams.

Teachers are available during this time to offer guidance and support, ensuring that students stay on track academically.

Additionally, some schools offer tutoring or academic workshops to help students excel in their studies.

Dinner and Evening Activities

A wholesome dinner is served to students at day boarding schools in Shimla, allowing them to refuel after a busy day of learning and activities.

Evening time may be dedicated to various recreational or cultural activities, such as movie screenings, talent shows, or guest lectures.

These activities not only provide entertainment but also promote social interaction and community bonding among students.

Oakridge International School, for instance, organizes regular movie nights where students can unwind and enjoy a film together.


In conclusion, the daily routine at day boarding schools in Shimla is designed to provide students with a balanced and enriching educational experience.

From academic classes to extracurricular activities, meals to study time, each aspect of the routine contributes to the holistic development of students.

By immersing themselves in this routine, students not only excel academically but also grow into confident, well-rounded individuals prepared to face the challenges of the future.

For parents seeking a nurturing and comprehensive educational environment for their children, day boarding schools in Shimla offer an ideal choice.

